@Denver Nuggets

Another strange tweet by Ryan Blackburn

What’s going on with Blackburn?

by LACIRCA2044


  1. Is he having a mental breakdown? His tweets lately are just flat out weird, between his strange jokic tweets against fans of jokic and other nuggets tweets he might be going through something.

  2. PearlDidNothingWrong

    Am I missing what’s weird about this post? The Pacers play a game reminiscent of the Nuggets and Haliburton puts up similar numbers to Jokic. It’s an obvious comparison to draw.

  3. YoungTheGiant_

    Eh Blackburn tweets out of his ass. I wouldn’t read too much into it.

  4. landlion35

    What’s strange about this? I’ve heard many times that the pacers are the nuggets of the east.

  5. Photoverge

    Nuggets have better ball movement. If the pacers had better cutters I could see this. But right now I think pacers play their own brand of ball

  6. Cruddiestknave3

    As a Pacers fan and a Nuggets enjoyer (fav team in the west, got family in Denver and LOVE the city), I like this comparison lol

  7. denverblazer

    I’m just going to start downvoting every time someone posts a tweet of this dude. Half of me thinks it’s Ryan himself posting these.

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