@National Basketball Association

Kyrie Irving as the first option vs. 4-13 Memphis: 10/5/5 on 3/15 shooting and 0/5 from three


He’s never beating the “Robin” allegations and rightfully so lol


by honestnbafan


  1. HesiPullup

    Why do y’all feel the need to hate *so much* lol


    Wow another scorching hot take from AwkwardSpeech

  3. justforyouabirad

    Bro saw that luka was out and decided to close his third eye for a night

  4. rhaegaryen

    wallahi we’re pistons level without luka. fire kidd the piece of shit

  5. ChattTNRealtor

    Cuban saw he f’ed up after last season. Sold the team instead of dealing with this mess. Luka and Irving aren’t ever going to win a ring together. Just a good show for the fans and a 4-7 seed team.

  6. trafleslive

    Off night for our rival kyrie. Not going to happen again. Goodluck sweet prince

  7. armandocalvinisius

    Future heat at deadline

    Ofc there’s another 3rd team though

  8. So glad Kyrie stans have been silenced. We used to have to listen to these clowns hype him up as a superstar that could do more/be a first option while he was on the Cavs.

  9. BetleyIsland36

    Roddy and Vince Williams locked him down today

  10. I’m far from a fan of his off-court antics and he didn’t do my team any favors, but this post is hot garbage. Players have off -nights, it means absolutely nothing.

  11. medievalmachine

    Future Clipper Kyrie Irving came up short today against one of the worst teams in the league.

  12. trilly_house

    So weird that guys aren’t allowed to have bad games lol

  13. It’s a good thing he did this by himself over a large sample of games or else we’d have people saying it’s just one game or something along those lines

    /s in case any idiots are reading

  14. KillerZaWarudo

    According to “real basketball people” and bag twitter he the best player on the Mavs and can def be the number one option

  15. prettyflyforahentai

    Not allowed to have bad games in the NBA anymore.

  16. Alex_Sander077

    He’s been great this season. Just a tough night. People here are way too obsessed with this dude.

  17. he’s been awesome. screw the haters. bad games happen also good on memphis their gameplan was great

  18. Or maybe he had a bad shooting night? Seems Mavs are good this year and he’s been a positive there. I swear some on this sub just live on the suffering of other organizations.

  19. Bron really had to carry this bum to the finals every year

  20. Le4-6Mafia

    Kyrie might be the all time “___ was a PROBLEM” guy. There’s literally no evidence this guy has ever contributed to winning without Lebron. That 2016 run has done his career wonders.

  21. iCE_P0W3R

    I know people consider him borderline top 50 but his career has been so uneventful since he left the Cavs and Lebron.

  22. SparkFunk30

    Thank god I didn’t see Luka was out, I would have had some fucked up parlays today

  23. Sweatytubesock

    That’s been Kyrie day one. He can do better than this usually, but he’ll never carry a team anywhere on his own but to the lottery.

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