@Miami Heat

Miami Heat Quarter Season Report Ep. 510

Welcome welcome welcome! Giancarlo Navas is joined by Pablo to discuss

• Is the Heat’s shooting real?
• Heat consolidation plan
• Miami’s guard depth
• Rim defense slippage

and more


  1. hey listen but why is this a problem if you can get this offensive production with the Miami heat defense completely healthy with Hayward highsmith and Bam together on the court what is the problem with it because if you have been in

  2. Remember all those 4th quarters when Jimmy sits and Bam is in & they lose the lead… that’s facts. Bam isn’t an efficient enough shooter for them to survive without Jimmy on the floor. The stats are accurate. Bam is a willing shooter now, great, but he’s not an efficient shooter.

  3. Bruh can u pls 🛑 hyping up Lowry like we don’t no what he is with his iq n previous accolades now he needs to come off the bench I can name at least 20 pgs I would much rather have for his contract do you really think he playing like a 30 million dollar player

  4. You don’t trade playoff proven WIN NOW players because of NEXT YEAR… ridiculous

    The Heat would never trade closers… makes me question the intellect of folks trying to have that conversation

  5. I think the next critical juncture for the Heat will be the final trade deadline. A disgruntled win-now superstar with an established NBA front office will HAVE to at least acknowledge what miami has to sell.

    Hell, if steph wants out of oakland and throws a proper modern-day NBA icon player empowerment move, the Heat will be able to take a legitimate swing. Just saying…

    Otherwise the depth isn't bad at all. This is a team looking towards the playoffs, that much is obvious but they need to be able to bring their A-game for 4 rounds.

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