@Philadelphia 76ers

Austin Krell (@NBAKrell) on X Nick Nurse says he is concerned about Embiid’s knee. He talked to Simon Rice, who said they’ll evaluate it overnight and into the next couple of days.

Austin Krell (@NBAKrell) on X Nick Nurse says he is concerned about Embiid’s knee. He talked to Simon Rice, who said they’ll evaluate it overnight and into the next couple of days.

by ojseye


  1. Joel said he thinks it’s fine but we’ll see. Prob will get a day off

  2. bruhboi2222

    good thing the upcoming stretch is super easy. can still go 6-3 at least over the next few games

  3. ALunacyEruption

    Anyone else read Simon Rice as Simeon Rice the first like 5 times they saw the headline of this story? 😂🤦‍♂️

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