@Denver Nuggets

Abysmal road trip sheds light on Denver Nuggets season – Weekends with Swipa

Ryan Blackburn and Swipa break down the Denver Nuggets 1-4 road trip all without Jamal Murray. They discuss why the Nuggets are so much better at home, what’s going on with Aaron Gordon and others in the rotation, and what the Nuggets can/should do to get right.

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  1. Denver has $104 mil tied up into 4 starters outside of Jokic. They are spending ALL NBA money on players thay aren't even ALL STAR talent. Denver has over paid for its talent

  2. Seriously, what's going on!?

    I was certain that Pickett, Watson, Zeke, Strawther, Gillespie and Tyson will be, like, championship level players this season.

    I don't know why I thought that, but knowing that C.Booth thought the same gave me confidence.

    Now, Nuggets remind me of Disney's "Marvels". All kitties, no dogs.

    But, it's all good. I've learned so much since last off-season.
    About the new CAP and CBO rules, about financials, about saving pennies.

    Now, when I talk to PHX, LAC, LAL, BOS, Bucks, etc fans – I feel so superior. Their stupid organizations spent so much more money (like 2,3,10 millions of $s) on salaries than Nuggets. For veteran or younger all-stars and HOFs. How dumb is that!? I definitely became GM level material, comparing to them.

    They think they have better rosters, more stars, more all-stars, more NBA players, more HOFs…

    They don't know that Pickett, Watson, Zeke, Strawther, Gillespie, Tyson just need another couple of months and they'll be AWESOME.
    They don't know that to win NBA ring one doesn't need 8-9 great players… I know that we don't need even six. Maybe not even 5.
    They're so stupid.

    Who's laughing now PHX/LAC/LAL/BOS/Bucks/etc fans!? Who's laughing NOW!?

  3. gonna watch other teams till murray is back, the non jokic minutes are borderline unwatchable. Jeff green outplayed the nuggets bench back to back matchups by himself is quite disgracefull

  4. Glad to see winning a championship hasn't changed the mindset of fans XD. We will be fine in the long run!

  5. Nuggets one of the worst teams in NBA without Jok..Imagen Luka or Giannes on this team ? They would request trade after month playing this garbige team man.

  6. Rookies are learning but Michael Porter must step up and reach next level . He seems to start slow many nights . Potential is great , but just means you haven’t delivered in line with expectations . Does he have the next level in him – we all know the injury history but can he be more forceful offensively or is he strictly a spot up shooter , if he is limited to that , he has to get to a top 10% on 3’s – quickly .

  7. There is no Tyrese Maxey on this roster who is willing and able to step up. AG and MPJ are just role players. Very good ones, but that's it.

  8. Not sure the Ryan Swipa thing is going to work much longer. Swipa is essentially a cheer leader who recently seems to enjoy flexing and trashing Blackburn who is a far sharper analyst. Not even close. Swipa is the guy for ultra casuals that want to believe stupid takes like last year's start has anything to do with this year's start. But that's Swipa. Make silly analogies but say it with arrogant confidence. Dim witted casuals love that kind of thing.

  9. I like Swipa but brother if you like MPJ that much you should take him home 😀 haha He is just terible player in terms of IQ defense and in terms of shooting he can hit open shots and cant create his own.. 😛

  10. I would like to see Jay Huff get minutes instead of Zeke. Also, they should give Hunter Tyson some minutes too. How else are they going to develop into good players?

  11. John Wall on a ten day would be a good thing.

    If they could make it work with boogie the chip would be a guarantee…

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