@Miami Heat

In the last 3 games while on the floor together (30 minutes), Herro and Robinson have an offensive rating of 156. That’s 34 points higher than the league leader Pacers

In the last 3 games while on the floor together (30 minutes), Herro and Robinson have an offensive rating of 156. That’s 34 points higher than the league leader Pacers

by baarablood


  1. CudjoeKey

    It’s so impressive how much their collective defense has improved.

  2. iliveonramen

    It’s instant offense just sitting there. Bam had a bad night but it’s pretty easy to see how Dunc and Herro’s shooting is going to open things up for Jimmy and Bam.

    Jimmy/Bam/Dunc/Herro is going to be a problem for defenses and whoever is put in at the 4 is going to have a lot of open looks in the corner.

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