@Miami Heat

[Post Game] Heat bounce back in ALMOST convincing fashion against the Magic | Herro 28 PTS, 8 REB, 7 AST

[box score](

Miami without Butler and Love

Highsmith season high 15 PTS

Seven Heat players in double digits

I say almost because we nearly blew the game in garbage time

by tomgreen99200


  1. OblivionNA

    Hi y’all. Avid supporter of GusX24. Not to be mistaken with that fraud GusX23.

  2. esridiculo

    I posted this about a week ago and got downvoted but I will repost this again and again until we learn how to shoot and defend in the fecal fourth quarters we’ve been crapping out:

    >It’s fascinating seeing how we forget how to shoot in the 4th quarter.  We’ll just go 0-6 in shots in the first five minutes of the 4th. Maybe it’s because our team doesn’t go all out in the first part of the 4th. Maybe they’re exhausted after the last 3 quarters.

    >All I know is this team takes their foot off the pedal and starts going for dumb 3s.  There’s no pressure. There’s no intensity. Dumb turnovers abound. So the other team goes 4-6 and we go 0-4 in the first 10 possessions of the game.

    >We need to clean this up.

  3. Number333

    Classic 4th Q collapse aside, this one felt really good. Orlando’s had a nice start to the year and this was the equivalent of putting our little brother in a headlock and giving him a noogie. The final 6min of the 2nd Q was such a blast and it’s so nice to have Herro back.

  4. BossKingGodd

    Herro did say he was gonna make himself untouchable. Keep playing like this and it’s destined. Gotta clean those fourth up but solid win

  5. HoldR2ForLongerLife

    It really does suck that Tyler Herro missed so much games, this should’ve been his first All Star season.

  6. KernelPult

    hang the “We didn’t blow 4th Q lead” banner

  7. derrickdejuan

    There needs to be a 30 for 30 on Heat 4th quarters.

  8. Harman3112

    It’s like a drug addict keeps going into relapse. Except it’s us and blowing leads

  9. altruisticdisaster

    I’m starting to think there is no lead too big to not blow. In a more positive note, Bam looks to have gotten some rust off and Lowry didn’t have to play many minutes

  10. AFOEagle01

    Another close game, but at least we found ourselves on the W side this time let’s go

  11. That bank 3 fully contested had me convinced it was gonna somehow be a one possession game

  12. Na fuck the Magic, they decided to play harder for the last minute. That shit was an anomaly, throwing up bullshit 3’s

  13. Tyler cooking against two top defenses back to back games is what i love to see.

  14. surgeyou123

    Good enough. Felt more like us fucking around too much at the end than a real collapse. Need to start a win streak now.


    We don’t blow the lead if Lowry was in the game.

  16. Ethangains07

    Tyler led the team in points, rebounds, and assists. Awesome game from our boy.

  17. lonespiderfish

    Win is a win but we need to stop giving 4th quarters lmao. They always bite us in the end.

  18. TheRatchetTrombone

    Its clearly a mental thing at this point. I don’t know if its arrogance or Spo telling them to dlow it down or fatigue, but yet again has got to give in these fourth quarters. Just execute and look to attack by any means till the game is over. We all got frustrated when Reid said the 100 pt comment. Man…. :/

  19. DSTREET45

    Tyler CANNOT be this passive in the 4th. Took only one shot (a made 3) the entire quarter with six minutes left in the 4th and never attempted another shot even when the lead started dwindling.

  20. Big_Boodu_Moot69

    Didn’t get to catch the game today. Is lowry OK? I see he only logged 17 mins

  21. ShootersShoot305

    Fun fact, Orlando just lost their first home game in Orlando. Incredible game without Jimmy. Even put their own unique spin on it with letting the Magic cut the lead to 7. Only the Miami Heat! Love this team.

  22. bigdogdriver

    I’m thinking our clock killing offense at the end of games is what’s throwing off our rhythm. It’s like the prevent defense in football.

  23. Ordinary_Foot9785

    Herro scored 28 on 21 possessions. If he shoots 2-5 from 3 instead of 4-5, 22 points on 21 possessions, which is middling efficiency. This is why he isn’t that effective.

  24. TheShadowOverBayside

    I’d forgotten how much I fkn hate gambling.

    I bet $5 that Jaime would score 14+ points and instead of enjoying our spectacular shooting clinic and unlikely win, I spent the whole game angry that Jaime kept passing instead of trying to score. I couldn’t even focus on the game. And now I’m $5 poorer, and irrationally mad.

    Never again.

  25. Kapisillit

    Would like to see highsmith starting next game

  26. OceanicLemur

    Duncan scoring 12 pts, and only shot 1 three-pointer. Would’ve been impossible a year ago.

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