@Indiana Pacers

Indiana Pacers Searching for Answers!

#bornreadyjones #nba #indianapacers


  1. They lean way too much on Turner to clean up beside him being a plier of a decent defense. Not to mention he has not been as effective on that end due to being a little more offense focused this year

  2. Here we go with the Pacers coming out Hot just to Flame Out before half the season is done.

    Pacers The Cheapest Team In The League is costing the Pacers getting into the playoffs again because they don't want to make moves to improve the team.

  3. I truly appreciate hali leading this team. I just see them watching watching for hali to make plays which is a disaster for success. Hali is nice but hes no giannis. Guys gotta step up and play their game. Defense is horrible i admit. A trade is needed way too many forwards. Buddy is the worst defender ever, and why is he starting? Im not sure but you can expect sophmore mathurin to be a star if hes not playing tho. The jaquez guy is better than our whole squad minus hali that night and what makes it worse we had him in for a workout but weve gotten burned from UCLA players before but he has panned out so far for miami. Pacers please make a trade. All these players are trade bait even brown not worth 20 mil. Nembhard bounces the ball too much and no play making, Neismith comes and goes, Smith not consistent, we dont play walker, buddy good for 2 games disappear for 5. Just too many ok or so so players to compete

  4. I just don’t get what the plan is. If we aren’t going to play our young guys why not make a big trade and go out and win. 3 straight years of no playoffs and now we got a top 10 player in the league and we can’t get him some help 😭

  5. The issue with the pacers like the previous yr is their shots selections. This game the 3 points shots were not falling. They were only down by 3 points in the middle of the fourth quarter, why not shot the ball closer to the basket? The Heat C Bam is out with the injury and why not take advantage of it. Our shooting % FG was good the whole game but our FG for 3 points shots were terrible. We will die this season like last season if we don’t play defense and drive to the basket

  6. Walker not being ready to play is another stain on Pritchard, Buchanan, and the rest of the scouting department. All of them need to be fired immediately.

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