@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs ARE NOT Passing to Wemby!? San Antonio Spurs News

Are Wemby’s teammates intentionally not passing it to him?

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  1. I really hope whatever is going on with our Spurs gets fixed soon. Thanks for watching and GO SPURS GO!

  2. what about this way, Wemby just too fast for teammate to pass the ball. only Tre got that vision to make the fast passing.

  3. I just started watching nba recently again cuz of wemby. I stopped watching about 10 years ago when the league started changing. I have NO bias, just looking at it for what it is.

    One thing lots of people are doing is just coming to this conclusion without taking in any nuance into the conversation. I'm not saying the idea is wrong, but y'all there can always be more to it. One thing in particular, do you guys know how much energy it takes to push a 7'4 body up and down the floor at that pace? A ton, proportionally much more so than a smaller player. And sometimes you can see wemby is getting gassed after a play where he really has to work. Nothing against him, but it happens, and it seems to affect following transitions while he's on the court. Like let's say he takes the ball up, passes, and cuts a few times for a hard dunk. After defense and then coming back on offense, you can see him slower than what he was a second ago, and he needs to charge his battery for a second before getting his body going again. I've seen him lose a dribble quite a few times from running hard with the ball, and be almost unable to catch up on the following play. He needs to build into his body, and it's going to take time to get fully used to the pace, and how he can take advantage of it.

    This is just one part that may lend to him not getting passes. Not concluding anything, just saying. I still agree he needs the ball more, and his lackluster team is making him work way harder for much less than what it should. But we can only assume and speculate so much. Things take time, decisions take time.

  4. That's simply a coaching issue. If Popovich tells them to pass the ball to Wemby when there are mismatches and when he's open and they don't do it they need to be benched.

  5. Your analysis is correct and very well stated. Young people are usually not mature in respect to recognizing and appreciating talent in others. When you get older you start to appreciate all those around you, young or old. That’s human nature. That’s why in any successful organization you need a good balance between young and old players. Right now the Spurs are out of balance with too many young players and not enough older players.

  6. If they're tanking I hope he knows that because his body language says otherwise. And if not this is on Pop. He runs the show and seems to be not addressing the issue. Pop is a good coach but I think it is time for a change. Victor needs his Pop as Pop was to Duncan. Its not like Pop is going to be able to coach Victors entire career (if he stays with Spurs) because of his age. I feel/hope a new face, new look along with player changes obviously, can revitalize this team. Still a fan, and will always be a Spurs fan!

  7. Rich, I never heard you use profanity. Always Very professional. I’m the same way. You are speaking from the heart but rational thinking. Appreciate your honesty and love your channel. I know we will make this right. GSG!

  8. No your right buddy I see it every night they play it’s not like back in the day when everything went through Duncan they need to get back to the old roots

  9. I've said it all along sohan was jealous of Wemby even in his interviews you can see it their just mad cause the reins belongs to wemby and having an old ass coach thats more worried about wine then winning

  10. Merci (thank you) very for this video. Every things is true , they dont want to feed Wemby. They are jealous and its terrible. First time we see Wemby so sad to be here with so bad teamate and why Pop dont do anythings , is he blind or do he want it. Now as french i just want Wemby leave this team. All the game are awfull, he alone and its too sad to watch.

  11. I don't think its intentional that they miss Wemby. Everyone seems to be missing opportunities causing them take bad shots or turn it over. It's intriguingly frustrating since some of them have been in this team for couple of years yet continue to miss each other. It's as if this team weren't practicing together and did not know each other. They obviously regressed from last year. If coaches were teaching them to play better ball but not showing on the floor -maybe its a coaching problem. When will the coach be accountable btw? Every BODY is expendable, right? There has been no leader in this team since DJ and DWhite left. In previous games, there was one time Keldon looked at Pop asked for a play and Pop shouted, "I don't care!" There is no leader in this team. A very young team without a leader is an aimless chicken just happily running around.

  12. Vassel can hit his peak as a player and the best we will be is a playoff team…wemby hit his and we would potentially be a dynasty…the complete focus needs to be on developing Wemby, even at the expense of other people's development… Duncan hitting his peak is what allowed 2 low draft picks to develop and become hall of famers

  13. Wemby can average close to a triple double if the offense runs through him…and he isnt gonna get the confidence to go 1v1 in various ways….but Pop has lost it as a coach

  14. What's also happening too often are Spurs players making lazy/careless passes, crowding one spot on the court, and forcing shots (as with Keldon Johnson). In many games, the bulky Keldon tries to do too much on offense, muscle to the hoop instead of passing. Although he's a capable scorer, he's not a fluid scorer like Victor Wembanyama, Devin Vassell, and some other Spurs. He seems to need every bit of his considerable brawn to score.

  15. Part of the problem is no leadership on the court. The vets we do have don't lead! The other problem is Pop is so soft now. In the past he would bench a player for not listening and make an example for others to follow and understand, he rarely does that now! If any of the other young guys don't like that Wemby is our future it is time to move on from these mid to late picks! Jealousy is everywhere, even family will hate on other family! Keep the faith fellow Spurs Fans! Go Spurs Go!

  16. Well you know how I feel, I been saying this for a while now. I’m sure most of us have kids. You have to teach, set good examples, give advice. When they start getting bad habits, you have to talk to them and address it before it gets worse. Now if you have multiple kids around close in age gap you really need to address it as soon as possible before it starts rubbing off. Pop has let this happen way to long, it feels like is rubbed on almost every one on the team. Playing selfishly and for themselves. On the press conference you could see Vic frustration and when he made the comments about he I willing to give up ALL his shots if that would make the team better or his comments about the no look pass to Sochan. How he waited for the defender to get close to him and acted like he didn’t see him “ Sochan” but knew he was there and passed him the ball. And ended it with “ is not Rocket Science “ Yeah is getting to that point!

  17. I love sochan but it definitely seems like he is avoiding passing to wemby at all times. I'm not excited but we might have to move on from a few of our guys

  18. It’s only not the open looks that have been missed, wemby isnt used enough overall. He should be a perimeter player. Not a post up or spot up shooter.

  19. I would be reluctant to pass it to him. He's shooting a HORRIBLE percentage from the field and is a turnover machine. He doesn't know the Spurs system and isn't being forced to learn so he just looks like a fish out of water 75% of the time he has the ball. Starting Jones would help him find some better looks but the kid has a LONG way to go on the offensive end. And he needs to quit going for steals on guards as the on ball defender, he's bailing them out when he does that.

  20. I feel the same. They need to realize, he is the one and they need to get out of the freaking way. They mostly Sochan. Wants to be the leader the go to guy which he's not. Wemby is losing confidence he is not the same player as in the begining of the season. He is passing shots which he used to take. They already got into his head. He is not as aggressive. The whole team need sit down he is the one the unique player. Trad3 Sochan if he continous playing he's a bad influence on the rest of the team.

  21. Rich, Thank you SO much for your comments. I am beginning to get real mad about this. Your damn right. Other than Wemby EVERYBODY is Expendable

  22. I know you didn’t want to make this video but I’m happy you made this video. We need more awareness of this issue

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