@Chicago Bulls

Trade idea, what do you guys think?

Trade idea, what do you guys think?

by chakrablocker


  1. HoraceGrand

    This is a really good trade for all teams – if bulls can flip those guards before feb 15th for 2nds that would be even better – every team gets better

  2. FistOfPopeye

    I would love this, but in reality none of those teams are going to give up a 1st and a 2nd for players that no one seems to want.

    You are massively overrating the Mid 3.

  3. This is satire, right? If you think this is legitimately possible, then I want whatever it is you’re on.

  4. loukasTGK

    Klay, gp3 a first and a second is wild for lavine

  5. BullsBlackhawks

    I don’t see why anybody would give up a 1st for an expiring, declining 1-way player in his mid 30s. And Lowry is more useful to the Heat than Demar.

    Also why would the Knicks do that? They already have 2 main guys who need to have the ball at all times (arguably 3 with RJB) so it would be just as bad a situation for Vuc as with us, if not even worse. He’s a shell of his former self, his defense would give Thibs heart attacks and his contract doesn’t do him any favor either with that length. You could hardly consider Fornier a salary dump if his contract is shorter than Vuc’s (who will become a salary dump in his last contract year at the latest).

  6. KneelBeforeCube

    Probably one of the best mock trades I’ve seen. It could make for a proper rebuild package if they can flip Klay and Lowry, and if they trade Caruso and Drummond too.

    I’ve always thought that the Bulls should get the worst possible return as far as players go, and give next year to Coby, Pat, Ayo, Phillips and let them cook alongside whomever we draft, see what happens. Best case scenario we get the actual promising young care any rebuilding team dreams of, worst case scenario we get Cooper Flagg in 2025. So expiring vets like Klay and Lowry and picks is perfect in my book.

  7. Plug-From-Oaxaca

    I doubt the heat gives up two picks for possibly a rental and I don’t think knicks give up all that for Vuc.

  8. ThePeteEvans

    Probably in the minority, but would rather have old Draymond than old Klay

  9. hellanutty

    So we’re just trading all 3 of them at the same exact time? When has that ever happened?

  10. lmfao you can’t actually believe we would even get a third of that return

  11. Retrokicker13

    Sorry not enough picks.

    Come back with more picks.

  12. toofaded40

    Any deal with Lowry is an automatic nope for me

  13. sunshine60st

    3 first 3 seconds Kyle Lowry, klay Thompson and Fournier. My brother in christ we’d be lucky to get any picks or players at all for these bums

  14. willit1016

    So we have no starting caliber NBA center . I mean Vuc not perfect but let’s not give him away. We need to get bigger and more skilled not smaller and less skilled.

  15. Comfortable-Ad8560

    This is currently ranked 4th as dumbest ass post on Reddit.

  16. Agedlikeoldmilk

    Yeah, zero chance you are getting picks back for Zack Lavine at this point. Pray for some young talent and salary dump.

  17. Imsoamerican

    If we’re going to take a chance on a broken player, we already have Lonzo. I’m not taking Thompson.

  18. butlerlesfesses

    Klay have only one season in contract… for sure he leave Chicago in 6 months

  19. We’re essentially getting 2 frps and three washed players for our mid three. They’re mid but they’re not that mid.

  20. cremstein

    this should be nsfw with all these corpses getting tossed around

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