@Washington Wizards

[Ava Wallace, Washington Post] For Jordan Poole, adjusting to the Wizards means ‘rewiring my mind’

[Ava Wallace, Washington Post] For Jordan Poole, adjusting to the Wizards means ‘rewiring my mind’

by z3mcs


  1. Excerpt:

    >Poole has found that spending four seasons working to fit cleanly inside the Warriors’ unique offensive system has made it hard for him to adjust to something new.

    >“The looks that I’m getting here are completely different,” he said. “Coming from Golden State, they were such a unique offense. It took a little bit of time to get that figured out.”

    >He explains it like this: As he learned how to function as an NBA player, he didn’t play alongside a four-man or five-man who shot the ball much. Golden State’s offense flows through its guards, which opened what felt like endless shot opportunities and fostered a feeling of offensive freedom. Playing alongside Stephen Curry certainly didn’t hurt.

    >“If a regular four-man shoots nine shots and a regular center shoots nine times, that’s 18 shots,” Poole said. “Now, you divide those 18 shots between three guards, that’s an extra six shots. So you maybe don’t have to know where your specific shots are because you’ll get a different set of looks, and you’ll know that opportunities will come back just through the rhythm of the offense.

    >“[In Washington], we got more people bringing up the ball. We got everybody pushing the pace. We got guys who post up — we [in Golden State] didn’t have any post-up players other than [Andrew Wiggins].”

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