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NBA Players That FORCED Rule Changes…

NBA Players That FORCED Rule Changes…

NBA players that forced rule changes and Michael Jordan was so good in 1987 that the NBA made a rule just to stop him averaging about 40 points a game Jordan was unguardable so teams started to double team him but it did not work he was still scoring so NBA

Teams did something crazy they triple teamed Michael Jordan every game it was the only way to slow him down but this was unfair so the NBA created the Michael Jordan rule NBA teams were not allowed to Triple team any player but everybody called it the Michael Jordan

Rule because this only happened to him nobody else was being guarded by three players at once but just like we have the Michael Jordan rule we also have the LeBron James rule when LeBron joined the Miami Heat in 2010 there were a a lot of haters people breaking their TVs burning

LeBron jerseys and people being disrespectful to LeBron at the games but things were about to get worse as LeBron was coming back to Cleveland for the first time to play against his old team and the NBA noticed something people were selling shirts that said really rude things about LeBron LeBron James

The NBA realized things could get crazy at LeBron’s return game so the NBA created the LeBron James rule during the game fans were not allowed to wear anything that would be rude to LeBron the NBA warned fans not to wear those shirts or to bring any signs with bad

Words on it they took it so seriously the NBA placed extra security to even get into to the stadium and this rule helped LeBron because he was able to focus on the game and not the fans he scored 38 points and the heat blew out the Cavaliers winning 118 to 90 the

Crazy thing is this only applied to LeBron James but what Reggie Miller did created a rule that changed the NBA forever Reggie Miller loved to shoot but he also loved to kick his legs when he shot this would draw fouls from Defenders but it wasn’t the defender

Fault Miller was the one kicking them still referees would call the foul and Reggie Miller would get some easy free throws the game Reggie Miller scored the most points of his career 57 21 of those points were from free throws the NBA eventually realized this was cheating so

They created the Reggie Miller rule where a player cannot kick his legs to try and draw a foul the funny thing is Reggie Miller was already retired when they made this rule so he didn’t care but Dwayne Wade cared when they banned his favorite move Dwayne Wade saw what

Reggie Miller did and he thought to himself what could be my cheat code for free throws and he had an idea dwade started doing a pump fake but not a normal one he would pump fake the lean into the defender and shoot the ball and a foul would be called this was

Practically cheating as Wade would get up to 25 free throws a game but the worst part other NBA players started to copy him all of a sudden a lot of players were doing the dwade pump fake to get to the foul line the NBA realized these guys are doing what Reggie Miller

Did they’re using cheap codes to get to the free throw line so the Dwayne Wade rule was created when NBA players pump fake they cannot lean into the defender to draw a foul unfortunately for Wade he stopped getting so many free throws and unfortunately for me you’re not

Subscribed come on man hit that subscribe button but in our next rule change the NBA pretty much banned fun because the NBA started to ban celebrations there are iconic celebrations like LeBron’s leg pump Russell Westbrook holding a baby even threep Point goggles but one player took

It too far Sam Castle an Allstar point guard shocked everybody when he did the big ball celebration the most iconic celebration at the time after hitting a clutch shot he just had to do it fun fact Sam Castle broke his hip while doing the dance so he was out for the

Playoffs and cost his team an NBA championship but this got bigger than just Sam Castle Kobe Bryant did it Fred Van Fleet did it but then LeBron did it and the NBA said no no no you have crossed the line enough of this stupid celebration so the big ball rule was

Created players were not allowed to do this celebration and if they did they would get a $115,000 fine and we’ve never seen it happen again but this next one is so serious it almost ended an NBA player’s career Zaza patulia was known for being a dirty player one time he injured

Russell Westbrook and stared him down how are you staring down a player that you just hurt but what he did in the 2017 playoffs was way worse the warriors were dominating the playoffs but they were terrified of the San Antonio Spurs they knew they couldn’t stop Kawai

Leonard so in game one of the Western Conference Finals the Spurs are winning by 20 points and Zaza pulia has an idea kawhai Leonard goes for the jump shot Zaza jumps into Kawai Leonard stepping on his ankle Leonard fires from the corner and Leonard goes down

Again and he’s in pain again in front of the Spurs bench will sevening the Long Time athletic trainer cor the Spurs checking on him the crowd reacting this isn’t defense this is disgusting Kawai Leonard was out for the playoffs and the Warriors won a Championship the NBA had

To make a rule change so they created the Zaza rule where Defenders have to be careful when someone is shooting a jump shot you can’t just jump into the player and injure them so now if a player does what Zaza did they would get a flagrant

Foul and could be ejected from the game but Zaza wasn’t done ruining the NBA because he forced another rule change in 2017 the NBA had fan voting for the allstar game whoever the fans voted for the most would be an Allstar Zaza petulia is from Georgia a small country

But the entire country voted for Zaza pulia giving him the most votes Zaza pulia right now second among Western Conference front Court players he was averaging six points per game and was going to be the starting center for the allstar game but things got crazier because people all over the world

Started to vote for Zaza not only Georgia everyone wanted to see an average player play in the allstar game but the NBA didn’t want this how could a mediocre player like Zaza be in the allstar game ahead of Blake Griffin or Carl Anthony towns the best big men in

The league That season so the second Zaza rule was created where fan votes only count for 50% and the other 50% is NBA players voting thankfully Zaza pulia was not an Allstar all because of this new rule but at least Zaza didn’t break the game like Kevin Durant did and make

A play you’ve got to do a better job in that double team keeping him contained yeah but Tom Now Kevin Durant won MVP at the age of 25 was it all with his skill or did he have a cheat code that helped him spoiler alert he had a

Cheat code KD invented a move called the rip through this is the rip through he would swing his arms into the defender and a foul would be called how is this a foul well according to the NBA rule book this move was allowed and Kevin Durant

Took advantage of it because of all the free throws he scored 32 points per game but he wasn’t the only one Kobe Bryant saw what Kevin Durant was doing and he started to do the same move then Dwayne Wade started doing it and the NBA said

You guys have crossed the line the Kevin Durant rule was created and this move was banned this was a chief code so it was banned for a good reason but our next rule change was because Alan Iverson was too good Alan Iverson had the best crossover in NBA history it

Might have been unfair and the NBA thought it is unfair Iverson would hold the ball upside down giving him complete control of the ball maybe he only did this sometimes no he did this his entire career and it was called carrying the ball so the NBA said it’s time for a

Rule change the NBA created the Allen Iverson rule holding the ball upside down while dribbling was now illegal if you held the ball upside down it was a turnover but when NBA referees started calling this Penal y Alan Iverson was already retired if Allan Iverson wasn’t allowed to carry from the beginning of

His career who knows he might not have been a superstar but our next rule change everybody hated DMI Matumbo was known for his finger wet every time he blocked somebody he gave them the no no no finger wag sometimes he did this to the player he blocked other times he did

It to the crowd NBA players were scared to go for a layup because they did not want to be embarrassed by the finger wag so the NBA said you know what we’re making a rule change the finger wag is now considered taunting if you don’t know what taunting is it’s being rude to

A player and all taunting was banned so the finger wag was banned fans hated this rule because we love to see players trash talk some players today still taunt even though it’s illegal like Patrick Beverly or Dylan Brooks but every time they do it they get fined for

Breaking the new rule but what about a rule change that was made because one NBA player was too strong in the 1980s Daryl Dawkins was the strongest dunker in NBA history and and he kept breaking backboards it made a mess and it stopped the game because they had to clean it up

And get a new backboard after another broken backboard the NBA had enough and they created the Daryl Dawkins rule where they started using rims that break off so instead of the whole backboard breaking it would be only the rim but this rule change didn’t work because

Shaq got drafted and even with the new rims he was so strong that he would still bring everything down but our final rule change destroyed a career because it made James hard Harden go from the best scorer in the league to only scoring 15 points a game when James

Harden was on the Rockets he found a cheat code Harden would lock his arm with the defender’s arm and go up for a shot and every time it was a foul on the defender Harden started getting 20 free throws a game 20 easy points from doing this the defender can’t do anything

About it Harden took advantage of this and averaged 35 points per game winning an MVP until the NBA finally made a rule the Harden rule locking your arm with the defender’s arm is no longer a foul and all of a sudden Harden wasn’t scoring as much he lost his cheat code

These are NBA players who forced rule changes but what about NBA players who almost died I’ve got to see That

Lebron James…Michael Jordan…James Harden…these are NBA Players who FORCED rule changes

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BANNED Accessories In The NBA…


  1. The amount Points that mj scored on average is how many people it would take to carry you

    Im sorry my intrusive thoughts kicked in

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