@Golden State Warriors

[Slater] Here’s Steve Kerr on the blown lead and loss to the Clippers. A more positive spin to it than the Sacramento meltdown because he felt they generally played well and Clippers took it.

[Slater] Here’s Steve Kerr on the blown lead and loss to the Clippers. A more positive spin to it than the Sacramento meltdown because he felt they generally played well and Clippers took it.

by shanks_you


  1. shanks_you

    Happened twice, in a week!

    Says something that we have 2 such games to compare in a 1 week span

  2. If the last quarter and a half is classified as playing well, then we’re in deep trouble.

    I get being optimistic, but you don’t blow it 20 point plus lead by playing “well.”

  3. sergechewbacca

    Another reason why nothing is going to change.

    They think they’re fine and things will work out. No sense of urgency. We’re a .500 team at best.

  4. andimfeeling

    You played Cory Joseph longer than Kuminga and allowed Dray to take a three on the last play, when we were down by 2. Yeah….it was the Clippers….

  5. MultiPass21

    I’m done with words, blind optimism, and false hope.

    It’s time for action.

  6. lehsunMartins

    Get rid of this Kerrorist man! Why the fuck they living in nostalgia

  7. One of the winningest coaches in NBA history can’t keep his team locked in to maintain a 20+ lead at halftime twice in the span of 1 week…hilarious

  8. skrimpskampi

    I forgot the game already but why didn’t dray handle the ball when curry was being defended well. Maybe he did and it didn’t matter idk I’m an idiot

  9. whytfnotdoit

    I appreciate the response from Kerr and I’m glad he’s putting this game in perspective. We have some adjustments to make, but this was a really good game for the bench to get more reps in and build some confidence while learning what mistakes not to make.

  10. julezy696

    I like how Kerr said “We CAN NOT turn it over and we CAN NOT foul. We do that we will be in great shape”……This is how to approach it (to the people who constantly complain about the refs)

  11. RemarkableBag9576

    Kerr is happy as long as everyone had a nice time out there.

  12. Nodecafallowed

    Too bad Harry Heimlich passed or we’d have to hire him as the new coach

  13. FuzzingBugHunting

    Unfortunately lost again with big lead. But not as bad as last one. Big lead was due to outstanding 3 pts from Green. And clippers missed many threes. In second half when clipper can hit more then it became a close game.

  14. RemarkableBag9576

    “This is the team I expect going forwards.” Positivity in the face of failure reaches a point where it starts coming across as stupidity, and we’ve already crossed that bridge with Kerr. The dude has a string on his back and when you pull it an extremely inoffensive, uncontroversial platitude comes out.

  15. FallacyFrank

    I gotta say, it’s hilarious how reactionary this sub has become 😂

    Every loss is literally the end of the world and we should probably fire Steve after a sub par November

  16. mattjchin

    He’ll never change even though his system no longer works how it used to. When will he learn to change?

  17. alanaazuli

    the lack of urgency and to think everything is fine (when it’s definitely not) when we’ve lost two games in the same week that we should’ve won is insane lol

    we should try seeing what we get for wiggins and cp3 bc the team plays faster and better without them tbh

  18. rarestakesando

    I was ready to have Kerr’s head on a spike after that Moody sun out a few games ago. After his apology tour, he’s been Much better with the rotations and the guys played with spirit. They had a ton of great defensive plays that just didn’t result in any points at the other end.

    Something needs fixing it’s clear but it’s way harder to point your finger at what the issue was here in this particular game.

  19. bypassmorecomments

    We fucking suck dude. Make some changes already.

  20. menusettingsgeneral

    I kinda get what he’s saying but idk how you can be pleased with how your team played or how you coached when you blow a 20 pt lead for the second time in three games. Doesn’t compute. That’s bad ball.

  21. I think Kerr is one of the most overrated coaches of all time but beyond his penchant to play CoJo too much, Steph lost us this game. Gave us nothing in the 2nd half. Absolutely nothing. This isn’t the first time either. He used to be a sure thing to close games. Not anymore.

  22. FoulPelican

    At what point does the reality go from – good team struggling to find it.. to, simply not a good team, that chokes a lot ?

  23. warriors2021

    Kerr, you can spin it however you want, blowing a 24 pt and 22 pt lead in the same damn week. Its unacceptable to me but I have now come to expect it bc we are not a good team anymore.

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