@Portland Trail Blazers

L2M is there to only cause more pain and suffering

L2M is there to only cause more pain and suffering

by notaprofessional24


  1. Based on how shitty Blazers have been treated by ref recently, I thought L2M report was gonna say it’s Jerami’s foul on Curry.

  2. Honestly, Curry got mugged and fouled on that play.

    Edit: lol, evidently can’t be objective around here.

  3. blinkomatic

    The refs are free to look at those calls too at the end of games right?

  4. plantsarepowerful

    Chauncey used his challenge on the completely wrong play

  5. vagabond_vanguard

    If Chuancé hadn’t wasted the challenge on that Jabari foul, he could have challenged it. He’s so weird with challenges either doesn’t use them when they could change something significantly or throws them away like he did last night

  6. rosecityreds84

    To everyone who saw this live we say: No Shit

  7. itsyaboisnake

    I don’t understand why they even bother with l2m or limiting coaches challenges. There’s zero accountability or consequences for the same mistakes being made over and over and at this points it’s more of an insult to the team that lost than anything

  8. Imagine sucking at your job like the refs and there are zero repercussions. The fact there even is a L2M report is assinine to me.

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