@National Basketball Association

[Stephen A Smith] “Zion Williamson went to the free throw line… ladies and gentleman, I saw a BELLY. A BELLY. When he took a deep breath his belly bounced — that kind of BELLY… you look like you showed up to the game having just ate a buffet.”

[Stephen A Smith] “Zion Williamson went to the free throw line… ladies and gentleman, I saw a BELLY. A BELLY. When he took a deep breath his belly bounced — that kind of BELLY… you look like you showed up to the game having just ate a buffet.”

by AashyLarry


  1. abippityboop

    I should have known better than to play Stephen A. Smith with headphones on. RIP my ears.

  2. solarscopez

    I used to eat like Zion. He is fat on purpose. When I see Zion eat as he is now it reminds me of how I used to eat and it is frustrating and pisses me off that the NBA allows it. Not proud of it, I was known as Joey chestnut at my local Golden Corral and went through a phase when I ate triple servings of everything. Big rack of ribs turns to my blindside, didn’t care who was there. Charge right into the dessert. Smash into the best steak on D while going for the mashed potato’s, come what may. Limited cardio moves. So make no mistake about it. Zion knows what he’s doing. He knows people will be disgusted. He knows his appetite is unlimited and this is how he can win. He knows people will go away when he starts eating, think twice on their diet, etc. He will only be stopped by a healthy meal like carrots, lettuce, broccoli, etc. Or by an obviously more balanced carb with equal Type A like wheat bread. He didn’t intend to be obese, but he certainly intends to show you that he doesn’t care if you get disgusted when his fat belly shakes over you. At least that’s how I used to eat. But that was lunchtime. Eventually I got to dinner, ate w bigger servings, ate real fatty foods w hostess. There’s no doubt in my mind Zion eats more than some villages.

  3. Gristle__McThornbody

    There were a few times the camera was on him and he was breathing HARD. What an unprofessional.

  4. Brief-Web-676

    Man, every NBA TV personality just suddenly became Scott Steiner.

  5. LeBremsstrahlung

    Some people see his arms and think he isn’t fat.

  6. MySabonerRunsOladipo

    “He looks fat!” is a clip that I’m sure I’ll never see again, ever

  7. JameisWeTooScrong

    Did no one watch the Pelicans this entire season? Zion didn’t just get fat overnight- they play the Lakers and he has one bad game and now the whole nba world is fat shaming him.

  8. G1Spectrum

    Hoping this will motivate Zion to get his ass into shape

  9. Dunbar247

    HE’S FAT.

    That’s up there with WHO WAS ON CRACK

  10. BRein1919

    “Not something from the buffet, I said THE BUFFET” 🤣🤣🤣this guy got me rolling lmao

  11. Bookstorm2023

    According to his p*rn star ex, Zion is a big eater. She said he even ate the 🍑

    Anyway, I hope he watches his weight more.

  12. WrinklyEye

    Is this the first time he’s been on TV this whole year or something ?

  13. StanLay281

    Imagine how cracked Zion would be if he was on Miami’s workout / nutrition plan

  14. The city of New Orleans needs to do whatever the opposite of Kawhi’ne N’ Dine is

  15. What’s sad to me is how he looked last season vs this season. Last season he was in shape, rejuvenated, ready to ball & this year there is a decline. He can put up numbers just off talent because he’s that fucking gifted but he’s robbing himself of a legendary career and that’s the disappointing part. Bro needs to put the weed & the food down expeditiously before he gets hurt again & he restarts the cycle again

  16. Alive_Chef_3057

    Man, I grew up close to Nola. Have family in NOLA.. The food is outstanding everywhere. If you’re an armature, and not disciplined. You will gain a lot of weight.

  17. ChillyDisappointment

    Doesn’t he have a weight clause in his contract?

  18. Large_Mango

    Watching the Pacers and Lakers get up and down the floor – both teams are FLYING around

    There’s NO WAY Zion could do that

  19. trimble197

    Ok, we’re gonna be talking about mental health later on.

  20. Piss_Sage

    How the fuck can you be a multimillionaire and pro athlete and not just hire a chef? Christ he could just eat top quality seafood and lean beef every night and would taste amazing but he’d rather gorge on honey buns.

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