@Los Angeles Clippers

Ty Lue Reacts To The Clippers 145-108 Loss To The Boston Celtics. HoopJab NBA

Ty Lue Reacts To The Clippers 145-108 Loss To The Boston Celtics. HoopJab NBA

How you doing Ty uh Boston attempted 53 from beep today when a team is shooting that many volume 3es at that type of clip how does it test your perimeter defense especially without Kawai I’m testing a lot you know we do come into the game um they going to shoot a lot of

Threes they need a league in three-o attempts and um all the guys can shoot him you know so U coming to the game we talked about that discussed it you know um even when you think they’re not going to shoot it they’re going to shoot it

You know so we had to be good at just getting out to those guys making them put on the floor you know making them get I think they second or last League you know get to the Bas you know so we know they’re going to shoot threes and

We us didn’t do a good job defensively tonight or offensively as well in that regard hey coach these past two games you know what do you think been the biggest adjustment especially in a defensive game without Kawai being in um just you know having a shut down

Corner you know a guy who can put on uh multiple guys to to kind of slow them down a little bit and then just offensively being able to calm us down and um you know run run our stats and run through what we’re trying to do you

Know offensively and so um tonight was was a good challenge for us because they they did some things differently you know putting their Center on on guards and you know being a to switch a lot of different things and U we wasn’t ready for that so

Um but like I said we can’t to our team after the game like these last two games don’t let it you know discourage what we built what we’ve been doing over the last um 3 4 weeks and so we had two bad games you know got a chance to be off

For Christmas the next two days and it come back Tuesday ready to go and so that’s got to be our mindset yeah just to pick it back off that you guys are just coming off the one of the H wining streaks in the NBA how you guys pick that back up that

Moment yeah I think you know hopefully getting Kawai back getting him healthy and then just have a chance to get some rest you know um that was a tough trip for us you know three and four Bor in the east coast and then two games in the

Mid wrest with back to back and coming back with an early game you know so we knew it was going to be a challenge but we didn’t want to use that as an excuse um you know to start the game I thought you know we were okay I think it’s 14 12

16 14 something like that and then we kind let the game get away from us you know with that three-point barrage but you know we fouled you know I think three or four jump shooters for threes you know things like that so we just got

To be better and like I said we will and we’re not going to get discouraged by these last two games that buil a lot of good things and so you know just come back on um on Tuesday and um hopefully get back on on a winning track T know that you guys are

Shand mention you know the fatigue how tough this trip was but what were some of the ways that you tried to take away these shooters and and just the team not be able to execute that part of it yeah I mean we started the game you know

Blitzing you know liil Jay and just trying to get out of his hands and um I thought we did a decent job with it you know and then just you know transition we had some turnovers we got transition threes U we made some baskets and didn’t get back in transition get matched up

Liil Jay got two threes doing that uh pitri got a three so they probably had seven threes you know after we scored a basket and now get back in transition get matched up and that’s not who we are so we just got to be better with that

And Coach only two free throw attempts from your starters tonight do you feel like that was more like Boston taking you guys out of your game and you guys maybe were settling when they maybe could have been more aggressive on certain offensive players um I think you

Know the switching you know it didn’t allow us to get down here with the pick a roll um and then they did a good job of staking the floor you know and we knew they going to straight the floor we knew they was going to you know overh

Help a lot of certain guys and you know just making those passes and yeah not got no shots and sometimes you got to deep um and couldn’t make the pass and sometimes we made the pass and you take the shots you know so we got to be

Confident with that but it wasn’t a lot of driver G to get to the pass get TI back the way they offens are done especially in that first half you feel like you guys be prepared for that but I guess for your evaluation just rebounding in general too yeah I

Mean they’re a big team you know so if you’re not boxing out you know shot goes up and then the biggest thing is a lot of long a lot of long rebounds as well you know they shoot a lot of Threes And so um if you’re not turning and checking

You know where your man’s at they’re all crashing and low rebounds you know you got to be engaged and understanding where the balls going to come off back so we didn’t do a good job of that either T um you touched on earlier you know you guys had the three game Road

Trip Midwest back to back early game today uh no Kawaii um how much obviously you take something out of every game but how much do you take out of this game when all those factors you know could have played a part what we saw it was good you know for me personally because

Just seeing how they matched up with a five on on T man and put a five on air and just kind of see how we got to play and for our team to understand that it doesn’t matter who they put the five on when we get into our second and third

Actions the f is going to get get involved I think we did a little too much like said it could be a lot of me just searching out trying to get that five and coming to the pick and roll instead just playing on offense and eventually getting to that and so it was

A good learning experience for me and I would be ready next time that happens Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to all y let’s get ready for hoop Jab

Los Angeles Clippers Head Coach Ty Lue speaks to the media following the Clippers 145-108 loss to the Boston Celtics.


  1. James Harden can't Play with low-IQ players and a low-IQ coach. We need movement and smart players. AND THIS TEAM NEEDS TO PRACTICE!!!!!

  2. don't give up team clippers masih banyak waktu untuk team clippers menang,berlatih lebih baik lagi team clippers agar bisa jadi juara di tahun 2024, banyak persaingan yang kalian lawan semangat semangat team clippers 🎉🎉

  3. Unfortunate loss, but that's basketball. Unlike some people, that's already quick to start saying who is a bad coach or bad player, its Basketball we were just on a 9 game win streak.

    We win some we lose some.

    One thing is clear is that Ty Lou needs to start having intense training for when Kawhi, PG, or both is out.

  4. We saw why the clippers are not contenders class yet. They play with poor energy, got outrebounded, poor perimeter défense and finally T.mann ain't no starter he is pretty much PJ Tucker

  5. Gotta be able to win without kawhi man. Dudes playing like an mvp but down the stretch others have to stay solid. Hopefully kawhi back after christmas.

  6. Agree, T Mann earned a spot back to the bench. He pends a lot of energy running everywhere while doing nothing and cannot shoot.

  7. An absolute ass whooping! The Celtics destroyed the Clippers in L.A. Where's Kawhi? He was playing well! Is he load managing again? The Clippers have gotten blown out by OKC and Boston back to back! PG is trash! Tatum is way better than him!

  8. T Lue didnt really seem discouraged about these losses compared to earlier when they had just gotten James Harden. He looked more frustrated during those 6 straight losses.

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