@Golden State Warriors

DOG !!!

DOG !!!

by bbcjay718


  1. Lolll I love how this kid couldn’t feel intimidated even if he tried. KD? He’ll trash talk him while he and his homies from the bench destroy his double digit lead on national television. Harden? Baits him into a full court charge because why the hell not 😂 kid’s got moxie for days and it’s so fun

    Edit to add: the r/nba thread for this clip is sick. There’s a couple hundred comments just trashing Podz and saying he should have gotten a technical for flopping lol unreal. You know the Warriors hate on that sub has reached another peak when theyre trashing a rookie for a big brain move in defense of James freaking Harden

  2. hobo_erotica

    Dude is gonna be fun to see develop, love his attitude

  3. wolfishnickelsyr

    This is sick. The background music and Harden’s face make it even better

  4. No_Manches_Man

    This, and when he got fouled by PG on an offensive rebound attempt too, the kid is 100% all in.

  5. North_Street_8547

    Flop but since it’s warriors I’m all for it

  6. Milli_Vanilli14

    I’m bias af but I don’t see that as a flop. That’s a pretty damn firm shoulder from harden and it was soooooooo unnecessary. Just a dumb move

  7. KingShaka23

    We need to get this kid to teach Dray that. You gotta fall as soon as there is contact lol.

  8. Do y’all hate it as much as I do how quick the video production is to cut away from live action to show someone’s stupid face?

    Warriors have ball pressure like that many times this game but they but away from it like every time.

    Super annoying.

  9. GuacamoleKick

    After last night’s game I ordered his jersey at the Warriors store.

  10. InSearchofOMG

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen a charge that far into the backcourt

  11. Mac_Hoose

    It’s amazing how intensity and intent mixed with bbiq just looks so good.

  12. MyNameIsntSharon

    harden needs to clean that shit up… around his lips. how can that be an enjoyable beard to wear?

  13. gethereddout

    TV producers miss 4-5 important plays a game by ignoring the backcourt so they can zoom on a player’s face. Especially late in games. I can’t wait for the day that we can choose our own angles, likely via VR.

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