@Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors Spoil the Poole Party Thanks to Strong Jonathan Kuminga & Stephen Curry Nights

Golden State Warriors Spoil the Poole Party Thanks to Strong Jonathan Kuminga & Stephen Curry Nights

It’s been a little while since the Golden State Warriors had one of those good oldfashioned blowouts where you could just relax kick back sip a cocktail and not have to focus intently as the Golden State Warriors are playing a nailbiter this was just a nice relaxing blowout we’re going to break

Down the Golden State Warriors spoiling Jordan pool’s homecoming another dominating performance for a new front court that has my adoration and of course the Splash Brothers we Vantage of Splash Brothers the Golden State Warriors are back to 500 folks it’s going to be a good time this is

Locked on Warriors you are locked on Warriors your daily Golden State Warriors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day Thank you for making lockon Warriors your first listen every day we’re free and available wherever you get Podcast and on YouTube We’re part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day today’s episode is brought to you by prize piics I don’t even know if I

Wanton I gotta go look at look at my docket the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to price lockon NBA and use the code all lowercase locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 you can follow me Cy saes on

Threads at dog wild good evening everyone happy Friday night Thanksgiving is just around the corner I hope everyone’s holidays are off to a good start we just got past the darkest day of the year winter solstice so every day from this point forward it’s going to

Get a little brighter and the days will be longer and hopefully the Warriors will continue to develop some more chemistry with this new version this new iteration that we’re watching where a front court that has Jonathan kaminga my boy the man I’ve been advocating for in

This program for a long ass time and the rookie Trace Jackson Davis those two together represent an incredible front Court uh and yes Joe a great call by the way in the chat that the third quarter Warriors are back uh we did a show last year because the

The the Warriors third quarter struggles started last season and in doing the research in all four of those years of the Warriors won a championship in this recent Dynasty they’ve dominated third quarters and they were not dominating third quarters last year and while they’re not dominating him yet this year

Tonight and the previous game it was great to to see it because they were kicking butt coming out of the halftime tunnel and the Golden State Warriors No Johnny Kyle I’m not high as a mofo I I would like to be uh but no I never I

Never uh indulge before a program I need to stay sharp unfortunately whether it’s wak and bacon or token uh I get a little too uh comfortable and slow no I’m just maybe a little tired I don’t know but uh regardless thanks everyone for joining the program I want to start off again by

By giving this front Court some incredible love the Golden State Warriors tonight in winning their fourth straight game or an even 500 on the schedule now are on the standings now I’m going to go over the standings in just a moment but the record right now

They’re 14 and 14 again it wasn’t that long ago and there was a lot of Doom and Gloom when the team was at a 10 and 14 Mark but one of the huge things that turned things around is Steve Kerr having faith in his young third-year player Jonathan kaminga who turned 21

Just this season two months ago in October and then the rookie Trace Jackson Davis I got to start with these two before I I shift gears and give love to the Splash Brothers Stephen Curry had had another fantastic game and underrated aspect of his success tonight

Is the fact that Steph did not play at all in the fourth quarter Steph’s total minutes tonight was 26 minutes and 54 seconds by his standards very low important because tomorrow the Warriors play again they play a backto back those are always incredibly annoying to me

It’s one of the many reasons you hear a lot of people advocating for the NBA season to drop to 70 games is because these backto backs are brutal and the Warriors have another one they played they played tonight obviously they beat the Washington Wizards a final score in this one was

12918 a game that was not that close it was incredibly annoyingly close to the half when the Warriors LED this game by just two points uh and kept the Washington Wizards hanging in there but they thankfully again had that nice third quarter where they outscored the

The Wizards by I believe 16 points uh 3822 uh and then and then they just kind of cruise by after that we we saw some fourth quarter minutes from Usman garuba Lester konz Jerome Robinson GE Santos the two-way players are getting a run that’s when you know uh the game is in

Control again we haven’t had one of these blowouts in a long time but the the Stephen Curry minutes though not seeing him in the fourth quarter again vitally important because tomorrow the Golden State Warriors uh play the second half of a backtack they’re at home playing the Portland Trailblazers and

You’re going to notice a lot more of these winds trickling in not just because Steve Kerr’s opened his eyes thankfully and he’s playing Jonathan kaminga and Trace Jackson Davis and I have to read their numbers to you in a second because they’re phenomenal um but they’re playing weaker teams all right

So so they had easily the hardest strength of schedule to start the year in the NBA and a lot of these really close games they had were against some of the best teams in the game and now you’re going to see a schedule that has again you know the Wizards tonight you

Play granted the second half of a back-to-back it’s at home though and you’re playing the Portland Trailblazers uh the Christmas Day game is going to be on the road that’s a rough one uh they’re playing at the Denver Nuggets and we’ll get into that more tomorrow night uh following postgame against the

Trailblazers but then they’re at home playing the Miami Heat they’re home playing the Dallas Mavericks and then for the new year it’s a whole lot more at home and a lot less competitive than what I just listed there you’re going to get a lot more of the Portlands and the

Washingtons than you will the Denver Nuggets uh I know the Miami Heat won’t be easy even though the Warriors usually play them really well the Dallas Mavericks aren’t easy but compared to say the Clippers the Timberwolves the Nuggets I think the Warriors gonna have a slightly easier time against some

Mavericks I hope I’m not shooting myself in the foot saying that uh Jonathan kaminga tonight um was fantastic start of the game shooting six of seven the man was a highlight reel of sports center is still a thing and you’re watching those highlights tonight it’s going to feature

A lot of kaminga he played 27 minutes in this game could have played more but a lot of people are highlighting his efficiency and rightfully so the dude is shooting it lights out he’s not missing it much he’s not turning the ball over much he’s keeping the fouls uh the foul

Count down and over the last eight games before I get into tonight’s stats just to show you basically since he was almost out of the rotation uh I believe that was a game against the Portland Trailblazers where Steve cerr inexplicably had him out of the rotation

We were on the verge of just not even seeing kaminga anymore kaminga I had sources telling me was obset uh there was talk within the building about a trade I’m guessing those talks are have subsided considerably and thankfully so because in that Portland Trailblazers game in case you folks forgot kaminga

Was was not playing at all and then we saw him come into the game at about the four or five minute Mark remaining in the third quarter and he lit it up he was almost the the the single biggest difference in that game for the Warriors

Coming back and and winning and in these last eight games now that kaminga is back in the rotation he’s averaging 16.1 points per game he’s shooting 61.9% from the field he’s shooting 47.6% from three he’s averaging 5.4 rebounds per game and this is in 24.9

Minutes per game 24.9 by the way not a lot so those numbers are impressive in a limited amount I’m advocating for 30 plus minutes and who knows maybe the the team knows something in the sense of kaminga maybe physically is not ready to to handle a heavier workload like that I

Don’t I don’t I don’t think that’s the reason but who knows um I mean look Gary Payne II we routinely see him play lesser minutes and we also see him getting injured a lot so I don’t know if maybe Rick celebrini has saids something to Steve Kerr like yeah let’s ease this

Kid in in terms of minutes he’s never really had a rigorous season of basketball um so who knows I don’t think that’s the case I’m just trying to come up with reasons that are actually logical for why why kinga’s minutes are down but nonetheless his minut his minutes are higher than they’re they

Usually are and again in the last eight games averaging 24.9 minutes per game 16.1 points he’s shooting 60 1.9% from the field his three-point shooting is an absurd 47.6% and he’s averaging 5.4 rebounds so if he was playing 30 plus minutes per game his rebounds would be six or higher

Which is what on this show when we were breaking kaminga numbers down during the preseason in terms of what we expect what we hope to see um we were hoping for six plus rebounds a game so he’s right near that Mark and he had a fantastic game tonight uh playing a

Total of 27 minutes was nine for 11 from the field at the half he was six for seven from the field he put two three-point attempts made one of them so he shot 50% from three uh added four rebounds added three assists and those assists by the way it’s part of his game

That is is growing right before our eyes uh Klay Thompson had a very slow start to this game uh in the first quarter for example uh clay uh his numbers uh on the night he was two for six from the field one for three from three uh was a minus

Three in the plus minus at Five Points his shot wasn’t there you could tell he was off to a slow start and there was a there was a sequence where Jonathan kaminga had a wideopen three-point opportunity and instead of taking it he did what he does a lot which is pass up

An open look to one of his teammates who he knows is a better shooter and in this case he gave up a wideopen three to another wideopen three for Klay Thompson and not only did Clay make that but that was the shot that turned things around

Folks you hear me use the word momentum a lot on this program it’s a very real thing when it comes to sports and sometimes little moments like that where you’re giving a teammate a wide openen look he makes it that’s sometimes all a player especially like Klay Thompson

Needs to get the momentum going to turn things around after a slow sluggish start like he had and Clay ended up having a fantastic game I’m going to break down his numbers in just a moment but kudos to Jonathan kaminga uh on the game in this 27 minutes and 11 seconds

Just one turnover was called for Just Two personal fouls the dude is exemplary finished the game with 22 points tonight he has emerged as being one of the team’s best players my only concern at this point is what C Steve cerr is gonna do when Draymond Green comes back

Because one thing I absolutely do not want to see is Draymond coming back and Jonathan kinga’s minutes being reduced you have to play those two together uh Draymond Green in all likelihood is going to have to see his minutes go down considerably and I’m talking like 20

Minutes a game is what his average will probably be um Kerr’s gonna have a challenge in front of him in terms of minute distribution uh Andrew Wiggins was also missing from tonight’s game Wiggins is a player who has routinely been a reason for kaminga not getting

Maybe the full run that some of us myself included want um Wiggins was ill I have no idea what the specifics were beyond that but uh you know I so I don’t know if again I don’t know why kaminga and Wiggins can play together uh but for

Some reason Steve Kerr in one of the many imaginary rules he has in his head one of those is that he he’s not comfortable playing Wiggins and kaminga together but what regardless you you have to make kaminga a permanent part of this rotation he’s got to be regardless

Of who else um is healthy you know again when Draymond Green comes back Comming has to play um and he’s proving it now more than ever that he’s an integral part of this so let’s let’s really hope and yeah Kev who writes in the chat uh that that kaminga and Moody’s minutes

Will go down when Wiggins and Draymond are back I hope that’s not the case because Steve ker sacrificing this team’s Championship odds if you’re doing that um it’s clearcut to anyone who watches basketball these youngsters are rising these youngsters are showing they’re going to belong they do belong

Now and you have a lot of veteran who are aging right before our eyes who are not as impactful as they used to be and I I just really hope kaminga uh it’s has earned his permanent spot in this rotation uh in just a moment I want to

Give Trace Jackson Davis his love as well because he has been showing again all season long on this program we’ve been clamoring for Trace Jackson Davis to play He’s finally getting his minutes and boy is the kid delivering and we’ll talk about that and so much more got to

Give some love to the folks who thank thankfully uh are paying the bills for this program first up is better help and let me get that graphic uh so that for the visual viewers on YouTube you can also see their their link um but look we’ve talked about Better Health before

I’m an advocate uh for eliminating any stigmas when it comes to seeking help uh for mental health uh there’s absolutely no reason to ever feel anything negatively when it comes to pursuing help for an organ in our body that sometimes literally needs help and uh tonight’s episode is brought to you by

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Day the locked on podcast network has launched the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube locked on sports today is here for you 247 covering the top sports stories of the day with the local Experts of locked on plus our national shows covering every

League go to locked on sports today on YouTube and subscribe to the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel and follow me Cyrus sa is on threads at dog wild Trace Jackson Davis tonight was exemplary uh and at a certain point there might be a debate and discussion

About him possibly becoming a starter because as much as I love kabon Looney and I do I mean I I if I you know it’s it’s really a bummer to to see Looney I don’t know if struggling is the right word but he’s not he’s certainly not

Making an impact out there he he sometimes looks a step slow um and Trace Jackson Davis is just making such a a a considerable difference when it comes to impact between the two that I do wonder if there’s going to be a decision that Kerr is gonna have to make at some point

In regards to trace Jackson Davis aka Trace Jr as Klay Thompson calls me now because Klay Thompson has a brother named trace and so he calls Trace Jackson Davis Trace Jr that’s his new nickname but regardless uh you know he’s legit the kid can ball and uh in

Tonight’s game no exception to that he’s five for seven from the field Chris Paul is in my opinion if there’s anyone out there that looks like they’re having the time of their life with these two youngsters and Chris Paul’s also put on and taking on this huge role as a mentor

As a coach he’s he’s he’s literally leading the warriors on that Court out there and I don’t know how the development of these young players would go if if Chris Paul isn’t there guiding them um and the reason why I bring that up is because you you see all these lobs that

Chris Paul is just chucking up there that players like Trace Jackson Davis are throwing home and tonight was no exception uh there were a few of those out there Trace Jackson Davis 24 minutes 34 seconds five for seven from the field the dude grabbed 15 rebounds another

Double double 10 points on the night even added three assists had a block shot as well I absolutely love this kid it it blows my mind he fell to that far in the draft it’s insane I I I it’s a constant reminder of just how much incompetency exists in the front offices

Of the NBA and the organizations within it to let a kid like Trace Jackson Davis the kid he was dominating College okay it’s not like he’s a surprise it’s not like he came out of nowhere he was owning dudes playing for the hooers and for him to slip that far down again

Really thank that the Warriors sees the opportunity uh and you know there’s a reason why the Warriors are on a four-game winning streak he’s one of them uh he he let the team last game in plus minus with a plus 25 uh tonight’s game he was plus 10 uh and just a

Fantastic performance again from Trace Jackson Davis who I can’t get enough of seeing out there um so and yeah it it was just awesome in fact uh here is Steve Kerr talking about Trace Jackson’s Davis’s game um and again Steve Kerr is the man who decides the minutes that is single-handedly his

Biggest impact on this Warriors team and he sees similarities between Trace Jackson Davis and Andrew bogot let’s see what a coach has to say really since you’ve been here you’ve never been a team centered around a center really plays a lot through a center can you

Think of anyone that you’ve had on your rosters that might have looked like trace or is he just really just something new for you I think people forget we used to have five centers on our team for a few years everyone wondered why we had so many centers and

Now they all ask why we don’t have any but um you know my first couple years we had Andrew bogot um and we ran a lot of our offense through him at the top of the key and he was Master of you know dribble handoffs and Diving to the rim

Um that’s pretty high praise you know I mean he’s got a long way to go Trace does to to become Andrew bogot but it’s a similar threat Trace is also a very good passer like boges was um but just being able to um to run those dribble

Handoffs and Dives and um you know that’s the guy that I think of really since you’ve been here let me let me stop that there you go yeah so um I I don’t know if I see a similarity between him and and and Andrew bogy that maybe it’s there I I

Never really thought of that until literally that attribution um so I I I don’t see it and that’s not me being insulting that’s that’s not necessarily me uh being negative I just don’t think they compare that much but um yeah coach I do remember when you used to play centers

What happened to that it’s nice seeing you do it again those were those were the good times that was when the team was dominating was when you actually had size out there so good to see uh Trace Jackson Davis getting minutes um that was huge for the night

Um and again there’s no doubt in my mind we’re going to see a lot more of him tomorrow in a backto back where Steve cert is going to rely um much more so on young players given the amount of short rest uh that we’re going to be expecting

Uh a lot more to talk about I I do have to give Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson their love the Splash Brothers had another awesome night there was also a a comment in the chat uh uh being critical of cerr and I and they weren’t specific

But I know exactly what they mean uh and I’m going to touch on that in a little bit because this wasn’t a perfect night in terms of coaching no hate it’s not going to be overly critical but it does to be called out because it was baffling

It made no damn sense and the and for the folks who brought up in the chat Chris Paul yes plus 27 Chris Paul was phenomenal in fact really quickly uh just to run down his line his numbers um in 25 minutes of play the fact he was a

Plus 27 tonight in terms of his net rating despite the fact that he only scored Four Points it’s incredible it goes to show that that that scoring is not always what’s going to impact the game the most he you a game like his where he’s setting other people up

Making everyone around him better Stephen Curry the other night when he scored just seven points had a similar statline his net rating was still awesome just because again it’s not always about you scoring it is a team game Obby uh but Chris Paul again uh

Despite Four Points he was a plus 27 had 10 assists in this game he also grabbed seven rebounds he was all over the place and on a night where Jordan P was the main focus the the the former six-man the former draft pick of the Golden State Warriors was back in town along

With a few other players out there by the way Patrick Baldin Jr peanut butter and jelly was was making a cameo appearance Ryan Rollins we already for it was just a year ago where the team invested money and and to to move up in the draft to get him in the second round

Amazing how quickly things can change and such a short amount of time and to see these players on the Wizards the the the point of bringing that up besides the fact that I’m representing the pool party with this shirt here is that players like Chris Paul also take notice

To this it it’s all lost on Chris Paul that he was the other player in this trade and I think he wanted to make an impact tonight too he wanted to remind people hey look I’m the guy who came in for Jordan pool you know what I’m better

And I’m gonna make sure we win so he had an incredible impact in this game as well so kudos to Chris Paul and I want to give the splash brother some love in just a moment after I give some love to uh one another one of our sponsors and

This is one that I’m very active with and that is prize picks in all honesty I I’m going to look up right now if I want um and while I’m doing that the premise I talk about this a lot and a part of the and there’s two reasons I talk about

A lot one is they’re a sponsor the program so I have to but thankfully it’s a sponsor that I actually use it’s it’s a sponsor I can endorse with pure genuine words and emotion um just because I play all the time uh oh I won

I won baby okay so here’s how it works all right and again I’ve told people this before if you ever want my you know my tips for prize picks uh again you I’m on threads dog wild which is also my Instagram handle you can DM me there and

I’ll give you my picks for the night um so and it’s all about picking two to six players it’s all about deciding whether or not uh the players you select are going to score more or less than a certain amount and and it’s it isn’t just scoring it could be assists it can

Be rebounding rebounds I’m sorry it could be assists uh so and here’s another really cool thing so the the the bet that I want tonight was a four pick entry but I didn’t need to get all four to win my bet so what I mean by that is

I got three out of four and was still a winner that’s how awesome prize picks is when it comes to the bigger bets if it’s a two-player selection you have to get both of them same with the same with the three player selection but when you’re betting on four or more players and

Again it’s it’s two to six players if you get all six right you can win up to 25 times what you bet it’s super fun it’s legal in California so I bet on Klay Thompson to uh score less than 21 and a half points uh I bet on Stephen

Curry to get less than 30 I missed on that that was the one I missed so I got three out of four on my pick I bet on Jonathan kaminga to score more more than 15 and a half points and I bet on Jordan P because you have to bet on a minimum

Of players from two teams so I can’t just bet on Warriors players so I had to bet on on on at least a player from another team and I decided on the Wizards and I bet on Jordan P to get more than 20.5 points I got three out of

Four I’m a winner you can be a winner too prize picks is super fun and again it’s legal here in California go to locked on NBA and use the code locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to a 100 bucks that means whatever you’re putting in you’re actually going

To play with double that amount because price picks will match that amount up to 100 bucks one more time go to Price locked on NBA and use the code locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 you are locked on Warriors your daily Golden State Warriors podcast part

Of of the locked on podcast Network your team every day all right one final segment of locked on Warriors thank you for making locked on Warriors your first listen everyday for the everydays we’re going to be right back at this tomorrow uh so make sure you follow us

For for postgame the Warriors are playing the Portland Trailblazers tip is at 5:30 p.m. Pacific time and then they’re off until Christmas day where the Warriors travel to the mile high city City uh to play the Denver Nuggets the the reigning defending world champions undoubtedly one of the major

Obstacles for the Warriors in their Pursuit for utter greatness uh the chat is on fire right now hyper Nick 12 and I see you posting this a lot thankfully I got to it this time is asking what do I think of this starting lineup Stephen Curry Klay Thompson Jonathan kaminga

Draymond Green and Trace Jackson Davis I have zero complaints sign me up I’m in all in I absolutely love it I think that’s a fantastic lineup again I one thing that I’m seeing with this Warriors team that I’m genuinely in love with is a front court that includes Jonathan

Kaminga and Trace Jackson Davis those two together on the court is poetry great things are happening when those two when those two play together and here’s here’s the part that is not lost on me and I hope it’s not lost on the coaching staff who seems to have this

All or Nothing focus on this year Steve cerr is adamant that he think thinks this is a championship team I agree with him um but it’s you know it’s entirely in his hands in terms of who he plays I but I do believe that if this team is

Going to be a championship team you have to put Faith in the kaminga trace Jackson Davis bront Court it’s awesome it’s versatile it’s big it’s athletic kaminga can shoot the three so he spaces the floor so you’re so and and kaminga is versatile like he can go be anywhere

On the court and teams have to respect him he’s also so damn fast uh that when he attacks the rim like Defenders are just like literally backpedaling falling over themselves so he’s getting some space defensively and that’s where he’s getting a lot of these open looks that he’s thankfully hitting

So um I do love it uh and and Richard sarpong throws in that uh they he rather wants Moses Moody at the two this is the one negative okay I’m just going to throw this out there real fast we only have a few minutes left and I’ll give

Some left to the Splash Brothers to wrap this up um Corey Joseph got minutes again tonight I don’t get it uh at the first half when the Warriors leading by just two points Moses Moody had eight minutes in this game Corey Joseph had six there

Was a there was a a point in this game where Steve Kerr again the dude is infatuated with point guards he he just and I don’t know if it’s because it makes his life easier because point guards in essence are sort of coaches on the floor and and maybe it’s just

Something that’s simple where he feels relief like oh good okay someone else is is actually leading this team because you know they’re on the court and they’re the point guard but he had a three point guard lineup out there and they were not successful in the in the

Brief moment they were they were out to out there together and I’m referring to Steph Chris Paul and Corey Joseph those three were out there together I don’t get it okay it’s it’s not a winning formula and the biggest issue I have with it is not necessarily the fact that

Other teams are going to attack you other teams are going to force your foot your foul count to go up because when you’re playing small ball defensively you’re having to reach more you’re having to be extra aggressive with rebounds you have to be extra aggressive playing defense trying to block shots on

Bigger players that you’re gonna be more likely to commit a foul so when you see the warriors with these high foul counts part of it is is the officiating the officiating tonight was an absolute joke where one minute you saw Warriors players just getting hacked with with

The whistle not being blown and then the exact same play on the other side uh happens where you know a Warriors player may make contact with a Wizards player and those refs aren’t hesitating to blow the whistle sending the Wizards to the free throw line tonight but small ball

Doesn’t help your cause you’re G to commit more fouls when your defense is smaller than the opposition just because you’re oftentimes going to be put in uncomfortable positions defensively and but but besides that bigger picture like when I see kaminga and Trace Jackson Davis it’s not just this year I’m pumped

Up for it’s the future of this organization that I’m excited for the Warriors are going to be playing Beyond this year and I don’t understand why people are glossing over the fact that this coaching staff does not make decisions based on that at all because if they did Moses Moody would be getting

A bigger run Moses moody in tonight’s game and I know statistically he’s not someone who’s lighting it up routinely his statline tonight is nothing to write home home about five points on the night he was just one of four from the field he was just 0 for three from Beyond The

Arc that’s not who Moses Moody is okay Moses Moody is someone who makes clutch baskets Moses Moody is someone who makes the right pass the right play he makes clutch baskets and maybe most importantly he’s a damn good Defender so he’s not a liability on the defensive

Side unlike a lot of these other small players are uh that Steve cerr is putting out there especially Corey Joseph um so that is a negative I and and I know a lot of people were griping about that I I read your your comments um it makes no damn sense I don’t

Understand it I don’t think Corey Joseph should be playing 13 minutes and Moses Moody’s playing 18 like Moses Moody should be getting most of those minutes and those minutes should be going to other players on this team not Corey Joseph no no offense to Corey Joseph

Either by the way but it’s just why why is Corey Joseph getting those minutes I I just don’t understand it it doesn’t it doesn’t help the team now it doesn’t help the team in the Future Part of developing players is giving them reps it’s the best way for them to develop so

I feel you if that’s your gripe uh uh real fast the Splash Brothers tonight Stephen Curry didn’t play the fourth quarter was nine of 18 from the field he was eight of 13 from Beyond The Arc finished the game with another 30.9 he had 30 points on the evening added seven

Assists four rebounds and Klay Thompson after a slow start it’s so good seeing him getting his shot back it wasn’t a great night for him but it was certainly a good night 20 points for him and he added three rebounds as well he was four

Of 10 from Beyond The Arc 40% I will take all day every day thank you everyone happy Friday night go Warriors been a long time saw a nice blowout win like that there’s this episode of one of my favorite TV shows Always Sunny in Philadelphia where on more than one

Occasion they they’ve made references to just having a nice calm relaxing blackout drunk night and replace blackout drunk with Warriors blowout and I just that’s all I want I just want a nice calm evening where the Warriors just kick some utter complete ass and we and we had that happy holidays everyone

Hope you all have a good rest of the night we’ll be back at this soon tomorrow night we’re right back at it where’s my banner so I can say bye-bye there you are bye-bye

Cyrus Saatsaz went solo for a Friday Night Live postgame show following the Golden State Warriors winning their first double digit victory of the year at home thanks in large part to dominating performances from Jonathan Kuminga, Stephen Curry and Trayce Jackson-Davis that spoiled Jordan Poole’s first game at Chase Center since being traded and resulted in the Warriors extending their winning streak to four games to become a .500 team again.

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  1. Does Moody have a game? What is it that he does well? He's the one player that needs minutes to get in a groove. He is often too passive and I dont know that he has anything he is exceptional at. I think he's got talent but not sure how much he has progressed.

  2. See what happens when u give the youth a chance? Honestly it's time to trade Wiggins, sick of him at this point.

  3. TJD looks dynamite out there, athletic and skilled, altering shots. Where are the jokers who wanted to trade Kumminga earlier in year come out of hiding 🫣!,,! Kumminga is going to Allstar game!

  4. POD keeps playing great, and under control good decision ball. His D is impressive! We need Moody to get in rhythm than we’re elite of elite…!

  5. TJD at 57 is most ludicrous draft his numbers at Hoosiers were some of greatest ever! Can’t shoot 3 so can’t play NBA stupid!

  6. My only concern is yea Steve Kerr is playing the young dubs, but idk to me he seems kinda resentful because it wasn’t his vision and the thing that is working now is what fans have been clamoring since early in the season. I hope I’m wrong but I won’t be surprised if he tries to just rely on the vets again further down the road.

  7. I love the potential of Moody but I understand his minutes. He is a 3nD player, but with a capital 3 and a lower case d. His D could be better. But most of all he seems to fumble the ball when trying to create for himself, especially when he does any kind of spin move. He's excellent as an energy/2nd effort guy, but too many of those efforts are diving for loose balls off his own mishandles. If he can improve his ball handling/playmaking and footwork on those spinmoves, he will see drastically improved minutes.

  8. To all all of you casuals, let me explain… Nike and the NBA won’t allow curry and under armor to win any more chips… It’s bad for business. Why do you think Kurt has never added a big man or true center? It’s because Steph Curry would have nine chips if he had a legitimate center, it’s obvious Steve Kerr is doing this on purpose and Nike is blackballing under armor and Steph Curry. IN FACT.. if TJD really shines the nba will try to sit him or trade him…Anyone with the brain can see we needed a true center 2 years ago.. The NBA is blackballing Steph Curry on purpose I don’t want to kick him out the leak because he makes too much money, but they are blackballing him.
    ITS ABOUT BUSINESS.. if u know u know

  9. Klay had a slow start but so did Steph who was 1/7 fo start. 30 hit 2 shots. He then took 4 or 5 shots in a row to get his stat line back to something decent. Klay hit a couple of shots in a row too but Kerr took him out for his regular mins/rotation. It's interesting that we don't think of it as anything but a Curry Flurry. We need to adjust our lens when it comes to Klay. Curry is getting himself going. Klay is "selfish".

  10. Steve Kerr doesn’t want a true center never changed his small ball style to move on from small ball Kevin Durant ain’t on this team anymore since he left a supersteam golden state Warriors the nba league with dominant big man like Nikola jokic or Joel Embiid or Giannis Antetokounmpo or Anthony Davis Warriors team doesn’t not have size at center position a true big man that taller then 6-10 that have size height 6-11 or 7 footer Nikola jokic height or Joel Embiid height or Anthony Davis height or Giannis Antetokounmpo height or Shaquille O’Neal height or Victor wembanya height they should have sign Dwight Howard that would have addressed your lack of size problem at center position doing the offseason they not a championship contender they are pretenders this season and this year

  11. Why would draymond lose minutes? He played well when he was playing. It’s loon who has to lose minutes

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