@Minnesota Timberwolves

Anyone else feel like this?

Anyone else feel like this?

by harryhitman9


  1. Weird to have a mini break like this mid-season, non all-star break. Came at a good time with our injuries though. Ant, Jaden, JMac, etc. Even Rudy popped up on in injury report last game.

  2. KickerofTale

    This minor break has allowed me to catch up on some shows lol

  3. We get 4 straight bad teams and have a few players down with minor injuries. I miss watching games, but this has been an ideal time for a break.

  4. twinberwolf

    Gonna be at the game Friday in Memphis. So stoked!

  5. 1000Isand1

    For real. But we have a gauntlet of games to finish out the month.

  6. remember the most recent strike-shortened season, where the Wolves played seemingly every night?

  7. PenaltyLatter2436

    Yes and no. I miss twolves basketball but am also grateful that it’s slow right now given that Ant and Jaden are dealing with injuries and have a chance to R&R.

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