@Phoenix Suns

The Truth About Suns IST “Loss” To The Lakers..

Phoenix had a chance to win in the end but Lebron James received the superstar call of all superstar calls.
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  1. I agree, we kinda messed up for real, but damn it the officiating was horrible. Even with the high amount of turnovers, they almost didn't win. We'd kick their asses in a 7-game series, tho – that i know for sure.

  2. I don’t wanna be the person that uses f ing excuses but this is so true that timeout at the end should not have counted but then again Vogel needs to be smarter bc if we fouled Austin REAVES before he hit the 3 he prob would make both ft’s which we still just could’ve just hit a 3 of our own for tie game

  3. Boo hoo, Lakers have had their share of bad calls, for you one call and the whole NBA is rigged, but you didn't cry rigged when you eliminated Lakers back in 2021 at the playoffs. Just keep getting better, we will meet at playoffs this year for sure

  4. The sun , lost 10 percent blame on the sun, but rest blame on ref,I don't care how you analysis it, this is completely set up the league, it so fucking corrupt, the Lakers gonna win it all ,

  5. The suns lost cause of the beginning of the game. Half our turnovers in the first quarter. They couldn't take the pressure the lakers came out with. Lakers acted like they've been playing a game while we just started. They forced those turnovers on us by being more aggressive and getting us in foul trouble early on. If the suns didn't commit those turnovers and give extra shots by not rebounding because our big man was in foul trouble early, we'd be leading the game into the final quarter. Can't say we would've won because scenarios would be different for the end.

  6. The Lakers are not good. They're just good at beating the Suns. Sundo said that the Spurs put the West on notice when they beat the Suns twice, like they're going to be contenders or something. Check how many wins the Spurs have since then, or in total.. As for the time-out call, it was one of the worst I've ever seen, but the fact remains that the Suns don't deserve anything, they play terribly, and I can't see that changing soon.

  7. From the start suns straight up no size no defense no back up center no back up point guard got out hustle. Frank Vogel isn't the right coach. And their other player on the Suns Bench with size Vogel doesn't even play them at all.

  8. yes the last call was wrong but stop being delusional that this play could have altered the whole game i mean lakers were the better team the whole night and durant and booker would have fouled out if the game was going to overtime ………i know the proclivity of suns fan excusing themselves or forsaking the loss by saying that call was unfair …….ask youselves in a game of overtime could the suns with both teir stars on the verge of foulimg out could have won the game ? i think suns are not better than the lakes they have major flaws

  9. Only a very small amount of Lakers fans will admit to what happened. The majority of them are just plain hypocrites. They'll whine and cry when theyve been done wrong, but will play dumb whenever the wrongdoing is done in their favor. If the Suns were gonna lose, they shouldve lost fair and square and not with any help from the refs

  10. They admitted AR got fouled by Booker and Booker had a kick ball they didn’t call stop crying don’t turn the ball over 20 times

  11. As a basketball coach, I always tell my players not to put their fate in other people's hands because they will be disappointed. As a fan, I dislike the end of the game, but we had too many other mistakes that contributed to our loss.

  12. Suns have no credibility when complaining about refs. when Vogel complained post game with Nuggets about lack of calls for Durant. A look at the box score had Durant shooting more free throws than the entire Nuggets team.


  14. OK I know this is a Suns channel and you guys don't want the truth but…WE WANT THE LAKERS OR CELTICS IN WHATEVER MAJOR GAME THERE IS. Just being honest. Look the Suns have no shot KD is not a winner, we don't want to see him choke. We all are dying to see the Celtics vs. Lakers Finals and for this tournament, we want either Celtics or Lakers or better Celtics vs. Lakers. Don't believe it, take a poll of 10,000 NBA fans from the US evenly, we want Celtics vs. Lakers or either in the final. You don't think the ref's know this??? You guys will call me names, say I'm crazy, or worse, but this isn't the NFL, the NBA is driven by two teams Lakers, the Celtics. Anytime the NBA has a chance to push either team it's going to happen and that's a good thing for MOST NBA Fans.

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