@National Basketball Association

Zion and Ingram crack up after being asked how they’ll spend the $500k if they win the in season tournament

Zion and Ingram crack up after being asked how they’ll spend the $500k if they win the in season tournament

by SerialRapper


  1. inshamblesx

    some lucky strippers in new orleans will get their tuitions paid for

  2. maybeacademicweapon

    The whole city of New Orleans finna feel Zions wrath

  3. SimmonsClearsHartubs

    If I was a 24 year old who just made 500k I would also spend it on strippers and pornstars can you blame those two?

  4. I imagine they both stayed up arguing the merits of VOO vs VTI

  5. Puzzleheaded_Fox4684

    They both knew it was all going to Moriah Mills

  6. YSLMangoManiac

    They know exactly where they going the moment they get the cash

  7. FurryHentaiAdmirer

    Oh brother I wonder what the comments will be.

  8. pocari__sweat

    Bruh they going to Dallas to celebrate or what? Lmao

  9. All the IG hoes will be in NOLA like it’s all star week

  10. stonkerooni

    They’re not laughing at 500k being small potatoes, they’re laughing because there’s no way in hell they can say on camera how they’ll celebrate

  11. Morfeu1234

    Zion looks like a NFL player.

    Is it just me or am i trippin?

  12. Efficient_Art_1144

    Depending on how fast the payments hit the bank accounts this could be a direct investment by the nba into Las Vegas

  13. Aside from the whoring and cracking, i feel a great chemistry between the two somehow. Might be also the reason of the team success, the two are compatible despit being both slashing forwards haha

  14. They’re definitely blowing all 500k the same night at a strip club

  15. ValuableAssociate8

    As Mccants would say “the Work about to work”

  16. mxgicjohnson

    They know exactly what they’re doing 😂😂😂

  17. BackendSpecialist

    Can you imagine being so rich that you haven’t thought about winning $500k but you know it’ll be a good time?

    Lol 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲

  18. lmao you know they been talking about that shit ever since they heard they getting 500k each if they win

  19. alco365colours

    *Zion clappin* we….thot….butt…good time

    I deciphered their answer! Was right in front of us the whole time.

  20. SteveWondersForsight

    I wonder the amount of players who will actually leave this tournament down money? Gotta be a few of em for sure.

  21. 718Brooklyn

    Please invisible wizard daddy in the sky, let me come back as an NBA star in my next life.

  22. Notthesenator

    the caption insinuates that they’re mocking the amount of cash when they’re laughing at their shared memories of all the debauchery they get up to

  23. Malemansam

    I swear to fuckin god Ingram is George Gervins long lost child or something, they have that exact same cadence of perpetually high “cool, man” vibe and both long bois.

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