@Los Angeles Lakers

Was Russell Westbrook Unfairly Criticized At The Lakers šŸ¤” #shorts

#russellwestbrook x #lakers


  1. Westbrook has slowly become one of my favorite players because of his selfless style of šŸ€ he brings to the game today. People forget he was a former MVP, that the NBA has moved past his style of play, but Russ keeps grinding it outšŸ˜Š!!!

  2. Look how Kobe would alter his game to play within a team concept, people call him a ballhog and ignore the offense was built for him to shoot the ball. When Pau joined he didn't have an ego trip and force Pau to change, he changed so Pau would be comfortable. Meanwhile LeBron gets all the best possible players, and then he refuses to change his game. He wants to get all the numbers and force everyone else to sacrifice, then when the team ultimately loses all those guys who sacrificed get the blame, even tho they don't even get to play their game, and LeBron gets all the excuses. Kobe was more willing to sacrifice individual stats to win where LeBron has never sacrificed his own stats to win. EVER

  3. Looking back we need to put more blame on Darvin ham. He was a ā€œchampionship level coachā€ when he came and weā€™ve had a solid roster the last two seasons. Just wish we had a coach that knew what they were doing

  4. I just love how Shannon just there & asked that question like he wasn't one of the biggest critics. I love Shay & even met him in person, but I would've called him out for that.

  5. Turn to Jesus people he died for your sins. Repent of what the New testament describes as sin. Believe the gospel get baptized and obey the teachings of Jesus. The gospel and the teachings of Jesus are documented in Matthew Mark Luke and John. Jesus is the only way to be saved God bless you all. If you have faith in Jesus through your faith you will live life with him as your example.;

  6. LeBron average 27 point is actually taking so much away from his teammates that I would much rather bron don't. It is not about shot attempt and stuff, but more about how he can only play a way, and he needs you to play a certain way for him to get that 27

  7. Russ was set up to fail day 1 on the Lakers. He's great in every way but was not the fit Lakers needed be side Lbj and Ad

  8. They shouldā€™ve just put Russ at point guard and let him play that role. He was good at distributing the ball. Taking that away from him really hurt him badly playing on the lakers.

  9. I had to stop it with mellow average 18 it was not nobody's fault but Westbrooks my problem with him wasn't that he wasn't scoring was it when he made mistakes he would not own up to him to come on Trevor Ariza I love you playing with the Lakers both times you play better the first time you was younger and won the championship and we true Laker fans want nothing but the best for the Lakers I don't knock Westbrook's work ethic it's his accountability -0. Trevor Ariza it doesn't matter what his game is he didn't want to come off the bench he didn't want to do anything that they asked him for you have to be held accountable as much money as he made sometimes you don't want to play a position but if that's all they have is you are asked you to do it as much money as you making you should play that position

  10. Nah it was justified. As a Laker fan and native to LA as soon as a player puts on that gold and purple uniform we expect greatness. If we are down by 1 with 0.4 seconds left on the clock we expect players to make those shots. I remember going to a laker game to watch Westbrook and with no surprise he bricked the most important shots. Everyone walked out upset and all we can say was ā€œKobe wouldnā€™t of missedā€

  11. Yeah Russ doesnā€™t deserve 100% of the blame for the failures of that Lakers team but he damn sure was a big part of why the team never worked. U canā€™t defend his play that season. He didnā€™t play good at all that season. The worst 3pt and FT shooter in the league as a starting point guard is horrible.

  12. Effort is not efficiency. He is absolutely a dunker and slasher and he got to old and can't do it anymore. He still hasn't become a knock down shooter and that's why kd left and melo has to warm up

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