@Milwaukee Bucks

Would love to have this dawg back in the team

Would love to have this dawg back in the team

by kasft93


  1. FlipMoBitch

    No roster spot unless there’s a 2 for 1 trade :/

    Any 2 for 1 trade the Bucks do would most likely be Portis + PatC for a $20m player. Not sure who/what that is at this point.

  2. Kevin_Jim

    No. We need defense and youth. We are getting murdered both by size and speed. PJ can’t keep up with faster guys.

    We need someone like:
    – Danny Avdija
    – Thybulle

    Both are gettable with the little assets we have left. Especially the Blazers 2nd round pick, which will be at the very top of the 2nd round.

  3. username_x

    The reason he isn’t playing is because he’s 100% cooked lol

  4. nior_labotomy

    A 38 year old who averages a point a game on 16min with a negative Net Rating?



  5. This sub is full of guys we should NOT get today.

  6. Blackmalico32

    Need him on the coaching staff for defense

  7. TheLegendofLior

    The story of his departure is kinda sad. He said Horst told him to find a deal, and Bucks would match it. PJ felt disrespected he wasn’t just offered a contract, so he left.

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