
When “superteams” don’t work

Are the Clippers a doomed superteam? Why have they struggled so much since acquiring James Harden? This detailed film breakdown & scouting report explores Los Angeles’s bumpy start, some outdated offensive isolation concepts they are running, and the challenging or winning a championship with their current team around Kawhi Leonard and Paul George.

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Stats courtesy: @bballport
Footage in this video is owned by the NBA and its partners. It is intended for critique and education.

Music by Fairlight (Hair)



  1. Just like Kyrie Irving was the death knell of the Mavericks, Harden put the proverbial fork in the Clippers.

  2. Let’s be honest, Tyronn Lue isn’t that good of a coach. We’ve seen what it’s like to utilize stars, this reminds me of the Nash Nets, whole bunch of talent with abysmal coaching that created an iso-heavy hell.

  3. ….while he plays footsies in the corner … Cold but true. The problem is if players need the ball to be effective, it is not an easy transition to make if the team demands it. I also see some foundation issues, not looking up when dribbling results in missed opportunities, repeatedly. A lot of holes and problems but it's the NBA. These guys can adjust but again, the superteams don't always work. Good luck to the clippers.

  4. As a superstar I would love to play off ball with so much attention on everyone else that's an easy ass 20+ a game set me every screen then get my iso plays every now again

  5. Video can be summed up with the phrase, "There is only one ball". "Edit: he said this in the video lol.

    These are all players who need the ball to be effective. They are all iso players who suck at off ball movement.

  6. Harden is washed. He has little to offer a team at this point in his career. He had his peak and has his millions… everyone else is just wasting their time

  7. How can u make this video after a handful of games…. Its ridiculous how short the newscycles are now. Give them some damn time 😂

  8. On paper the Clippers are a bad team. Their biggest problem since acquiring PG and Kawhi has been rebounding and rim protection. They never needed a ball dominant point guard

  9. There’s a weird dynamic that happens defensively too. If you have a lot of superstar, scores traditionally, superstar scores don’t play great defense unless their names are Michael Jordan Kobe Bryant, Larry bird and Lebron was a good defender too, but Hell I’m not sure who else maybe wilt Chamberlain…. But anyways….

    The main point is Kobe Bryant style of basketball Michael Jordan style basketball worked good back then because not everybody could shoot. nowadays everyone can shoot, so move the ball or move your ass ans set a screen for open shots ! The term “role player” sticks for everyone now, everyone has a role. There’s only three players that can play Michael Jordan style a basketball aka:one on one basketball, Nikola, Jokić, Joel Embiid, and Zion Williamson if he would develop a short mid range shot. The reason I say that is because they can get to the rim anytime they want and they have good touch.

  10. To this day, I believe, getting rid of their depth and SGA to the Thunder to get George and be able to sign Kawhi was not worth it.

  11. I think with time they will be fine.. He is the system. He is also one of the best playmakers of our time even though he has passed his prime. If PG and Kawhi can adapt its game over.

  12. It was doomed from the start. PG and Kawhi’s games are too similar. PG isn’t a super efficient scorer and you add an even less efficient scorer in Russ. You add Harden when scoring wasn’t even their main issue.

  13. Harden really hates catch and shooting. It’s crazy how many open shots he’s passing up.

  14. Pelicans run into a lot of these same problems. Play very slow and let teams key in on their attack, and their stars are so focused getting their signature shot that they pass up easy looks

  15. You can't really call it a super team seeing as how most of these "superstars" haven't actually won anything before

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