@San Antonio Spurs

People are starting to notice…

People are starting to notice…

by hectorRdz1201


  1. notmarkcubaniswear

    Someone should make a montage of everytime they’ve missed him this season


    Beef or incompetence? Question of the year. Surely not beef, they wouldn’t throw away there playing time by not making good passes just because of some beef

  3. chicky_sasso

    IMO the other players are jealous of Wemby, we saw posts in the offseason of players pissed that the city was happy to start supporting because we drafted the #1 pick. I genuinely think we are dealing with narcissists who can’t stand that a 19 year old is better than them. Pop is too weak to do anything about it

  4. I’ve been saying this since the first week of the season. We have no natural passers/ playmakers and it’s hard to watch sometimes

  5. Bonesawisready5

    Make this go viral PATFO need even more pressure to trade for vets or get these guys to not be so bad at getting Wemby

  6. midnightatthemoviies

    0 open passes. All would have been stolen.

  7. heisensmeg

    Whats crazy is that it feels like they have a Vendetta against Wemby. They dont even attempt a pass. How are you in the NBA and cant see something this simple?

  8. nokarmawhore

    I used to complain about this but I gave up and these guys just can’t play in the NBA. Wemby might be the only guy still on the team in three years

  9. Sometimes, I feel like they have resentment against Wemby for some reason. You know it’s really bad when a group of commentators plus Trae Young can see their actions.

  10. Veggiedelite90

    If we could just pass through defenders this would be so much easier

  11. Askme4musicreccspls

    I am a shit ball player, but I’ve played with tall blokes, and its so much fun to lob passes. What are these guys doing? How do you not enjoy passing to the dude that can dunk on everyone?

  12. Make this video trending so that ESPN can talk about it already… Wemby’s talent is being wasted there

  13. Michalo88

    Wemby: Surrounded by 3 defenders in a triangle formation.

    Team: Doesn’t pass him the ball, because, obviously.

    Commentator: “He was open again! They didn’t give it to him!”

  14. Aurelienphlpe

    That joke of a franchise is costing him his ROTY lmfao

  15. msolelh1027

    I’m kinda starting to agree with this. Not necessarily that they want Victor to fail. It’s just that we don’t have a glue guy or playmaker who can run us a structured offense. Part of it due to tanking/player development. So the guys just think they might randomly have a career night and go for their stats. And I sometimes think they give Wemby the rookie treatment, like not trusting him enough, or not wanting to concede to him being our number 1 option.

    I know it’s a process, but things like this one is frustrating to watch.

  16. International-Chef53

    Oh these people gonna need to learn Chinese soon, the quality they surround Wemby with are appalling, bunch of G Leaguers destined to be out of league in 3 years.
    And all of this clowns think now spurs on spotlight they can play hero ball all night, stat padding each game, salivating on the bigger contract only for them to get exposed as below average players.

  17. TaliFrost

    Celtics fan here, this popped up on my feed for some reason. I knew it was bad, but WOW, I didn’t realize it was this bad. They can literally throw the ball up, just up not even a true lob, and he’ll catch it. His catch radius is so massive and he has tremendous has, too. On the bright side, I really like the way he moves off the ball!

  18. The last one was especially egregious. He gets overlooked, steps out to the three, then feeds it down low to the smaller guy that wouldn’t feed him when he was on the block.

  19. qwilliams92

    I was reluctant to call this roster selfish at first but it’s getting harder and harder to defend this shit

  20. GeekyMathProfessor

    Yeah, the San Antonio Wembys. People have spoken about it, I didn’t believe it at first but there might be some issues there.

  21. ASithLordNoAffect

    Pop wanted this dude to play point guard….

  22. That didn’t include the worst miss, the one that made him throw his arms up in frustration.

    This team is stupid right now, and the coaching is not working.

  23. Maybe they realize that Wemby means eventually they’re out of San Antonio and much more restricted playing time on another team.

  24. Background_Touchdown

    The Piston fans starting chanting “SELL THE TEAM!” after their loss tonight, and that got noticed.

    Thankfully, we’re not that hopeless, but we can take a page from that energy. Maybe at the next home game, start a chant of “PASS TO WEM-BY!” when this starts happening again. Who knows, Pop could get on the mic and let us know what’s up.

  25. Damn, I knew I wasn’t seeing things. I noticed this in pre-season.

  26. BackendSpecialist

    It genuinely feels like his teammates don’t like him based on the clips ive seen.. I know they’re bad facilitators but still

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