@Boston Celtics

Last night vs. Tonight

Last night vs. Tonight

by 800CapsulesOfMolly


  1. chinesefox97

    The difference when we have KP instead of Al is just night and day.

  2. King_Of_Pants

    Yesterday’s loss meant we’re going 20-62, however today’s win means we’re going 76-6.

  3. GooseMay0

    I still hate the Warriors. That loss is gonna annoy me for the rest of the season cause fuck Draymond.

  4. He watched the town on the bus ride from San Francisco

  5. Astrolux44

    I’m positive he has no impact on wins and is to blame for most losses.

  6. JaylenBrownFlow

    Dont you know that game last night was indicative of the playoffs 😂

  7. camplace33

    Don’t you realize that every smart fan knows every loss is indicative of our grave future in the playoffs and every win doesn’t mean shit because the regular season is meaningless? /s

  8. Salt-Tiger6850

    I mean last night was against the warriors & Steph Curry so isn’t an L expected against those anyone else I’m confident we can win ☘️☘️☘️

  9. themeloturtle

    The biggest strength of the celtics since the Jay’s era started has been their ability to come back directly the game after a bad loss lol. It’s their superpower in the playoffs it’s just the coming back from bad stretches ingame that needs work.

  10. BrokenEarth921

    I can’t stay up for these west coast games 😭

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