@Atlanta Hawks

Hawks vs. Grizzlies Postgame Press Conference: Trae Young

Hawks vs. Grizzlies Postgame Press Conference: Trae Young

Trey what did you feel like uh went wrong for you guys in that second half is especially Desmond ban gets really hot yeah um yeah he got hot he got going in that second half he he’s the type of guy who doesn’t stop shooting and uh

He’s like bogey for us and can get H and get them get them going and got them back into the game and the NBA game is a long game so I mean the lead is never safe um but both ways so uh we let him

Back in the game and then uh just a few few plays here and there is what determines the game when it’s that close wanted to ask you about Seth Lundy it felt like tonight he was more willing to to shoot the ball even though I know

Would have liked more of those to to get knocked down um has that been a conversation amongst you guys to him as as you know he does have that shooting ability it felt like he was a little more hesitant in uh the game against Detroit yeah I mean you get um you get

More comfort able and more uh I mean you get more comfortable with where your shots are going to be and who you’re out there with and how to play um the more you play so uh he got he got going he got into the game earlier tonight um

Played a little bit more I think he knew he was going to play a little bit more tonight and uh so that kind of helps too so um he knew that and when you on the floor with me I mean I’m telling you 24/7 to shoot the ball when you catch it

Like cuz for the most part this guy going to be helping and so youan get good looks and good good shots so um he had some good shots and I mean when he took some some shots off the first catch didn’t nobody say nothing to him cuz he

We know he can shoot it and um I mean I know I want him to shoot it and uh I mean I think my teammates do too so uh he’s going to knock some more shots down he didn’t have have a good Rhythm tonight but uh he’ll knocked him knock

Him down the next game Trey backto backs are difficult um how do you feel the team’s energy was second half for you guys as as a collective yeah I mean I think it was uh it was all right it was a little flat um it’s tough

We already down guys too it’s not like we have our full guys and full roster and uh we’re able to to kind of just play through it um we we’re also bringing guys up that I mean was playing uh in the G League showcase this week I

Mean Seth was balling had almost 30 at a half time one game and now he’s up here playing with us and um so it’s just throwing throwing guys out there and just trying to trying to make plays and um guys are doing the best they can and

We just we’re just fighting and I think we we have lapses and uh second half of these these these last few games and um they I mean winning teams and good teams just don’t have and uh we’ve been having them and uh we got to learn from them

And get get better Trey kind of on a different topic Vince Carter is up for the 2024 Hall of Fame Basketball Hall of Fame just what do you remember from his time on the team and just what do you think about him being nominated for that oh I mean that’s a that’s an

Unbelievable honor uh I know Vince is uh very honored and very humble about being uh recognized um and it’s going to be a really cool experience being able to watch him uh be inducted because we all know Vince is going into the Hall of Fame uh it’s just a matter of when and

Uh I mean I just I mean from the time that I had with him it was a short stint um I wish I got to play with him a little bit younger in his career and uh had had have a a couple more highlight plays with them but whenever we were

With each other it was more highlights off the court and just our conversations and just picking his brain and trying to trying to learn how to be a leader of a franchise and try to try to maneuver how to to balance the off the court and on

The court things and I mean that’s just some of the few things that I took from being around with B it wasn’t necessarily a lot of things on the court and I mean I’m obviously I knew everything about his game and what he he brought to the game on the court and

Game winners and playoffs and things like that so he’s going to be in the Hall of Fame it’s going to be cool watching him and um I’m happy I was able to play a little little piece of uh his career for sure Trey I wanted to ask you

About this stretch that you’ve been on for seven straight games now of 30 plus points 10 plus assist I know you’re a guy that you talk all the time about WIS being you know the important thing there yeah yeah yeah I’m I’m stop you right there let’s go to another question I

Don’t want to talk about my my stats let’s talk about something else thank you though appreciate you so uh Trey um report earlier was stating that uh Jaylen is slated to return on Tuesday against Chicago um what do you think he what do you think having a player like him

Return regarding his impact yeah brings to the team I mean he brings a lot to us uh he brings a lot to us I mean uh I saw his dad Courtside and saw his family there tonight I think they’re all here for Christmas and was telling his I’m

Ready for his son to be back and and help us and I know if Jaylen is ready for uh I mean to be back and whether it’s next game or the game after I mean he’s going to help us whenever he gets back and um I’m just happy he’s he’s

He’s healing and it’s nothing that I mean can drag on any longer so we def definitely miss him obviously with the the way we’ve been playing we we’re we’re low on some sides and some rebounding um and certain areas but he’s going to he’s going to bring a lot to

Our team um obviously we all still got to get better and still everybody got to step up some more but he’s going to definitely help us in in in big ways thank you thank you I’m man and I love you

Hawks vs. Grizzlies Postgame Press Conference: Trae Young after 125-119 loss

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  1. The Hawks don't have enough raw athleticism on the team to just out-athlete other teams.

    They lose focus for long spurts of games… But they can't afford to do that.

    Then they get mad with the Refs for missing calls when they are in a crunch and every point counts but they playing against the clock and they can't get stops.

    They do this every game it seems like.

    Until they start taking the whole game seriously this will be the result of most nights smh.

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