@Minnesota Timberwolves

The Revival Of Rudy Gobert

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  1. It starting to seem more like Minnesota was ahead of the curve. Tim Connelly was the previous Denver Nuggets GM and knew that Jokic and company were going to be a massive problem. Every team in the west has to go through Denver and it makes sense to have a defensive oriented big to deal with Jokic.

  2. KAT was injured most of the season! That’s why they ran it back. They needed a chance to jive and play together for a decent amount of time.

  3. People say the package is the worst in history, it sounds like a lot but really isn’t that bad. Beasley, Kessler, vando, and Beverly would at best be a 9th man on this Timberwolves team. There’s only 3 more picks that are likely to be in the 24-30 range too. Even if the Timberwolves had some of these picks it’s unlikely any of them would contribute

  4. A trade we don’t talk about enough is the clippers trading for PG… giving up SGA and some. And no rings yet

  5. I wish when ppl make these videos stop saying what other ppl already said. Stop going back explain everything the world already knows. Keep it up to date geez. NO ONE LIKES RUDY. Have to hear this shit over and over. Rudy Ballin out this year, he's doing more then the best top 5 centers right now. Give that men his flowers. Ant is not playing and rudy been a big impact on both ends of the floor. Whenever Rudy's out the game they start losing the lead. That says a fucking lot

  6. If they tracked “NVM”s (ie. Players deciding to nope out of a look in the paint as an opposing team’s primary rim protector steps up to them) Gobert would lead the league by a wide margin. People who shit on the dude fail to recognize this bc they don’t watch Wolves games and it’s the kind of thing that doesn’t show up in a box score. But I’ve seen some of the best scorers in the league this year bail out of drives the second they see Rudy stepping up. If he keeps playing the way he’s been playing and doesn’t win DPOY then the award is meaningless and should not be taken seriously going forward.

  7. the t-wolves have a nice roster and lots of good versatile defenders, such as mcdaniels, reed, ANT. Gobert barely had any serviceable defenders at the jazz, but dude is so limited offensively. I feel like porzingis would have a similar impact when we consider spacing, lob threat, some shot blocking. Gobert isn't as a total package better than prime clint capela, or myles turner, both of which do not get the love that gobert gets. Gobert is overatted by media and underatted by fans, and these two dynamics play off each other — fans underatting gobert cause he is overatted by media. An undoubtly very impactful defender, but woeful offensive player and limited in transition and basketball skills. dude is terrible at even making catches in the post and around the rim. Javele mcgee has way more raw talent than gobert, but lacks that slight bit of height and if he was in his prime now he would put up similar defensive stats and be better on offense.

  8. As a frenchman and all-time fan of Rudy and his underappreciated work in collective defense AND offense, I drink whey in this beginning season ! I'm so glad for him.

  9. You guys wanna talk abouta bad trade? Remember Clippers trading multiple first round picks and SGA for paul george?😂😂😂

  10. Utah is going to be getting players from this trade for a long time, but they also still have to draft correctly and coach the players they draft. Also, the more competitive the Wolves are, the worse those picks are, and if you're getting a bunch of late 1st and some guys who the Wolves didn't want for a game changing player like Rudy Gobert, then that's not as good of a trade as some people probably think it is.

  11. Remember one year ago that everybody thought that Mitchell didn't need Gobert and Kessler was better than him. Still sure about that?

  12. I never liked Gobert. Im personally a Gsw fan so i laughed when Dray violated him. But i also happen to really like Ant im one of those believers that he's the next Mj so im giving Goburt ass one more chance 😂

  13. Gobert has already show the ability to play well in the regular season, he still needs to prove it in the playoffs

  14. the greasy, sleazeball, alpha wannabe, loser who began this clip should be forced to eat crow on live TV…..
    but that's how you increase traffic to your podcast. be controversial. conflict sells…..

  15. The trade was dumb and would still be dumb if Rudy wins DPOY this year. But people have to hate the Timberwolves for making the trade. Rudy didn't have any power in it

  16. Its people that dont understand how a team is built that think this trade deal was really that bad. It wasn't great dont get me wrong, but what are the wolves going to do with 3 more picks when they got ANT KAT and McDaniels. Now browns is exploding as well, and Alexander Walker has gotten himself a consistant base for performance. And that's even without mentionning Naz or Conley or Anderson. This Gobert trade is not just having consequence on the Wolves, its having concequences on the league. It aint a small guard game anymore, and that's because of the wolves… and the joker.

  17. To be number 1 in offensive rebound, your team needs to throw a lot of bricks tho. Shoot out to the Knicks /

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