@Cleveland Cavaliers

Good Team Win and K Love

This isn’t a salty post.
Cavs played great tonight and Mitchell showed he can be a point God.
Just happy to see our boy K Love playing fantastic lately, he’s still got it.
13.6 points
6.5 rebounds
2.7 assists

by Looper898123



    Man I wish the Cavs still had KLove. I imagine his game will age well, and he will be at this level for the next few seasons.

  2. East_Bed1194

    Gonna be a complete non-factor in the playoffs. He was bad last playoffs and will be even worse next year.

  3. 1OptimisticPrime

    If Love was still here in Cleveland he’d have missed 37 Games already

  4. Ok-Donut4954

    Yeah but he played bad after a broken hand and didnt deserve minutes and was washed, no one thought he would bounce back /s

  5. I will forever love K love. But acting like he would change anything that’s going on is ridiculous. Dean wade has been shooting lights out. TT has been amazing. Rebounding and hustle plays all around. When Niang is on he’s lights out. I hope the best for him and will forever be a fan. But having him on the roster would just complicate things more.EDIT: I know you didn’t say he would change anything just adding my opinion

  6. The_Kielbasa_Kid


    It’s been fun watching Tristan again in the wine & gold, albeit as a role player. I’d like to see K Love back here as a role player as well while Mobley is out. Mitchell for LeBron straight up? Might take a pass on Kyrie tho.

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