@Golden State Warriors

Perk responds to Steph & Kerr’s comments: ‘Draymond is NOT the VICTIM’ 😬 | NBA Today

Chiney Ogwumike, Kendrick Perkins, and Zach Lowe join Malika Andrews on NBA Today to react to Steve Kerr and Steph Curry speaking to the media for the first time since Draymond Green was suspended.

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  1. I'm a longtime Draymond fan, wary of his on-court emotionalism. Several years ago, I'd already had concern about the example he was setting for his toddler son, who's now 7 years old. However, it's at least as disturbing to see how some refs have become biased against Draymond and how some talking heads around the NBA are using him as clickbait. Sure, his susceptibility to variously strong reactions on-court are fair game for opponents to goad…that's on him to control. But, too many sports wonks like to pile-on, regardless. While Draymond can take it, as if he has a choice, such fan malaise is ugly and unsportmanlike in too many ways! Fantasy sports have mutated to too much incivility and petty pretentiousness. Draymond is paying his dues, now can fickle fans pay theirs?

  2. I’m with Perk on this. The problem isn’t that Kerr didn’t say it loud enough, he didn’t say it early enough. There have not been consequences for Green for most of his assaults. He takes pride in his ejections, it seems.

    The latest indefinite suspension is the first significant consequence, and it remains to be seen whether it is significant enough. I don’t think it is. I hope Green is out for the rest of the season, and I hope it costs him dearly.

    I’m in the Bay Area, by the way. The Warriors are the team I follow.

  3. I love this narrative the Draymond is just going through something. Dude has neen a scumbag his entire career.

  4. What Steve Kerr and Steph Curry said what Draymond needs to do is years too late. They enabled and protected Draymond Green over and over which in turn allowed Draymond to get worse and worse. The Warriors dynasty as we once knew it is over! They have made so many poor organizational decisions……one being how they handled Jordan Poole getting sucker punched!

  5. This is getting so old. The NBA needs to focus more on protecting other players FROM Draymond. They are doing it to an extent via the indefinite suspension, but the language is offputting, as it almost always focuses on the offender and not the rest of the players' safety.

  6. Both can be true and it depends what job you have: One is a coach and one is a TV commentator. Of course Dreymond is out of line ands hurt people, but its also true that he needs help. Needing help is not the same as being a victim. I dont recall anyone saying that he is a victim.

  7. So Greene ASSAULTS AND ASSAULTS people on the court and then HE NEEDS HELP and is a Victim.Kerr, Curry and SAS are beyond stupid in defending the actions of Green who should be ARRESTED and charged with ASSAULT with a DEADLY WEAPON.The cops should now get involved in this

  8. Was people talking like this about Dennis Rodman? The Morrison brothers? Demarcus Cousins? Dwayne Howard? Meta World Peace? Shall I Continue?

  9. Making mental health as an excuse lol. He is just a clown. Picks on folks that everybody knows won’t fight back. He ever tried that to jokic? Randle? Zebo? 😂😂😂

  10. I’m not understanding what Perk wants Kerr and Curry to say 😂 “ F Draymond we don’t need him get him away from us immediately” ? 😂🤣 like what does he really want them to say 🤦🏾‍♂️😂🤣🤣🤣

  11. 0:09 Maybe he needs a change of scenery. I was suggesting in the off-season that he should go play for Darvin Ham with the Los Angeles Lakers. Darvin and Draymond are from the same city, and went to the same High School. I believe Coach Ham would be the perfect coach for Draymond.

  12. Curry is too soft and let's Draymond and anyone else run the team. Steve Kerr acts like Pop until it's time to discipline players. Perk is right! Draymond is not the victim. He is the convict running the prison and the Warriors will not shake this image.

  13. Yeah so basically the NBA is teaching kids is when I go onto the street and randomly assault someone, then I shouldn’t get punished and means that I just need help


  14. Steph Curry & Draymond Green I think aren’t really talking or fw each other right now. I know the relationship they have but somn going on in house of the GSW. It’s somn going on his Dray life tho that’s causing him to overly trip.

  15. Sorry Curry that ain’t it homeboy. I really hope behind closed doors you let Dray have it bout his lil antics he got going on. Tell that man he not only fw his legacy but the legacy of the dynasty GSW. Dray supposed to be an anchor. He seriously play huge roles in GSW success. Klay struggling and Steph can’t do it by himself if y’all tryna squeeze one more for the page turn

  16. Please stop saying how important Green is for Warriors. He was maybe 3 years before but not now, Green's turnovers and fouls costed them so many games… Clearly he is aging fast and refused to play proper basketball


    I like to get in my mood when performing in athletics. I think this song help me remember, being a person of fandom, or career, or family member in athletic support is more calming if there is a side line with music as an outlet.
    I am aware of my mood when I think others are able to keep dealing with the road life each season and stay physically strong!
    I injuried my knee at my peak, and it is common to be a female sport resignation.
    There is a fine balance, and in athletics we need health.
    May God Bless and keep our sports attendable!

  18. Kerr is full of bs, he’s the enabler, equally at fault. Pathetic, he takes after the politics of the city, protect the criminal and punish the victim.

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