@Miami Heat

MHB Postgame Show | Miami Heat 109 vs Cleveland Cavaliers 111 (12/8/23)

Welcome welcome welcome! Giancarlo Navas is joined by Pablo to discuss

• Embarrassing Heat Performance
• Miami rebounding woes
• Jimmy no show
• Heat (bad) defensive performance

and more


  1. Bad night for Duncan to come back down to earth. Razor thin margin the game the Heat play.

  2. Jimmy wants to say he does not like where the team is, that they are mediocre but yet he's the Superstar on the team and he's inconsistent mediocre 🤦🏼‍♂️ you think they're mediocre then get out there and will your team.

  3. Jaime wasn't that good tonight many turnovers,Duncan came down to earth , Jimmy's shots weren't going in, the whole team is just too inconsistent,Jaime looked gassed in the fourth the NBA schedule might be catching up to him

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