@Minnesota Timberwolves

How Rudy Gobert’s Defense is Shutting Down the NBA

The Minnesota Timberwolves are THE BEST defense in the entire NBA so far, due in large part to Rudy Gobert playing a defensive player of the year caliber level. Rudy Gobert’s defense to start this season is up there with some of the best defense he’s played in his entire career, and as a result, the Timberwolves defense has benefited immensely from it.

Many people called the Rudy Gobert trade one of the worst trades in NBA history, but now it’s looking like it might pay off for the Timberwolves, especially if their defense continues to dominate opposing teams as much as it has so far.

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#RudyGobert #Timberwolves #NBA


  1. I want Gobert to win DPOY. I'm a Jazz fan who didn't want to trade him, but we got a great haul. But I wish him success. People slandered him too much.

  2. Can you compare analyzing videos from when he was with the Jazz versus the Wolves?

  3. Love seeing Gobert back to his DPOY form. Last year was a disaster the T Wolves didn't need. But now they're playing great selfless basketball. They're at least making the WCF.

  4. To me, I believe he's the clear #1 for DPOY so far. Also, it's still crazy that Rudy is averaging 2.4 Blocks after 20 games into the season

  5. Gobert never had good perimeter D in Utah, he had to stay home to cover for that weakness, Minnesota has very good perimeter d(especially Jaden McDaniels) so he can be more aggressive than In Utah

  6. Im so glad of his success this year.
    I was skeptical that he and Kat would find a rhythm together after last year.
    Granted I think it is because of other pieces around him that allow Gobert to be Gobert.
    Jaden is the first name on that list of players that greatly help Gobert.

  7. Rudy's legacy would be a lot better if he didn't chase that super max contract. He ruined a great opportunity in Utah because he thought he should be paid as well as Lebron. He is great but he overvalued himself and handicapped the team from being great by taking up a third of the salary cap.

  8. I am a defensive minded guy who never understood the Gobert haters and I am so glad many have changed the narrative about Rudy this year. He deserves the love, he is a great mental force, a fantastic basketball player and a great guy. I hope soon DPOY and maybe All Stars I hope!

  9. Always said the Utah situation wasn't his fault and that the team's roster is what's making him look bad. Jazz simply did not have have the perimeter defenders that can close out on shooters, rotate properly or even slow down penetration. This is why there is so many clips of Gobert running around trying to both defend the corner AND the paint.

  10. Gobert has absolutely 100 percent earned the dpoy idc what y’all have to say bout ad he’s not making this much impact

  11. They need to create a "nevermind" stat for Gobert. Everytine an opponent stops doing what hes doing because Gobert is hulking over him, thats a "nevermind".

  12. I hope this not the another one where Rudy was playing excellent for the whole regular season but when the playoffs started he became a teddy bear.

  13. Think another big piece has been KAT's leap defensively. Gobert feels more comfortable leaving a big when they're playing man than in the past because KAT has been so much better on defense this year.

  14. Lol I think I already saw this in utah. How many times do you have to be fooled by this guy thinking he is legit? Once playoffs come you will all see the fraud he is been and always will be.

  15. Just knowing he's behind you allows guards to HOUND the perimeter on defense and if they get by you well, have fun trying to score on THAT DUDE in the paint. Lol 😊

  16. The first thing I think of when I hear Rudy Gobert’s name is him getting abused in the playoffs and Curry spinning him around like a yoyo. Great rim protector, atrocious everywhere else.

  17. Gobert gets so much hate by casual NBA fans it's crazy. The man is a beast on both sides of the floor. Yes he can not post up and shoot but he just doesn't do things he can't do. But he does a lot of things nobody else does as well as he does. The Jazz were the number 1 seed in the west when he was in Utah and now the Wolves are. It is no coincidence.

  18. Called it last season when ppl were trashing the Gobert trade. Yes, of course, Minny traded too much.

    Told that give some time next year it'll be better cuz: Edwards better, KAT healthy, Finch good coach, and Rudy is a defensive anchor. Actually, he's much more: he's a defensive SYSTEM. DPOY runner this year by far (but AD will get all the love in the media)

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