@Chicago Bulls

DeMar 📊 VS Lakers: 7/9 from Mid Range & 9 Assists

DeMar 📊 VS Lakers: 7/9 from Mid Range & 9 Assists

by ay_pf


  1. allknowerofknowing

    But he iso’d a couple times he’s a bum! /s

  2. AllanYao20

    remember in the 2nd quarter when everyone was cold he stepped up but after only one miss the sub was flooded with haters bitching about him…

  3. ToeJelly420

    Demar has really bought into this role. He still gets to work his magic, but is taking less shots and distributing more. He really has been awesome lately. Even grabbing offensive boards and making high effort plays

  4. Looking like he’s coming back to form. Now just need Vooch to hit those close shots..

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