@Golden State Warriors

Let’s get this man a few minutes…

Let’s get this man a few minutes…

by levopress


  1. PlzTellMyWiFiLoveHer

    I love this kid.

    Also include him in the trade for Lauri

  2. MultiPass21

    I have no issues with TJD, but I don’t see what problem he solves. And which big are you taking minutes from?

    He can’t protect the rim. He can’t guard wings. He can’t be a reliable 2nd scorer.

    He’s an acceptable rotation piece, but he’s not what we need right now.

  3. granttheginger

    Who doesn’t play then? I hate all these posts about wanting guys to play more without offering solutions as to how you do it while keeping the rotations to 10 guys or less

  4. Mountain-Arm7662

    God the next 26 games until February – just saw the opponents – I’m scared…we might actually be below .500 by then…😭😭😭

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