@Los Angeles Lakers

Met Jeanie Buss today!

Jeannie was promoting her tequila brand today, going around Los Angeles to local liquor stores and signing bottles. I live two blocks from the one she did in the valley and she was so so nice. She saw my laker hat and did not make me buy a bottle. That’s her showing me the In-season tournament championship medallion. You can also see she’s wearing the 2020 championship ring. Thought I’d share!

by laskeshowbroyo


  1. laskeshowbroyo

    Another thing I thought I’d share from the encounter – I told her how winning the tournament made my holiday season and how I was happy to have the first one ever brought home to Los Angeles. Jeanie then said to me “I was so impressed with Anthony and Lebron and how hard they played to make sure it came back to LA. It made me so happy.”

    As a lifelong Laker fan from LA, just having a conversation with her was truly a dream come true. Happy holidays, everyone!

  2. thatcuntcat

    She really seems like the best from everything I’ve seen and heard about her.

  3. _AgainstTheGrain_

    Should have told her to fire Ham. Wasted opportunity.

  4. That’s awesome man! I would have been stoked! If I met her I would have bought her tequila 😆😊

  5. djspintersectional

    This is so dope. Thanks for sharing OP

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