@Detroit Pistons

The Detroit Pistons Situation Is Sad…

The Detroit Pistons are beyond terrible. They are currently on a 16 game losing streak that looks like it isn’t going to end soon. To say the Pistons are dysfunctional would be an understatement. This is a short video talking about them and their problems, but it isn’t a deep dive into them because that video would require way too much work.

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  1. idk why monty has started benching Ausar. They need Burks, Bog, Cade, Duren, Ausar to start. Burks and Bog to space the floor with their shooting, which gives Cade room to be more effective with pick and rolls with Duren, and Ausar can guard the toughest player on the opposing team.

  2. Team is too young with no veteran guidance. So many talented players but only one basketball.

  3. they had nowhere near the same assets as okc when they started, but still compared to like wolves or magic, their rebuild is terrible

  4. Bad rotations- shitty coaching…. Cade has been horrible offensively, Ivey being benched is a disgrace, Thompson as good as he's been doesn't fit what this roster needs (they needed shooting not a nonshooter on the wing)….. then you got Stewart who shouldn't be starting. It's just a bad fucking mix of talent. Duran, Ivey, and Cade- your building blocks everyone else needs to be moved.

  5. The talent on this team looks good on paper. Yeah Killian starting is questionable at best & he has the same weakness as a majority of this team in that they can't shoot. Cade is pretty much playing in a phone booth. Which of the many issues Monty can solve 1st will be a step in the right direction. The fanbase is restless as we see how other teams have shown progress compared to Detroit.

  6. The draft is a crap shoot. Very few players are ready for the NBA 1 year out of high school. The lottery doesn't appear to be as rigged as it once was because of this unpredictability. College and the pros would both benefit from kids staying in school longer.

  7. you could have left that buckbreaking picture of kyle lowry in daisy dukes out. sexual degenerate nonsense doesnt belong in a sports vid.

  8. Killian starts for his defense, and the last game with him running the point, and Cade coming off the ball seemed to work. This team plays hard. They look good to start the season, and when Ivey/Duren/Livers, we’re out, along with Bog and Morris… the team was depleted, and now just gettting their confidence back. They’ve been in most the games they’ve lost.

  9. The rebuild didn't start the same year. Why start the video with a lie. 2019 okc had SGA on it. Pistons drafted Killian in 2020. And they received multiple draft picks for Paul George along with SGA in the summer of 2019. The Pistons have handled the rebuild poorly, but you are comparing apples and oranges.

  10. The problem with watching the Pistons because you want to see Ausar's defense is that you're getting tricked into watching Ausar's shooting. He's just a utility piece unless he learns how to shoot a basketball.

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