@Golden State Warriors

Which phase are we on right now

What do we really need to do to close games? 😭

by rafale0n


  1. sriracha82

    We’re not playing a bad team next though so it will be stuck in blow big lead lose in stupid fashion for a couple more games

  2. draymond-

    Actually have more talent on the team than a bunch of old slow chuckers?

  3. ninersgoodwin

    We are on the get blown out and time to make some trades. Everyone should be on the table besides curry

  4. System_Lower

    Well. 19 games 500 or above. Only 3 below!!!!

  5. HHelvet1ca

    We’re not even a 9 seed team. Plenty of teams that are better younger and better D that our Warriors. Window is closing very ver fast. Gonna take a miracle and a big key trade(s) to occur

  6. cai_tao_kueh

    I’m hoping that this team can finish the season at .500 or slightly above, but after seeing this W-L-W-L-W-L repetition it’s gonna be very difficult. Our key players are injured like GP2 which deals a huge blow to our defense. We definitely need vital trades in order to see some progression for the Dubs

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