@Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors Winning Streak at 5 Following Complete Game that Lifts Team Back Above .500

Golden State Warriors Winning Streak at 5 Following Complete Game that Lifts Team Back Above .500

It’s a festiv us for the rest of us the Golden State Warriors celebrating FES ofis in style happy Festivus everybody we’re two days away from Christmas where a huge game awaits the Golden State Warriors as they take on the Denver Nuggets in the mile high city of Denver

But for now folks the Golden State Warriors they look like their old selves it’s a five game winning streak they’re back above 500 and I want to make tonight’s show about the chat I’m going to pose one interesting question in just a moment but if you have any thoughts if you have

Any ideas that you want me to answer to address tonight’s the night it’s Festivus eror your grievances you can also eror things that you are happy about let’s talk Warriors folks this was one hell of a game one hell of a win and this is locked on Warriors you are

Locked on Warriors your daily Golden State Warriors podcast part of the the locked on podcast Network your team every Day thank you for making lock on Warriors your first listen every day we’re free and available wherever you get Podcast and on YouTube that’s where every live Show broadcast we’re part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day you can follow me Cyrus sa’s

On threads add dog wild and I’m seeing uh some interesting commentary in the chat again I really want to hear from you folks tonight uh and I will reward that but one thing you know you know before I get to that actually let’s talk about the positives of this game first

The Golden State Warriors are victorious once again it’s a five game winning streak for the 2022 World Champions trying to get back on the top of the mantle maybe more importantly they’re back above 500 I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the turnaround started with a change in the starting lineup

We’re seeing Jonathan kaminga getting serious minutes we’re seeing uh Brandon psky who had a fantastic game tonight we’re GNA talk about him in just a moment Trace Jackson Davis is getting a real run coming off the bench and it’s it’s combination of veterans doing their thing there is no doubt that Klay

Thompson turning his fortunes around is having a positive impact but we we’re just finally we’re seeing the best players on the Warriors actually play and these are the results the results are a fantastic basketball team that takes care of business against the bad teams and as we saw just a couple nights

Ago against the Celtics this same Squad can also beat up the good teams folks you have every reason to be optimistic about this Golden State Warriors team they have a shot they really do uh but one thing in the chat I keep seeing and look both sides can be right on this

Okay Klay Thompson had a horrible start to the year horrible we we cover this extensively uh for for a player whose stat line is often parabolic meaning he’s got a lot of highs he’s got a lot of lows but the start to this year was abysmal for clay so for any anyone out

There who was concerned at the beginning of the Season who was complaining about Klay Thompson don’t beat yourself up over it you had every right to he had an awful start to the season but he’s doing damn good now in just his last six games for example he’s averaging 25.7 points

Per game he’s averaging five and a half three-pointers made per game he’s shooting 53% from the field maybe the biggest stat of all he’s shooting 50% from Beyond The Arc the last six games he’s 100% from the free throw line This courtesy of Splash Brothers Muse and Clays back the one aspect of

His game that is not back and I don’t I I’m sorry to nitpick but if we’re going to be honest here the defense is not quite where it used to be he’s not the Lockdown Defender he once was but but that is where seeing players like Jonathan kaminga in the lineup seeing a

Player like Brandon psky who’s in incredibly aggressive those minute differences minute to some maybe big to others are having a huge impact on this team defensively so whatever shortcomings we may see from Clay on that side of the court it’s being made up with Steve cerr playing longer athletic players and you’re especially

Seeing the impact Jonathan Kingz having on the defensive side he routinely is assigned the the the best player on the opposing team and he’s holding his own folks see seeing his Ascension has been a beautiful thing um but the Splash Brothers tonight were awesome and when it comes to Klay Thompson again both

Could be right he had a horrible start but the clay of old is what we’re seeing out there right now and if he can maintain this folks Sky’s a limit for this Golden State Warriors team uh he was interviewed in the postgame broadcast with NBC Sports Bay Area and

One attribution I was hoping they would have uploaded uh to their a social media account um but I don’t see it is he was asked about why he was slumping so hard early in the season and what’s turned around and the one thing that he attributed that was specific was tuning

Out media content tuning out the noise he he said on the interview that he was no longer paying attention to what was being said both by the media and by individuals on social media and who knows if it was something as simple was that but he looks good out there he

Looks like his old self he’s not forcing up shots one aspect of Clay’s game that I’m particularly loving is the fact that he’s attacking the rim and he’s a solid finisher so he’s not just limiting his game tub sitting outside and putting up baskets that are deep he’s now going

Into the bag he’s attacking the rim he’s got that skill set and he’s showing it he’s a fantastic finisher uh I want to play this sound by though that he did say because as a fellow English Bulldog lover I have nothing but sympathy towards it and that is Rocco his English

Bulldog uh for those of you that are every dayers and I’ve been with this program from day one when I took over you’re all familiar with the question I asked clay about a year and a half ago pertaining to Rocco that Lit his face up

And then some he loves his dog I love my dog and and again we’re both English Bulldog lovers so Bob Fitzgerald and Kena asabuki asked Klay Thompson what’s Rocco getting for Christmas here’s what Klay Thompson had to say exactly what’s Rocco getting for Christmas what’s on

The Klay Thompson shopping list I got a couple new bones I have a couple ropes uh a par day tomorrow and uh that’s that’s all Rocco really wants and uh he’ll be 12 years old next year so I’ve had him my whole time with the dubs and

He’s been such a joy of my life and uh I just love him to death Rocco getting for Christmas sorry about that is a 12 is a great run by the way for an English bulldog so um I’m glad he’s cherishing every moment uh very light-hearted and positive to hear

Uh what he what he’s planning on doing um with his puffy Rocco and while we’re we’re playing some sound bites let’s play one more from clay that that was published on the NBC Sports Bay Area Twitter account and this was Clay talking about the rookies because make

No mistake about it a huge reason that the Warriors have turned things around this season and why everyone’s feeling so good about this team has been the Ascension of these young players kaminga Trace Jackson Davis Brandon pky Moses Moody who play fantastic tonight I still

Wish he got more minutes um in the grand scheme of things but look he looked good he’s playing and uh clay uh was asked about the rise of these young players and let’s listen real fast to what clay had to say to Fitz and Kena when it comes to uh the

Rookies on this squad is there any kind of giting exchange with the team white elephant is what’s going on amongst the team for Christmas no Kia will not be getting a gift I’m not talking about me clay no none of that the rookies just get to be uh you

Know uh benefited with my presence there you go that’s it you’re a gift all right be honest clay does Rocco have a stocking that’s what I want to know cuz both my dogs have stockings he do fireplace he does have a stocking he’s got some rabbit jerk in there he’s got

Some good stuff so Roco is well taken care of all right nothing for auki plenty for Roco that’s right hey have a good Christmas the nice thing is you you get to play and we get to watch you that’s the best part cool yes sir yes sir

Clay well was muted there sorry about that uh so so very uh solid content from Klay Thompson I do wish again uh they they they played that clip where he was asked why he thinks his slump is over and again he attributed it mostly to just turning tuning out the noise coming

From whether it’s a traditional media social media um who knows maybe it was just entirely a mental thing but regardless his shot is falling his stats for the night um which were very impressive by both him and Stephen Curry the Splash Brothers game was on they LED

All scores uh tonight with Clay scoring uh clay scoring 28 Stephen Curry scoring 27 by the way the start of last night’s show uh I randomly caught this I said that thanksgiving’s around the corner I don’t know why I said that a Christmas is two days away I just wanted to catch

Myself on that uh but for tonight happy Festivus everyone and again Klay Thompson 28 points a plus 14 in the net rating 11 of 16 from the field that is fantastic six of 10 from Beyond The Arc that is fantastic that’s really all I need to say he did have three turnovers

Oh well uh did have three rebounds yay um in 30 minutes of play so Klay Thompson was fantastic and then his fellow Splash brother Steph and Curry Klay and Steph both played 30 minutes the difference between the two’s run in tonight’s game was 15 seconds clay played 30 minutes 33 seconds Stephen

Curry played 30 minutes and 18 seconds a whopping 15 seconds differentiating the two’s total playing time tonight Stephen Curry again the legend the greatest shooter ever a man who is on the precipice of of being in the discussion for for his placement on the Mount Rushmore of alltime greats Shaquille

O’Neal the other night brought up the fact that he should be in the discussion for the alltime greats I’m not hating on him for that let’s have the discussion but in terms of a pragmatic approach um I still maintain Steph if they win that fifth title it’s going to shut up a lot

Of people who who hate on sta um and tonight he was special again 11 of 18 from the field the only blemish really was uh his three-point shooting he was just two for seven uh from Beyond The Arc was also three for three from the free throw line had just one turnover

That’s a stat that’s been plaguing him a little bit this season added two assists three rebounds finish the game with 27 points so the Splash Brothers combined uh scored 55 points together it is great to see the Splash Brothers thriving um when we come back I’m going to talk

About uh the the youngsters who really contributed but I also want to talk about a player um that and again this is where I’m car you know I’ll pose this right now so we have we have a moment in case people want to express their thoughts in the

Chat but on social media and again I’m active on threads you can follow me there at dog wild I posed this thought which is that if the Warriors decide and I saw in the chat a lot of people discussing Draymond Green uh being a player that if the Warriors traded so be

It may they won’t they won’t be missing anything I don’t know if that’s a realistic trade proposition but Andrew Wiggins might be and my question to you and let me know what you think about this if the Warriors traded Andrew Wiggins and if they traded him just for

A trade exemption and say a first round pick would you miss him I mean we look we’re all thankful that he was a vitally important contributor for that 2022 World Championship there’s no debating that he was the second best player on that team but the Wiggins we’re seeing now whether it’s absenteeism whether

It’s a lack of passion whether it’s a lack of consistency we saw that time he missed last year that sham Shia reported was because of his ailing father the dude is struggling I’ve heard behind the scenes and this was this was told to me in conjecture so don’t take this as report

A fact but this was told me by someone who is in the building who was around Wiggins all the time and I don’t know if this is true I’m just repeating what they told me and even they themselves are not saying this like it’s fact it’s just their personal opinion on the

Matter is that Andrew Wiggins is not necessarily an individual who is in love with the game of basketball and which is weird to me right but I’ve never really heard anything before I heard that in either direction so if the problem with Andrew Wiggins is apathy is

Just being content in life playing out this final big contract of his would it really hurt the Warriors to trade them and this is where I love to get your feedback because there are a couple reasons for this in terms of it being logical and making sense one is the

Ownership in terms of this egregious luxury tax that they’re paying would get helped out a little bit and I know why do we care about billionaire owners well maybe if they’re not you know in in deep luxury tax penalty mode they might be willing to spend money on someone else

Or or give other players extensions that that are long awaited but I think IM for the immediate case why it might be beneficial to trade Andrew Wiggins for nothing in return except for let’s say like a like a first round future first round pick which is an asset you can

Then turn around and use for something else or use it to draft is this team does have a problem with depth and it’s a phenomenal problem to have but at some point in the near future you’re gonna get Gary Peyton the second back and you’re gonna get Draymond Green back and

I don’t know where Andrew Wiggins fits in all this here’s one thing I am confident in saying Jonathan kaminga is already a better player in every facet meaning if if kaminga is wiggin’s replacement the Warriors are an improvement as a team with that and so

So what I don’t want to see is Wiggins taking minutes away from kaminga and a player like Moses Moody when they’re doing fine they contribute themselves this team doesn’t miss a beat with those two players on the court and you’re about to have a minute problem with Draymond Green coming back with Gary

Payne II coming back at least with gp2 I don’t think anyone’s you know asking he’s not controversial is what I’m trying to say with Gary Payne II I know Draymond is a divisive figure but is there enough minutes for all three without making some huge sacrifices so I pose this question to

You would it would it be the worst thing in the world if if Andrew Wiggins was moved for a trade exemption to lower the luxury tax bill and to give minutes to players who maybe could be more deserving we’ll have that discussion and so much more in just a moment

You are locked on Warriors your daily Golden State Warriors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thank you for making locked on Warriors your first listen every day we got no live reads today uh so if you’re watching the recorded version of this

You might be seeing some taped ads up playing for you but look lockon has launched the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube locked on sports today is here for you 24/7 covering the top sports stories of the day with the local Experts of locked on plus our national shows covering

Every league go to lock on sports today on YouTube and subscribe to the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel what are folks in the chat saying KP CLE I hope I pronounce that correctly says We’re Dreaming if other GMS would bother with an Andrew Wiggins

Even if they don’t have to give anything up except the trade exemption Joe writes keep Wiggins you never know what you when you might need them if someone gets hurt z r trade Wiggins for a big but where is the wig where’s this big GNA play are you talking about

Taking kabon Looney entirely out of the rotation altogether Ian verel writes what happens if kaminga gets HT hurt so do you think Wiggins is going to be fine just rotting away on the bench that’s part of the reason why I brought this up is do you think Wiggins is gonna be okay not

Getting minutes just sitting there waiting for someone to get hurt and if he just sits there for months and then has to play because of an injury will he actually contribute DJ wres C Chris Paul makes $30 million a year as a bench player I’d

Rather use him as a salary filler for a Lori Marin in or a pascal seak so you but the question is do you want to move Chris Paul I mean that contracts off the books after the season anyways a lot of V’s writes Wiggins is still your best Wing Defender if he’s

Locked in is he actually have more faith in kingle already and when’s the last time you saw Wiggins locked in insane polygon right so the only reason Wiggins played hard during the championship season was because he was up for an extension once he got the bag he stopped

Carrying that’s in line with what I’ve heard Carlos Pia is trying to shift the focus back to Draymond Green the only reason why I’m not bringing up green is because Steph’s wants plays a big part in all this and I don’t know if Stephen Curry wants Draymond Green traded if

That makes sense you folks I’m trying to be pragmatic I’m not opposed to the idea of trading Draymond Green uh K’s Mars wants well be well you’re saying that cabon Looney is useless I don’t know if he was useless he had he had a decent game tonight played 21 minutes scored uh

Six points grabbed 11 rebounds Looney also had seven assists he was a plus 15 in net rating I don’t know if he’s useless that might be a little harsh but I do think he’s more of a backup big than a starter Trace Jackson Davis to me is

Better Rebel to sound says ker mentioned this I’m going to check and see if there’s any sound that has come down in the last 10 minutes or so uh pertaining to that but that’s to me and again maybe I’m wrong it’s just an idea I came up

With tonight but it seems to me if you’re if you’re gonna have to move on from a player just to make things work Wiggins seems to be the odd man out um the only sound bite I see from from uh Steph from Steve Kerr I’m sorry in regards to the postgame

Show and why don’t we hear Steve CER he talked about uh Klay Thompson’s uh Improvement in shooting and he attributes it to shot selection let’s hear what coach gessa say Clay’s been you know playing really well for a little while now what what have you specifically seen work for him

Is it a matter of his shots just falling down or has he been changing something shot selection is the biggest thing with Clay um I think over the last five games um he’s just taking better shots um and as a result our team is more

Settled um we just we just feel um like we’re operating uh more efficiently you know he’s coming off screens if he’s open he’s shooting it if he’s not he’s moving it and and uh when he does that um he’s he’s at his best and we’re at our best Clay’s been you know playing

Really well for a little while now what what have you oh sorry about that shut this up shut up okay there we go sorry about that uh so there was Steve Kurt saying uh uh shot selection is is where things have changed for Klay Thompson maybe um I agree with Jay Banks

Who who writes that after the title win Wiggins hasn’t had that same hunger wholeheartedly agree um someone wrote about uh where is that there was one chat that I really wanted to play and then I lost it gosh darn it well here’s and this is a good point Andre

Frbk how many times has Wiggins been sick in two years a lot a lot uh I I don’t know if I’ve seen a player Miss more time because of illness uh someone mentioned as well that the size issue that if you trade Wiggins get a center but again how do you fit Trace

Jack Davis into all this then I think I think I think Trace Jr has kind of earned a place to get some real minutes so that’s the only reason why I’m not pouncing on trading for another big we got to be realistic a little bit about the minutes here okay and when it

Comes to those minutes unless you’re talking about kabon Looney just being out of the picture entirely Trace Jackson Davis has earned a spot do you folks not agree in in tonight’s game Trace Jackson Davis 17 minutes he’s so efficient six of seven from the field he’s only one for four from the

Free throw line but that’s okay didn’t hurt the team uh by his standards a low five rebounds finished the game with 13 points you have to love what you see from this guy Trace Jackson Davis aka Trace Jr Klay Thompson anointing that nickname on him because his brother is

Also named trace and so he had to figure out a way to differentiate the two but Trace Jackson Davis is fantastic man I mean it bravo bravo Mike dony Jr you scored and then some with this recent draft Brandon pky not letting that lower back injury slow him down got to give

Love to the other rookie tonight seven of 12 from the field the only part of his game that I don’t think has gotten there yet well there’s a few things he does make little mistakes here there but his three-point shooting has not reach that level that it’s going to reach

Folks he’s going to be a fantastic outside shooter uh again he shot 40 43% 43.8 I believe uh in college and that that number does translate he’s going to be an elite outside shooter that’s one of the many reasons why Brandon pky is so exciting to think about in terms of

Not just the the present impact but the future 15 points for this kid tonight 10 rebounds three assists shy of a triple double he led with seven he led the Golden State Warriors a net rating tonight with a plus 25 damn and look this is a great point

Right here from K CLE if I’m getting that right who mentions that Draymond Green can defend joic and look maybe you’re piggybacking off someone else’s idea saying that and I apologize if I if I’m not giving love to the correct person but that is the value with Draymond

Green and this is where I’m very curious to see how the Warriors play on Christmas Day in Denver against the Denver Nuggets the defending world champions most likely the primary obstacle for the Warriors they want to get back on the throne I’m very curious to see how they

Handle joic in that game because Kavon Looney is already proven can’t do it okay Nicola yic owns Kavon Looney but is he gonna own Trace Jackson Davis the kid’s just a rookie so if if you can’t handle the job I get it right but curious to see how it goes yeah David a

Whole wholeheartedly agree with you we don’t know yet if try Jackson Davis can defend joic very curious and excited to find out and thing us SFU um I hope I pronounced that right you’re you’re saying that Draymond Green was playing really well before the suspensions agreed so very curious to see how that

Goes on Christmas day Dino manrique greetings from the Philippines welcome we got a lot of people from the Philippines tuning in that country has exploded in terms of basketball popularity interest good on you folks it’s a great game all right more to talk about the Warriors in just a moment I haven’t even

Given uh Jonathan kaminga has du yet tonight we’re going to talk about his numbers and his contributions on a happy Fest this evening we’ll be back in just a moment you are locked on Warriors your daily Golden State Warriors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every

Day one final segment thank you for making locked on Warriors your first listen every day for the every dayers we’ll be back at this on Christmas day I’ll I’ll I’ll I don’t know if I’m going to have a co-host yet or not it’s not easy getting guests for these postgame

Shows so I do sincerely apologize if you get tired of just watching me it’s a lot easier to book a guest during the day than it is at 8 n 10 o’clock at night Pacific time uh so my apologies for that um why do we uh take a listen to trace

Jackson Davis he was just on uh again the NBC Sports Bay Area postgame show he was on with Zena kada I like Zena congrats to her for uh I don’t know if it’s official yet if she’s got that role on a permanent basis or not in terms of

Being the primary uh pre poost game host um but nonetheless here she is handling the interview with Trace Jackson Davis the Young Warriors rookie that nearly every other team in the NBA passed up on because he wanted a guaranteed deal true story the thing with the difference between first and second

Round picks in an NBA draft is if you’re first round pick you’re going to get a guaranteed deal you got the first three years of your contract sewed up not not this isn’t like 100% across the board but generally speaking but with second round picks you have a lot of teams that

Don’t want to make that kind of commitment and Trace Jackson Davis’s agent made it very clear that he wants a guaranteed deal and if you’re not going to offer that to him don’t draft him you’re gonna have an unhappy individual in your organization how could all those other

Teams pass up Trace Jackson Davis just because he wanted a guaranteed deal that is asinine and kudos to Mike D Ley Jr for having the foresight to give this kid the money he wanted and it’s not even the money it’s just the the security of a guaranteed contract here’s

Zated with Trace last question for me how does it feel now I don’t know if you’ve noticed but when they’re calling your name to come into the game crowd’s a little louder crowd’s getting excited about you coming in and getting excited about your dunks how does it feel now to

Slowly become a fan favorite here at Chase Center absolutely absolutely I’m embracing it all obviously my rookie season there’s going to be ups and downs but I’m just playing with energy and um trying to give the fans some dunks some blocks and just stuff that brings energy

To the building well you brought a lot thank you trace for joining us last question for me there you go oh there we go so thank you so much to trace Jackson Davis thank you to Zena kada she’s good people um so I want to really fastly uh yeah

Matt thank you for that I I don’t really mention that enough hit that like button please thank you Matt D it does help thank you that’s very kind of you um Abigail and a few others talking about Draymond Green come I would love to have Draymond Green on this show I’ll

Try to make that happen why not oh there go sleven calbra I think you initiated this in the chat hell yeah why not I I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll pursue that Dre Dre’s not afraid of doing interviews I don’t think I’ve ever said anything critical about him right

Um yeah let’s get Dre on this program why not we had Looney on a little while ago um Dr J30 good to hear from you you said who writes that I had inside info that Kerr was upset that kaminga was mad no I never reported that uh what I

Reported was that kaminga was upset at the fact that his minutes were reduced and in case you folks forgot kaminga was out of the rotation against the same Portland Trailblazers team approximately two weeks ago the warriors were getting killed in that game Kerr brings kaminga into that game with about four or five

Minutes left in the third quarter kaminga plays the entire rest of the game Warriors win and Steve Kerr finally a year later than he should have realizes oh wow this kid can play um so that that’s that was the story behind there and then the Warriors I I don’t

Know if they still are but they were exploring trades uh with kaminga being one of the players they’re interested in I don’t know if they’re still doing that or not I I really hope not I really hope wordman writes that myself and Dre will choke you out I’m not a

Choker that’s not how I roll um no no no no Dr J I did not that’s not what I said um no it was kaminga who was upset about the minutes and and that was a true story and again knows look people’s opinions change times change wi

Dine where’d you go wi Don enjoy life wres it would be criminal to trade Jonathan kaminga I agree this kid is special I’m glad we’re finally seeing him get some real run he played 29 minutes 49 seconds today just shy of 30 minutes which is a lot even for him and

He wasn’t that aggressive offensively tonight I don’t know if you folks noticed that he was getting other people involved I don’t know if it was because of the defensive strategy by the Trailblazers I don’t know if kaminga just saw better opportunities for his teammates uh but in those 30 minutes he

Only had seven field goal attempts um two of those being three-pointers that did not go in so he was three for five from the field not including three-pointers was 0 for two from Deep was a perfect five for five from the free throw line finished the game with

11 points added six rebounds he also had five assist the Golden State Warriors collectively tonight and this was just a game out of a time machine this is what we were accustomed to couple few years ago five years ago with this Golden State Warriors team one example of that

The assists they had 38 assists in this game tonight they were moving the ball this was a team effort Bravo to the Golden State Warriors another category the warriors uh want tonight which they’ve been struggling with and this is the trace Jackson Davis effect folks this is the Jonathan MinGa effect folks

This is playing younger athletic players and the impact and the results you get from it the Warriors who are awful this year with points in the pain right rebounding they’re hav been so bad and that could almost be a negative because for a smaller team like the Warriors to

Be routinely winning the rebounding battle night after night that could be indicative of a lot of energy being expended and it might be a detriment in that regard if you’re wasting all this energy fighting for rebounds and then you’re also blowing leads routinely throughout a game there could be a

Correlation there so the rebounding thing because again the Warriors are one of the best teams in the NBA when it comes to rebounding and they won that battle again tonight uh they won that battle by 49 to30 we’ve been seeing that a lot the stat that at least I’ve been paying

Close attention to that’s been concerning but again when you amazing what happens when you play young bigs right they won that battle tonight points in the paint and they didn’t just win it they dominated 62- 42 the Warriors inside the paint shot 31 of 41 Portland was 21 of 35 the Warriors even

Won the Fast Break battle tonight uh nine they only had nine fast break points a nine to eight but that also shows you that their half court offense was a fine-tune machine so Bravo there but to see Jonathan kaminga get getting finally getting this run it’s it’s certainly making me a happy individual

It really is um oh we’re late all right folks Merry Christmas Carlos right back at you love you too love all of you thank you so much we’ll be back at this on Christmas Day Bravo to the Golden State Warriors they’re a game above 500 the winning waves are back happy Festivus Merry

Christmas bye-bye he

Cyrus Saatsaz went solo for a live Happy Festivus for the rest of us postgame show following the Golden State Warriors defeating the Portland Trail Blazers in a very complete and very comfortable game that sees the team extend their winning streak to 5 games and sees their record go above .500 for the first time in over a month with a huge Christmas Day game at the Denver Nuggets awaiting them.

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  1. Wiggins was going through a tough time, and he's still dealing with issues, I assume. If it's just the love for the game yes I'd trade, if he doesn't get it together.

  2. Jesus Christ, Mama Mia, get a new camera for $50. Someone buy a Christmas present for Cyrus so it doesn't look like he is filming in the year 2000 at 144p resolution in a smoke-filled room. Doesn't he realize he would double or triple his subscribers if he gets clearer resolution on the videos? Doesn't he realize if he dressed with a formal, long sleeve shirt that he would come off as more professional and authoritative instead of as if he is a schmuck that just rolled out of bed? If you think people are just looking for speaking content and the visuals have no meaning…… Try eliminating the video totally with just the sound I will bet anyone that his viewership would drop 50% or more.

  3. 😂😂😂 jk is good …but moody nor jk can hold wiggs jock strap…😂😂😂..this guy locked on kuminga…plus its not true…wiggs love the game ..he is just stoic..and not emotional unstable like this host…we should trade you and bench ky…😂

  4. Looney was awesome. He's putting Draymond Green numers! 6 offensive rebounds, i think it was 7 assists.

  5. Steph is the proud owner of Denver, Memphis, Houston, Portland, Mavs, Boston of course Cleveland as well 😂 just some teams could never get pass the Chef 😂

  6. Remember before the season started Draymond stated his main goal is to help CP3 get his first ring. Well he's not holding up his end of the bargain bt I'm a fan of Draymond since the beginning so ik he'll be back ready to go all that time without doin wat u love u find new love for it more appropriate appreciation to the game

  7. Btw do we realise our season went down after a great start is after we lost to Denver in a close game. Tomorrow we can turn the tide completely

  8. POD, has opened Klay with nice pocket passes, getting more space he can slash to basket and has legit 3 ball so Klay has more room on court. Once Klay gets going he is deadly…

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