@Dallas Mavericks

Dennis Rodman Lived With Mark Cuban When He Was On The Mavericks 😲


  1. I knew Rodman played for the Spurs — he was dating Madonna at the time — but I never knew he was a Maverick. I thought he went from S.A. directly to L.A. and then to the Bulls (after seriously considering joining the Sonics and the Heat).

    Detroit —> S.A. —> L.A. —> Chicago

    That’s how I thought it went.

  2. I’m sorry did this MF’er just say another grown ass man had to “sneak” Carmen Electra into the guest house with him? Who tf are you, his Dad? Or is it way darker than that? Do you see yourself as his bloody owner? You own team not the players ON the team!!! Idk when these rich pricks are gonna finally figure that out?! They’re probably well aware of it, but just pretend otherwise

  3. Dennis Rodman is the greatest reboundee in the historu of basketball…This wilt and bill russel talk is bs…they were twice his size.playing against midgets…Dennis at 6'6 / 6'7 led the league in rebounding 7 straight years against Legends and Giants…

  4. I remember Rodman then. He would sit on the bench at the end of the game with his sneakers off. 😏

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