@Portland Trail Blazers

The 12 minutes that changed the Trail Blazers Championship Trajectory

Trigger warning: some may not be ready for this one about Game 7 vs the Lakers

by dadiodude


  1. Tiiiimmmooo

    I was there, at the mouth of mount doom, but the greed of men was too strong….and they wanted LA to win

  2. GaviFromThePod

    I watched this when I was seven years old. I remember crying because it wasn’t fair. This was the moment that I understood that there is no justice in the world and that cheaters and liars never get their due.

  3. Forbidden_Donut503

    I will never recover from that those 12 minutes.

  4. BeExtraordinary

    The next day at school, I swear the colors were drained from everything.

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