@Utah Jazz

[Post Game] A Game was played. A Beam was lit. GG Keegan Murray

[Box Score](

by Brutus583


  1. lopodo777

    My takeaways.

    -We missed a lot of shots.

    -We defended like dogwater a certain guy.

    -Taylor needs more minutes.

    Yes, they shot lights out, but we cannot let this happen, 4 guys won them the game.

  2. munki_flip

    If the jazz don’t start giving sensabaugh some minutes I’m going to have a stroke

  3. Should’ve added in “Will Hardy denied Sexton a 30-piece”

  4. Andrewski18

    You guys know how last season we kind of got spoiled and never had to suffer the slow pains of a rebuild?

    Well, here they are. Enjoy the ride.

  5. +/- isn’t everything but the Hendricks +8 was telling tonight. By far the best defender out there, the team was just so much better while he was on the floor. I’m hoping he gets more mins and even starts soon

  6. LevelMeaning8260

    uh we are a bit short on playmaking, defense and shooting otherwise a solid bball team

  7. Itezguatitez

    I don’t really understand not starting Kessler or playing him 30 minutes. I get using Kelly as a hub, but it’s not like this team is trying to compete. Kessler is the more proven prospect on the roster, arguably the best one too. Let him play.

  8. SomePoorGamer

    Remember a few years ago when the Jazz scored like 160 points on the Kings and made 26 threes which (may or may not) have caused a fan to throw up on the court? This was revenge for that night. Gg.

  9. thehelpfulcamel


    Hendricks is already good and deserves more minutes

    Sexton has been great, he seems to have figured out his role

    We don’t have to play the Kings again until March 31st

  10. Denotsyek

    Hardy’s press conference comments make me laugh. Losing faith in him to be honest.

  11. Aquanlqua

    Anyone else feel like there has been a little (or more) drama behind the scenes? Kessler has been playing worse than during his first career 15 games.

    Something is definitely brewing and I have an itch that Lauri gets traded to the team that’s ready to throw enough at Ainge that he agrees, and restarts the rebuild with what he has left and with what he is getting. It”s actually pretty incredible how last year the players seemed to gel fast af and they were playing great team ball.

    Now it’s something that I can’t describe.

  12. Aquanlqua

    I feel like Lauri is going to have a new home again for the fourth time in what? 5 or 6 years? The team is not on the same page at all for like 90% of the matches. It really is incredible how much impact Mike had for the Jazz last year. He totally was the glue that kept the team together. Him and Gay probably had a really positive effect on the locker room with their experience. Ofc we gave away a bunch of decent/good players that felt weird to me but who knows? I’m just a fan.

  13. TalkingToPlanets

    I really like what Olynyk brings to the table offensively with his passing/assists but he gives it all back defensively. Sabonis really had his way with KO and Kessler.

  14. Plenty_Schedule_2870

    Clearly the culture at the club is fucked right now. I’ve seen shot after shot that was terrible shot selection and needed a timeout that didn’t happen. Individuals out there comfortable just jacking shots they shouldn’t regularly is unacceptable.

  15. thealmonded

    I didn’t watch the game last night (bought league pass before I realized I wouldn’t be able to watch the Jazz) so I’m admittedly box score watching, but what’s up with Kessler?

    Is it struggles coming back from injury or something else?

  16. I was at the game tonight and it was incredible watching Keegan Murray. I’ve never witnessed live such a sublime shooting display. The Kings fans were rowdy as hell. It felt embarrassing how much the Jazz were getting owned all game.

    On the plus side, I was in the lower bowl, and I was stoked to see Hendricks play. He looks awesome in person! Wish Keyonte would have been on the court as well.

  17. HawkeyeHaven

    At least I can be proud to say I played alongside Murray before highschool. The twins were always really nice and were never “too good” for anyone. CR Native gang🤘

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