@Milwaukee Bucks

Inside the NBA | Shaq reacts to Giannis scores 27 as Bucks beat Knicks 130-111 for 7th straight win

Inside the NBA | Shaq reacts to Giannis scores 27 as Bucks beat Knicks 130-111 for 7th straight win

Shooting night they shot 50% from three as well Bobby poris as you saw in some of the highlights was awesome tonight he had a double double 23 points 11 rebounds of nine a 14 shooting let’s hear from Mr pis what is it about this team that

Plays well against New York and what did you do well tonight man I think we just tried to clean up the uh the rebound War um they’re a great uh offensive rebound team just rebounding team overall U you know we didn’t give up too many second chance points I think our first two

Meetings we gave up a lot of Second Chance points so we cleaned that up a lot and then right now our team just rolling man everybody playing with um swag and confidence playing together um you know I think basketball is beautiful when you play it the right way well and

You guys really did maintain control of the pace tonight what helped you with that um just great ball movement trusting one another um getting to the right spots um coach Griff has done a great job um over the last couple weeks of just drilling our offense on a daily

Basis and um I think we’re trending in the right direction now you’ve got another game here on Christmas Day prime time in New York City how are you feeling about the game and what are you most looking forward to about it man I’m I’m excited Man U truly

Blessed to be able to play on Christmas day one of those things where you know you sit at home on a daily basis on a on a yearly basis I mean and you know what you watch all your favorite players the Kobe Brown so the world the Kevin

Garnett so the world the it’s the it’s a LeBron James in the word and you know to be able to play on Christmas in the garden me basketball um I’m excited um blessed and fortunate excited blessed and fortunate favorite arena in all of the NBA playing in Madison Square guard it’s hard to

Beat here is what’s impressive about the Bucks current streak so they won their seventh consecutive game averaging 132 points during that streak that leads the NBA and shooting 50% from the field and like we saw tonight they’re shooting that from three in a lot of these games

As well so coach I’ll start with you and then we’ll go over to you Brendon what’s most impressive about the streak or is it what you expect from the Milwaukee Bucks at this point well you you expect it from this point but I think from the thing that I appreciate is how jannis

And Dame starting the jail yeah and then how they able to fit everyone else in Chris Middleton is slowly he looked as bad as he looked early in the season he’s starting to find his Groove and Brenda you know as well as I know he’s the difference yes we know what Dame we

Know what Yannis is going to do but who’s going to be that third guy Bobby Porters can do at a time Brook Lope has do at time but the guy that can really bring it home is Chris Milton if he keeps trending in the right direction

That he continues to get strong and he starts playing like he’s played two years ago offensively and defensively because that’s where they miss him he can defend forwards then they’re going to be hard to beat you looking at Milwaukee Philly and Boston those three teams in the East are starting to

Separate themselves from everyone else well I like Miami in that group too but I think they I think they’re I think they even better than last year but but I do agree that those three teams are very strong and what I’ve been so impressed with with this with these

Winning these nine out of 10 like you said how Dame and we’re starting to see Giannis they’re starting to get comfortable playing with each other people think it’s easy just to throw two great players in together and say oh go play but when you’re used to having your

Own team and you can take a shot anytime you want to and now you’re thinking should I take this or should I defer to the big fella and then Giannis is trying to make Dame comfortable and it’s just a lot of different stuff going on a lot of

Give and take a lot of talks a lot of meetings a lot of film sessions to understand how do we make this work together how do I blend my greatness with your greatness you’re great getting downhill as when we talk about Giannis Dame is great shooting the basketball so

We want to say how do we get the most out of this but more importantly how do we work together because when we work together whether it’s pick and roll situations any type of screening action we can really be a big time problem in this league and slowly but surely the

Bucks are starting to to figure it out and twoe point coach the third guy Chris Middleton he’s starting to figure it out as well and in any type of big three scenario the third guy is the most important y he gets the least amount of shots he gets the least amount of love

The least amount of Praise but he has to figure out a way to be ready to have a superstar moment every time his numbers he don’t step up and play well in the big moments he getes a lot of blame a lot of the blame think about it I was

Able to do a box game a couple weeks ago and during shoot around Adrien Griffin and and Dame were just sitting there going over hours of film of coming off the pick and roll what’s the big adjustment if you’re a Damen Lillard being so powerful in the pick and roll

And so dominant in the pick and roll coming to a buck team where the options are endless it’s not like yeah I have Giannis rolling to the basket he has the length and the height and athleticism but everybody can shoot threes on this Buck team that was sort of the the

System that bud had built there is it what’s the hardest part is it the decision- making or the having to take a step back no figuring out where Yiannis wants the ball if he’s going to roll is he going to pop how he he’s going to

Roll say that again if he’s going to what if he’s going to roll is he going to pop or what he’s going to do because you got to know what this guy likes to do and then where he likes the ball does he want over top does he like the pocket

Pass because sometimes brenon people don’t understand there’s a different pass you makeing a pocket pass to a seven footer rolling if you give him that bounce pass that slides he can’t get it he’s got to go to so you got to put that pop on it to make that ball

Come up high right in that pocket or it’s going to be a turnover so all those little nuances think about what what Jamal Murray and the Joker how they work on picking Road from different angles that’s what Dame and jiannis is starting to do and once they get it down like

They’re starting to get it down and they surround them with Shooters it’s over because at some point jannis is 100% rolling down the lane when he catches it Bingo that is the key to the Milwaukee Buck season and I’m glad you started out with if he’s going to roll because sometimes jannis rolls

And sometimes he pops and he likes to get it and attack the defense and do the things that he used to do but big fell you a’t got to do that no more there’s somebody out here that’s going to set the table for you so every time you come

Off the screen and roll jannis should always be the roller because he’s normally out there with either Bobby Porter or Lopez and he’s never the best shooter out of that crew that is going to determine how far the Bucks go when jannis starts rolling every single time

Off the Dame pick and roll and then the coaching staff starts playing that game of where do we put Brook Lopez do we put him in the strong side corner what you going to do now do we put him in the we side corner I put him in a strong corner

Do we I want a big to Big to come help on Yiannis and leave Brook wide open exactly or do you put him at the top of the key all these different things it’s a movable chest piece type action but it all starts with Giannis saying I’m going

To roll and I saw a clip where he Yannis was talking to Vin Baker and he said listen I have to be more selfless I have to give more of myself I love that he said that because giving of yourself is changing some of the things that you

Used to do to be a better version of yourself for this team I think this team is really about to start take off so one possession game clock winding down out of- bounds play do you care if it’s Giannis or if it’s Dame or do you make the best basketball play knowing what

You draw up is what you hope happens but maybe it’s not I’m going to Dame is Dame every is Dame Dame is Dame every single time okay because Dame was brought in to do what Giannis doesn’t do well in those moments Dame’s a better three-point shooter midrange shooter and a free

Throw shooter there you go got to make free throw got to give the D he Ain Che he ain’t checking his watch in the clutch for no reason nope the Spurs approach with wanyama I mean I I like the fact that pop is playing him at different

Positions getting him a chance but at the end of the day this season is about his development that’s right period it’s about his development now the only thing that concerns me they’re losing at a clip and losing so much that could concern you but well there’s there’s

Moments that he seems frustrated that he can’t get the ball well that’s and they made the change at the point guard position and that’s the big that’s one a big issue for me the season is is all about wy’s development yep he’s not a guy that’s just a natural score he’s

Trying to figure out how to play so he needs that point guard that can set the table Jeremy soan being the point guard that’s not ideal I don’t understand that experiment go get him a point guard yeah get him a real point guard so handed I

Think he’s going to be a good young player in this league but he’s a three and D guy he needs to be shooting Corner threes and defending not trying to run your team and you can tell when you see some of the decisions is where the ball

Goes it’s because he’s never really had to play so you have a guy that’s never been in point guard before playing with arguably the best upand cominging young player in this game and the development is being hindered slightly because of that decision I don’t really the Spurs

Are a great organization I love what they’ve done in the past I don’t particularly love how they’re handling this situation with Sohan and wimy this season if soan is not ready go get a vetan point guard to teach him exactly I mean it’s just that simple go get you a

Veteran point guard to teach him because I just remember Kevin Garnett development and we had veteran point guards and just simple things Brendon he would be fighting for position I remember one game spw call time out and said look walk down there without the ball and get your position and when you

Get to where you want to be turn and I’ll hit you with the ball and kg was like is it that simple yes it’s that simple they can’t impede you if you don’t have the basketball so it’s all those little nuances that better point

Guard teach a big guy how to get to his position and then those guards going to learn where he likes to ball at right now he doesn’t even know where he likes to ball at in the NBA game well as you both know it’s hard to question a Greg

Papovich approach to developing a player because he’s done it so well so many times when it comes to AMA can’t you allow him to have the big numbers and the big success while also keeping him humble and developing developing him instead of it seems to me like the

Approach is don’t allow him to go out there and wow the crowd and be the star at one position because we don’t want to give false hope into creating habits that we don’t want him to create yeah I think they they just really this is he’s a different type of

Player yes he’s a this is different when they had Tim Duncan they knew what Tim Duncan was Y when you had played three years in college exactly when they had when they had Kawai they said you know what we know this guy’s weakness we know

What he needs to work on we know what he can be with wimy this guy’s the limit because he’s basically a 743 man and they’re trying to figure Hey listen big fella this is what you do when you post up when you get your one-on ones these

Are your Keys these are your reads this is when you put a little sauce on it on The Fast Break hey this is when you roll to the basket he’s trying to figure all this out so this is a bigger learning curve than pop normally has has had to

Deal with when we talk about the stars of the past so I still think they’re doing a solid job um I just think that it could be helped with a true point guard out there well it gives us a lot to look forward to in the future that’s for sure spee fore

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Inside the NBA | Shaq reacts to Giannis scores 27 as Bucks beat Knicks 130-111 for 7th straight win


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