@Boston Celtics

(Shams) “I expect the Celtics to be active in the trade market as we get closer to February, to try to see if they can beef up their bench rotation.”

(Shams) “I expect the Celtics to be active in the trade market as we get closer to February, to try to see if they can beef up their bench rotation.”

by tacko2020


  1. coacoanutbenjamn

    There’s just not that many good players who make a low enough salary that we can match. I wonder who the front office has in mind

  2. Brad-Stevens

    Brad cooked this offseason but he may have whiffed on the minimums

    Just gimme a guy like Otto Porter who can shoot and has size

  3. I will speak this shit into existence because I am a Caruso fanboy.

    * PP, Brisset, Luke, Stevens + picks for Caruso
    * Add depth with TPE and picks for Drummond and Craig

    I don’t like Drummond but he isn’t playing in the playoffs anyhow and there isn’t points differential anymore.

    For full disclosure this can only happen after 24th of December and PP is a poison pill but that shouldn’t be a problem

  4. thatgreik

    Stg we’re going to see this every time we drop a game

  5. Celtics loses 1 game.
    The world’s in shambles.
    Break the team up.
    Fire the coach.
    Trade Jaylen.

  6. Opening_Outside_5788

    I guess gonna be another year of G.League for Queta

  7. Everyone really in their feels about losing an in season tournament.

    We hang banners here, not meaningless trophies, to make december games more exciting.

  8. We just need a solid 7-8 man cause Hauser and Al are great but sometimes inconsistent. A good, consistent backup PG or PF/C would be huge for this team but we are gonna be limited to who we can get due to cap space and second apron limitations.

  9. Cheeriofun

    First off, don’t overreact, team is 15-5 and we’re getting KP back this week. Even with no extra moves this season we will finish at least top 3 seed. But there is a very clear issue at the 4/5 position. Kornet had flashes of good defense/offense last night but he’s far too inconsistent and he’s hunted on D for a reason. Horford doesn’t switch well but his 1on1 D once other centers is really nice. His shooting is also a little inconsistent too, it can honestly make or break nights. I really think we should give brissett a run now and then, he’s a capable shooter and would help space the floor while guarding the other 4. But if we have to make a trade, it should be for that position

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