@Golden State Warriors

The warriors have had me feeling like this every game for the past 2 seasons.

The warriors have had me feeling like this every game for the past 2 seasons.

by lowlifeforthefall


  1. The annoying thing about this team is that it feels like this year’s roster is miles better than last year. I watch them and it feels like they’d beat last years team in 5 in a playoff series. Yet they’re about exactly where they were the previous year.

  2. Emotional_Database53

    And Draymond is the looking threat of another Trump presidency

  3. broaway831

    Steph is gonna get hurt from having to carry this team every night if they don’t do something soon. Then it’ll really be Joever

  4. Honestly I think it’s a mindset thing.

    As Steph said before losing becomes a habit. They developed it last year and now they’re trying to shake that off this year.

  5. lastinglovehandles

    It’s one thing if we’re tanking, I’ll understand why we’re losing. The lack of consistency is what’s frustrating.

  6. Losing otto porter was massive. He was like having a second looney and klay in one player

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