@Philadelphia 76ers



  1. AD Is the softest player in the league. He always has been. at some point we gotta stop being surprised. I know his body is broken down from all the injuries. But everybody plays through things. Also we gotta call Lebron oconal on his sus defense. How about that needs to change lebron

  2. It wasn't just AD. The team did not defend the 3 point line. They turned over the ball way too much. And Darvin Ham not calling timeout when the Sixers went on that massive run in the 1st quarter was just plain dumb. The game was over essentially after that 1st quarter.

  3. Love bron don't get it wrong. He still get his but he can no longer "Dominate" a game like he use too pure and simple! When u have a 40yr old (39) as your go to guy that's your problem right there!

  4. best to do nothing and try to win atleast 50% of regular season as Lakers have 0 picks.
    just a bad situation so play hard and have fun for the next 5 years

  5. As a true Laker fan. I put the team first before any player. But unfortunately, some Laker fans have bend over for LeBron James. I have been saying this from the beginning, we should have sold LeBron a long time ago and we would of freed up SO MUCH MONEY to invest in a talented young team that can compete for the next 6 to 7 years. What do we have now? What do we have for the future? We don't have jck sht! Pardon my language. I never wanted LeBron in the first place.

  6. LeBron's lack of defensive effort 8s next to 0. That, is what's leaking over into everyone else. I know he's old, but he's been doing this for a decade. No rebounds??? That's effort. Yet, AD gets all of the blame. It's never on Bron.

  7. You funny on this one! Give AD some slack especially against dude who is twice his weight…Will you? Embed is Goliath.

  8. we shouldn’t be surprised anymore about AD !! this is jst the type of player he is ! plain nd simple nd he will always be a robin l!

  9. we still haven’t seen how this team looks with vando Vincent nd reddish on da court !! so we gotta chill for a bit until those dudes come back

  10. AD just lucky he never hd to go against shaq 😂😂. If joel did that to him,shaq would destroy dude

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