@New York Knicks

NBA Twitter is full of casuals. Benching Reddish, Fournier, and Rose quite literally saved our season last year.

NBA Twitter is full of casuals. Benching Reddish, Fournier, and Rose quite literally saved our season last year.

by Rgb3rgb2


  1. KuntaWuKnicks

    Twitter is the playground of idiots

    Don’t worry about it

  2. Tommy-M-Shelby

    Haha. Funny how you group in Evan and Rose because the players mentioned here, Reddish and Obi, have proven themselves to be useful players on much better teams if put in the right roles. Thibs clearly did not utilize them properly. Grimes will be the next example when he is traded for an older , more expensive player and becomes a 15ppg scorer playing excellent defense.

  3. Also kills me is toxic Knicks fans posting Obi and Cam boxscores anytime they have a good game to prove a point. Fucking annoying.

  4. Cautious-Ad-9554

    Playing Grimes over Reddish was the right thing to do. Keeping Reddish glued to the bench and playing I-Hart and Sims together when we had injuries instead of playing Cam was a hard ass coach flexing on a player who pissed him off. Cam’s benching was fine, he doesn’t “suck”, and he could have been used a little more. All are true. A lot of fans like these binary fights and they are ALL annoying

  5. Ronnie2kDropCode

    We’re really missing that 7 ppg on 40% from the field and 31% from three rn

  6. TheSasukeDive

    He also started for Portland before they let him go. The ignorance in that statement is crazy

  7. HardOakleyFoul

    As if Atlanta and Portland didn’t let his ass walk too. Nah just the Knicks. Blithering idiots, all of them. And it’s not like he’s even good. He’s playing with LeBron, who can make a 10 year old look like he’s ready for the pros.

  8. Literally the only thing different with Obi is that he’s starting and getting more minutes. That’s it. He’s still not a good defender. Still refuses to rebound. Still shooting UFOs from three. The only thing that has improved is his efficiency, and that isn’t much of a surprise considering his main mode of scoring is transition dunks and alley-oops. The efficiency is only going to tick up with more minutes.

    To say the Knicks fumbled Cam and Obi, despite Cam currently having one of his worst statistical seasons of his career and Obi just doing the same Obi stuff for better AND worse, is laughable and screams of knowing absolutely nothing about either player.

  9. Same thing here people still crying over the softest PF in the league

  10. If people don’t understand the context then they’re just ignorant.

    1. Cam is playing with LEBRON JAMES

    2. Obi is starting now, so of course his stats are a little inflated

    That’s literally all it is, these dudes are mid, we’re much better off with our roster now lol.

  11. bakedl0gic

    Reddish is not a good player. This is ridiculous.

  12. They got their panties in a bunch over cam and the INSEASON TOURNAMENT. We talkin bout practice. We talkin bout practice?

  13. manfromfuture

    I’m continually disappointed with what players Thibs refuses to use. Reddish was one of them. That being said his stats don’t seem like they are improving post ATL. I guess that doesn’t tell the whole story but I don’t think you can throw it in the Knicks face as if he turned into something really special.

  14. MyNameIsCarterDatsIt

    I Watch a lot of nba. Reddish is not that good during a lot of their games.

  15. BlvckDeku

    You can tell they didn’t watch any Knicks games. Pay them no mind.

  16. JodiS1111

    The problem is we didn’t do much in receiving trade value for cam and obi, we could have packaged them better (along with fournier) to probably bring back some talent.

  17. jbrunsonfan

    You don’t understand, these people would have flipped Randle and Barrett for 5 first round picks, a Vanderbilt, a McDaniel, and a top 10 draft pick.

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