@Washington Wizards

We Can Fix Him – Memphis Parting Ways with Kenneth Lofton Jr

We Can Fix Him – Memphis Parting Ways with Kenneth Lofton Jr

by TopOfTheKey


  1. We will never be regarded as a serious franchise if we sign him

  2. TopOfTheKey

    Hear me out:

    Is he fat? Yes.

    Is he lazy? Also yes.

    Could we force him into getting cardio with garbage time minutes? Absolutely.

  3. Bro had the chance of a lifetime to make it in the league and he couldn’t stick to an offseason plan to stay in shape. It’s tragic.

  4. Moist_Cactus69

    This man will save the Northern Virginia Wizards

  5. Sucks cause he’s actually very talented, he’s just a fat fuck

  6. ledelleakles

    He’d be fun to watch and wouldn’t help us win games at all. Let’s do it

  7. tarunpopo

    After the train wreck the grizzlies have been through he had the perfect opportunity to be the next z-Bo light. Someone get him on an bike until all the weight is gone

  8. theyrehiding

    Im actually really with it, there definitely seems to be some talent there, outside of the weight problems.

  9. He would make a nice situational backup Centre. We have Gallo for some shooting, but watchin him waddle around the court when he’s cold suuuucks. He’s a really nice buy really really low

  10. ImprobablePlanet

    Even ignoring the other issues, his style of play doesn’t fit in very well with the way the Wizards are currently trying to play.

  11. LateGreat_MalikSealy

    He’s still young with a decent amount of upside…I think he’ll eventually figure it out similar to zbo and hopefully Zion, it’s not easy with their body types at all in a prototyped sport like bball..Not to mention most people in their early 20s even athletes have a reckless diet, they just don’t have the leverage their slimmer peers have loll..

  12. WhatIsThisAccountFor

    What is his ceiling? He’s a 6’5” pure center with no outside game or playmaking ability. Can’t rim protect. What is there to fix?

  13. blitzKriegzzz

    No lol

    If you can’t keep a roster spot on a 6-18 team, probably not worth while.

  14. metalfac3d

    I don’t think he fits with what the Wiz are trying to do personnel wise

  15. TreyLyles

    Whaat thought this guy was gonna be something after last year.

  16. RemarkableBag9576

    Pelicans should sign him to take some of the heat off Zion.

  17. He is better than at least 5 players on that Grizzlies roster lol

  18. Ok-Philosopher9070

    If they waive him i don’t see why not, could surprise us tbh

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