@Chicago Bulls

DeMar DeRozan, Chicago Bulls fall to short-handed Cavs | CHGO Bulls Podcast

DeMar DeRozan, Chicago Bulls fall to short-handed Cavs | CHGO Bulls Podcast

What’s going on bulls na sh and welcome in C it’s show Bulls post game coming to you remote from a few various locations on Christmas Eve Eve Bulls fall to the Cavs ending their winning streak 10995 is the final on PEC you can follow me on

Twitter at Bulls corek my guy Big Dave B bwl Sports Dave I just noticed that you have a red mic base and I have a black mic base so our mics are like Bulls colors and that’s yeah okay that works I like it I like it a lot

Just wiping the dust off mine I just realized how dusty it was on here man like that’s not a thing it’s not like I don’t use the mic all the time I was just I was just on the rebuildable podcast uh like you were I was just on definitely not Dusty definitely not

Dusty uh yeah shout out to Matt Jal and I do have something I do have something to tell y’ so earlier today wait hold hold on hold on our pal producer joce batis on the controls behind the scenes not in a Dexter killing lab not Dexter killing that is very important to say

Shout out Joey 1.1k he is he everybody safe let’s just say that everyone safe that we know of um I earlier today I went to the studio uh because this how out of it I was I’ve been out of it like I was completely out of it I showed up at the

Studio talking to Mario outside walked him inside and I walked in it’s just the Blackhawks in there and they’re like hey what you doing here and I’m like we got a game what you mean and I was like oh wait what like they were like yeah y’all are remote and I

Was like oh what remote so I had to go get in my car go right back home and you know you know why I was completely off because I walked in I left my hat in the car I didn’t even have a hat on so I was just

Walked in without no hat I was just in there you know chilling that basically sums up what the Chicago Bulls were today a team with no hat it uh it was a team with no hat tonight it’s a bummer we can get to our thoughts on tonight’s

Game thanks y’all for joining us in the comments on YouTube hit the like button thanks for joining us on uh this Christmas Eve Eve holiday shout out to yain who said what’s up my chg fam unfortunately we can’t talk about a win as we enter the holiday weekend but I I

Mean I I feel like you kind of have to call this one a schedule loss Dave it’s not great that it was against the Cavs team missing four of its top scorers I mean you already are dealing with the Darius Garland long-term injury Mo’s out Donovan Mitchell is a late scratch

Because of illness and then also oh by the way Carris Levert’s not playing like this this was Max stru Jared Allen and a bunch of no buies no offense to them it it seemed like a schedule loss because it was their fourth game in six nights very brutal December schedule and they

Just kind of looked lethargic their shots weren’t falling but to me I like I don’t want to give them a full pass for the schedule loss because this is a very winnable game against a very short-handed team and if the Bulls just take care of the defensive class tonight

You might be looking at the win despite the fact that you didn’t shoot all that well because neither did Cleveland yeah they shot about 26% uh from the three-point line after a pretty hot start uh from them in the first half but they hit the timely threes in that

Fourth quarter uh the Chicago Bulls not so much uh their their three-point shooting was was bad but you’re right Matt um yeah let let me get that stuff out the way because it was a part of it uh four fourth game in six nights uh

These guys do play a ton of minutes uh a lot and you kind of saw it kind of rearing its ugly head uh tonight uh guys were kind of just gassed like the effort wasn’t there uh for that team tonight when you’re getting outrebounded I mean outworked I believe Jared Allen had 17

Rebounds or something like that like it was it wasn’t great um as far as the team effort that they put in on the glass really no fast break points for that team either they weren’t running and that’s what that’s where the Bulls kind of bread and butter is with a team

Full of guards is they get the ball and they run and they weren’t able to do that a lot of standing around um and yeah just kind of look but look just look like a team that couldn’t wait to get a break honestly that’s how they

Looked so okay so we got that part out the way so still in fact though you still you know look like trash against a team you should have beaten like you still should have beaten this squad for sure I get it schedule loss I thought

Max dreu was going to have that kind of game today too Matt you know he had like they kept saying his family had the sweet and all that but a couple of those plays that they gave up man were just really bad defense um the Bulls I I now

Can say it’s it’s a real issue the back cut that continues to happen to this team it’s been happening all season um but it really was on full display because you just saw the Cavs executing that’s all they did it was like high school basketball just execution that’s

All it was back Cuts picks uh guys slipping screens um pick and rolls you know it was just they just executed them to death that’s all Max stru did he just you know the back cut he had on iio for the am one on the Baseline we saw that a

Couple of times from Wade as well so it for me it was just that simple like they got outworked and it was the effort just was not there for that team and you can’t excuse that I understand they were tired but if they’re tired then you know

Get somebody else in there who’s going to have that effort uh for the team but yeah they just they didn’t have it tonight uh shout out to our guy AK with a super chat in the comments who said Bulls playing their 31st game tonight most of any NBA team which is true uh

Fourth game in six nights it showed lethargic legs little player ball movement and mental fatigue were big factors couldn’t buy a three onto the next um Mack for better tomorrow also in the comments saying the offense looked super stagnant tonight and I mean it it that third quarter in particular like it

Was what I think it was like 56 55 or 57 57 56 right yeah yeah and the third quarter that Bull’s offense just like the wheels fell off it just like they couldn’t do anything and I I I know that we’ve been given some some due praise to

Your boy Tay and Terry for his recent stretch of games getting minutes but man and like he was he was trying to fight people people to make jump balls happen and I will credit him for that but the spacing is bad when Dal is out there and

Credit to him he tried to take a three or maybe he took two missed badly and then you saw when the ball was moving and it got to him and the proper solution would have been for that player in dalen spot who is open to take a

Three because they’re open Dal passed it up and the and then the offensive possession went nowhere because he was afraid to shoot it yeah and if you saw some of my text message I was sending to friends that’s literally what I said in the fourth quarter I said Dal shouldn’t

Be out there right now because he’s not a a willing shooter he didn’t want to after he missed those two shots he didn’t want to take anymore and I don’t care you know me Matt I don’t care if you throw it in the ocean but you have

To keep the floor balance shoot the ball that’s what Demar is doing just shoot it you have to shoot the basketball you can’t uh allow those misses to deter you from doing that because you’re throwing off the whole team and not just yourself so yeah I was completely like yeah I

Don’t think he should be in here right now I appreciate the minutes for sure and I know why Billy had him in there because again you needed some energy you needed you know somebody who wanted to actually play and make an effort out there and he was doing that but I

Thought it was in a little too long because of that reason that you just stay I I completely agree with you yeah he he should not have been in there because he didn’t want to shoot the three for me it wasn’t that he couldn’t

Hit it he just wouldn’t shoot it and I C I can’t afford that you know in that game against the team they were going up against yeah um and AK also mentioning in the comments that speaking of Billy looking for Solutions tonight maybe looking to DAL for a little energy punch

When the team looked leth lethargic also going to the very rarely seen and very rarely used Vu Drummond combo in the front court for this Cavs team that is big you know even even missing Moy this is a big Cavs team and I mean they were crushing the Bulls on the glass we

Praised the Bulls in our pregame show on Thursday about how in this recent stretch of 10 or 11 games when they’ve been winning a lot they have become in that stretch the best offensive rebounding team in the NBA and kudos to them for that the same is not true for

The Bulls on the defensive class this season they have been very subpar and they were just flat out bad on the defensive boards tonight 30 to4 I think it was like towards the end of the fourth when the Cavs got yet another bucket When Stacy T rattled off that

Stat again I think that’s the last time I heard it 30 to four in Second Chance points second CH like you made Billy go to a Vu Drummond scenario because you were getting your asses kicked on the glass that badly yeah yeah and I you know why I liked it for two reasons

Because uh non beholding Billy rear his reared his head again and I love nonb beholding Billy like when he’s not he don’t care he’s gonna try anything with the lineup but two a lot of basketball analytic guys brains broke in half out there and that and and I was just

Laughing the whole time I’m like oh I know some people are going insane right now their analytic brain are just not GNA be able to compute this or comprehend it but I again I got why he did it but like you said like offensive rebounds Matt 15 to five was the

Offensive rebounding numers so that’s why those Second Chance points uh were so high for Cleveland they they were killing the Bulls on on that but again that is effort that is simply put effort on on the glass from those guys um yeah like I get it he put it in and like I

Said it just made me laugh it really did just really make me laugh man but he had to try something uh to try to stem the tide uh on his team and try to get some offensive rebounding uh going on because yeah it just it wasn’t clicking for him

Uh speaking of that interesting choice from Billy AR guy another Bowl in the comments saying Billy still sucks uh and uh oury our guy the Duke with a super chat who said also Billy Cole in your stocking no wait Cole is too valuable cters Santa bring him an

Overflowing stocking with warm runny cow turs well that certainly paints a picture doesn’t it um I mean I I don’t necessarily think that this was a coaching loss tonight like look I am someone who does not love seeing Vu and drumming out on the floor at the same

Time I’m not going to murder him for that I’m not going to murder him for any of the rotation decisions he made tonight the Bulls were tired they looked like a tired team that was looking forward to their Christmas Eve Christmas day two days off that’s what the team looked like it

Couldn’t knock down any shots they couldn’t grab any rebounds yeah game over end of game that’s not Billy I completely agree yeah it’s it’s it definitely looked like that kind of team um I wish he I don’t know I don’t know how deep into the bench people

Thought he could go or wanted to go but he tried Javon Carter was was not on it you know his shot wasn’t falling uh tonight so it was hard to put him in because he becomes the liability on the other end of the floor so since his shot

Wasn’t falling like that um your only other options I believe are what Julian uh Phillips you can put in and Terry Taylor Terry Taylor like T Craig they they did have Henry Dr with them tonight actually because I think he checked in for like the last 30 seconds of garbage

Time so yeah like your options were were pretty limited because he was running you know nine 10 Deep out there and guys just didn’t have it like they were tired and they wanted to go to sleep Kobe white being out of seven I believe uh from the three-point line is probably

The biggest uh thing you can point to in that you’re like okay Kobe you’re not 0 for seven that’s not a guy that you are because you saw his mid-range game working getting to the cup you know getting his M range shot but he was turning the ball over also um he was

Getting caught up in in a lot of things on the offensive end where he couldn’t make his proper move um the turnovers that he had had a carry turnover uh and everything like it was just completely off uh for those guys and Patrick Williams actually I give love to Patrick

Williams because I like how he played um he did what what he could I guess out there for the team he he’s the one that was hitting the three-point shots V uh did a solid job I thought uh scoring trying to keep them in the game as well

Yeah but no three-point shooting Matt and no rebounding as you said like it’s it’s really a done deal you know for this team and in this league if you can’t do those things yeah uh AJ cats in the comments said not sure which post game is going

To be most brutal this one the Blackhawks W or the Bears W tomorrow God bless the fans in our city we don’t deserve this garbage I mean I I I don’t know what Bears fans are rooting for tomorrow are are they rooting for a win I mean I don’t I’m always I’m rooting

For a win and I want to see Justin play but I’m not like oh you know angry if they don’t like it’s okay also did you see that goal Conor ber scored tonight because listen if the if the if the Bulls won he he was going to get half of

That goona tonight just for dude he was gonna get half bro like that was crazy dog like that’s one of my favorite ways to score in in hockey is that move right there because you don’t see it as often you see it more in college I think than

You do see it uh in Pros but yeah that dude’s 18 years old ladies and G that dude is good he’s scary uh circling back to the uh coaching performance from Billy tonight nothing but bull not giving up saying yeah but Billy played a non-center lineup uh for most of the

Second quarter that’s on Billy I I mean Fair Counterpoint no one was grabbing rebounds Drummond was getting beat underneath Vu was getting beat underneath I think V did have double dig rebounds but like and and and Drummond was doing his thing on the offensive class that he always does but it didn’t

Matter the wol could not grab a defensive rebound to SA their life and I don’t think it was like purely because of lack of size and then Billy made that call to go two centers in his lineup to address it that way and even that didn’t work yeah because guess what from the

Beginning like from the first quarter jump ball to the end of the game the Bulls were getting worked on their defensive boards all night regardless of what was doing all night and I mean Drummond had two offensive rebounds that led the way by the way like that that

Can’t be the case like that’s that’s a problem he’s also um a minus 10 along with Bo being a minus 12 I’m just saying like those guys were tired man like it’s really that’s really what I looked at it as and Billy just was trying anything

When he was going with no Center it that means that I’m desperate I’m trying anything bro like somebody give me a spark here we got to hit these shots we we got to get some steals fine no Center great fine two Centers Great like he was running he was trying anything out there

On the floor I can’t be mad at that because nothing was really working uh for the Bulls because no matter what you’re putting out there if that effort isn’t there doesn’t really matter the lineup that you got like the effort that’s not wasn’t available and wasn’t um shown by the Bulls tonight is

Honestly the reason they couldn’t get this win but these guys were beat man these guys were tired and they really wanted to go home and be with their families and you were at home here in Chicago so it’s not like you got to take a flight so you’re you’re right around

You just want to go lay your bed again and do that they were they were Gass we saw it last game Matt if we’re gonna be real about it we saw it last game they just having to turn it on in the fourth quarter yeah and uh get that Victory but

They did the the same kind of thing it’s just this one was for the whole game and it feels like they played down to the competition something the Bulls have done historically is a far in recent history I should say they have done that um and it never works out you know for

When they do that but yeah man like they they did not have it tonight guys I can’t remember who in my Twitter feed said it tonight at some point when the Bulls were struggling they were like oh man like I’m just you know so sick of the fact that the Bulls

Play down to their competition and I was my thought was W it’s been a minute since we’ve even been able to say that like play play down like no if anything Bulls been playing down to the Bulls so far this season but in this recent stretch of turning things around and

That’s why I this game did kind of have Trap game written all over it because like oh like CS are missing four key guys we’re probably we’re at home we’re on a roll bull should win this one so of course they don’t um we got to take our

First break then we’ll come back get to uh more thoughts on tonight’s game hear from y’all we’ll also hear from our guy will go GOI later on tonight’s postgame show from the UC um while we’re doing that you know what to do smash that like button if you’re hanging out do it for

Our guy joeey do it you know what Matt yeah now it’s coming time you know I know it’s the holiday season it is everybody everybody’s got lights up you know I mean everybody’s making runs to the store but I think if you’re going to be using all that energy it’s time to

Save you some money and get smarter about it guys because it’s getting easier for businesses to switch to electric vehicles that’s something that we can all get behind for the health of the planet and for the well-being of all of us who share it that’s right Dave

That’s why having comment around is just so wonderful the electric grid is evolving to meet your cleaner energy needs as we all move with confidence towards an electric tomorrow whether you have a one delivery van or a whole Fleet of shipping trucks ComEd can help you save uh can help

Guide you to make the changes to make sense so what should business owners do Matt let me tell you Dave oh go to clean to learn more about the resources Fleet rebates and infrastructure incentives available to help businesses go electric if you own a business one good for you that’s cool

Two don’t wait start making your PL today to switch to electric vehicles good for business good for the planet good for us all go to clean did you say clean that’s right Dave SL clean go now and see how going electric connects us to to a better way

Of doing business and a better future for generations to come oh those Generations so many generations Dave tonight’s C show BS post game also brought to you by our friends at Ray Chevy our partner Ray Chevrolet is having their biggest sale of the year right now day time right now make your

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Do you know what let’s bring him in let’s bring him in now baby let’s go baby do it man run that Joey run that Joe bring that man in oh hey he is it’s our guy with the NBA background and everything follow him on

Twitter BS of the UC yes ah I I love when you use the phrase bowels of the UC I don’t know it doesn’t bug me as much as you would think it would the usage of the word bowels but bowel Sports will uh we were just sitting here

Chatting about how this was kind of a schedule loss fourth game in six nights uh this Bulls team looked tired tonight they didn’t shoot well tonight they didn’t rebound well tonight are you taking anything away from it beyond that yeah I am actually I mean I think you’re right that they looked pretty

Tired they looked kind of dead legs as you said four and six um coming off of the back toback as well obviously had a game off here before tonight’s game but the way that the Cavs were running around the court I think also did not help I mean they they were chasing stru

And Dean Wade and Craig Porter all over the place and yeah I mean I think as much as like Kobe and Pat are young guys like the minutes that they’re shouldering right now with Zach and with Tory Craig and with Caruso missing time uh from game to game like it’s just it’s

Gotten to be a lot and I think they’re pretty tired um dear I think especially just as he ages is going to have a harder time keeping up on these sorts of stretches it’s like time off in between games is going to become big for him and

I think Billy wanted to ride him a little bit more in this game because it felt like they were right there the whole time but to me like the takeaway was this team is like still not good enough to be you know rolling the ball out and feeling like they can beat

Mediocre or good teams on a night toight basis like they still have a lot of work to do in order to secure these wins and I think they’re capable of it the way that they’re playing but tonight like the ball was just not really popping they’re getting killed on the offensive

Glass they were given up threes they were giving up free throws it just was not the right recipe and I think it’s a one game sample you don’t want to you know make too much of it but yeah I mean I think it’s just a reminder that like

Yes they’ve played well in their last 11 games but that does not mean that all of a sudden they’re contenders like they still have they have to bring it every single night um and I think they’re capable of winning games like this but it’s they can’t just like you know walk

Out there and expect to win not not saying that that was necessarily their mindset but when you’re playing a team without its three best players I think it is a little bit easier to get to fall into that trap especially um you know four games in six nights well talk to me

About how much you loved watching Andre Drummond and Nia vich out they’re on the floor together it’s funny because Billy I think it was last game so against the Spurs on Thursday night when Billy pregame said that that was not something he was gonna do again he was like that

Just doesn’t really work you know most teams and I think part of it is like you’re matching what other teams are doing like not a lot of teams are playing lineups that would require you to play two bigs um but yeah I mean they were just getting destroyed on the

Offensive glass and he just had enough with it so he threw drum out there with v and I think they like went plus two in their first in um not sure how it went in their in their second in terms of plus minus but um then he also went to a

Small ball lineup with d Terry at the five and I asked him about that and he was just kind of like you know we were getting killed on the offensive glass and V and Drummond together didn’t really solve the problem so I wanted to try to like jump start the offense

Somehow and so I went with a smaller lineup with Dal at the five where we could just switch everything and try to get out and run and that didn’t work and it it just kind of like sums up the whole night where just nothing really felt like it was coming easy um the

Comment I made just chatting with uh Casey while watching the game was like the Cavs were just getting all these system buckets right like guys coming off with pin downs and shooting threes um you know and and then slipping out of screens and getting layups uh as a

Result of the extra attention that the shooters would get coming off those screens um Craig Porter was just kind of like knifing his way into the paint and just getting up those like little you know Luca donic kind of deceleration like Fade Away shots from

Like 8 feet away and um yeah the Bulls just didn’t get any of those it was like they were I think they were trying to move the ball up the court like you saw them throw the the way that I’m tracking it is like you have the rebound and then

The outlet pass and then is there another pass before you get across half court and you’re seeing a lot of those like that’s it’s still happening but it just it didn’t like lead to anything tonight and they weren’t able to draw two and they weren’t moving the ball

Quick enough to beat the the Cavs rotations and it just felt like everything was kind of bogged down and I think that’s GNA happen like it’s hard to play Snappy crisp like Ball moving basketball every night it just doesn’t always work that way and so on nights

Where that’s not the case how do you find a way to win and I think against the Spurs they were able to find a way to win three-point shot wasn’t really falling but they kind of kept the Spurs off the line um they rebounded the ball

Well and they made a lot of twos and tonight just nothing was really going for him will you shared a video uh from your Twitter account before the game of Julian Phillips working on his handles uh on on the Bulls court and uh a lot of

Bulls fans really like that video and so did I and I look I I don’t know if Billy has addressed this yet again recently but it seemed for a while like jimy Phillips was had a d Terry in the rotation and then over the last handful of games

It seems like that has flipped Julian Phils did not play tonight can you tell us what you think is going on there yeah I wish I knew I mean I think in some ways Billy’s just kind of trying to ride what’s working and if it’s not working then he’s just like willing to

Kind of throw the script out the window and try to go for it with you know D with the five like I mean I think he’s trying stuff um to me Julian like the game is just so fast for him like you’ll watch him out there and he’s just like

Like a water spider he’s just like jittering around on the court and it’s like it’s like too fast for him to even like process and um I Heard KC talking about this on the Bulls Talk podcast um that like Patrick and Kobe or IO or something in the locker room after the

Game were saying like in garbage time they really wanted to get Julian to take a shot because he passed up an open three and I think it’s just one of those things where the game is moving so fast fast and obviously I think he’s got a really interesting skill set and I think

He’ll get there but it’s just the processing of the speed of the game and I think when you’re playing against a team that’s moving as quickly as the Cavs were trying to you know come off the screens and the Spurs are one of the fastest teams in the league in terms of

Transition um shooting throughs and things like that it’s just it’s kind of tough to have a young player like that out there if they’re GNA be a step or two behind on every play so um I definitely want to see more of Julian and it’s really cool to see him working

On his ball handling he was doing a a drill with that’s Ty Abbott who was one of the Player Development coaches who I talked to for um my big feature on the Player Development staff and they were doing um that set of drills to see who could complete like 10 of those cycles

First and then they did that five times and so they were kind of like joking around because Tai beat him um in that one you know segment of it so uh I definitely think he’s working hard but to me it’s just like it’s a process thing it’s a um experienc thing and he’s

Getting reps in the G League he’s going down to Windy City and I think his time will come but it’s just to me that’s the big thing for him uh will something I’ve noticed I talked about earlier uh on the show but something I’ve noticed all season is how the Bulls are getting

Worked especially on back cuts and I think when they play these teams like Miami like Cleveland or even San Antonio who are teams that are really good at executing and you see them running these back cuts and these plays they’re really getting like free you know four four or

Six points a game by by doing that um what do you think that is that the Bulls haven’t been able to figure that part out is it just guys are uh just out of position is the guys are just really young and don’t know what coming what

What do you feel the reason for that is on Synergy you can sort by different play types and cutting is one of them so I’m looking at how other how opposing teams against the Bulls score on Cuts they average 1.337 points per possession um which sounds really good and that is really

Good um but for cutting it’s like an average rank it says it’s in the 33rd percentile so that’s just a very efficient form of offense in general um but it seems like the Bulls are only allowing 5.8% of opponents um that’s accounting for only 5.8% of total

Offense from opponents so um it is one of the higher categories for the Bulls and you know that’s just kind of like looking into the numbers behind it but in terms of what I’m like actually seeing on the court you know the Bulls are not one of those teams that just has

Five like lock down Stoppers out there and they just all defend oneon-one um they defend with five they are a system defense they try to plug the gaps they try to funnel it to V at the point of attack and they try to get over screens and sometimes when you are like

Shrinking in the court um you can to try to like take away driving Lanes you can lose track of the guy you’re guarding and I think that’s an opportunity for guys to back cut um I also think the way that they try to get over screens like I

Was talking about with Max stru if he’s coming off of a pin down and you’re defending him you lock and Trail so you’re on his back and you go over the screen with him and if the so if Jared Allen is setting a screen for streu

Coming over the screen and V is guarding Jared Allen he’s got a hedge over to try to take away the dribble handoff or the pass to stru and that opens up a cutting Lane for Jared Allen I think a lot of times they can give those up too and so

So much of the Bulls defense is predicated on trying to cut things off at the point of attack but if they don’t do it well um it definitely opens you up I think to some back door Cuts whether it’s like I said from a big man diving

Or from you know the slot or the the corner um but that’s just I mean that’s part of it like NBA defense is so difficult and you can’t take away everything so you have to pick where you think is going to be like the most efficient and for the Bulls that means

Trying to take away the paint and that’s what they try to do but sometimes it comes at the expense of Some Cuts well I’m curious uh was I didn’t notice at any point with any of the shots of the Bulls bench in the broadcast was Zack LaVine at tonight’s

Game sitting on the bench I yeah I saw saw him uh I saw him on the bench I I also saw him at practice this morning he was there right there need to be some sort of update about Zach’s status at morning shootaround can you tell us what you

Know um no update uh he was uh I think a couple days ago maybe before the Laker game we talked to Billy and he said that he had started doing some running um but no full speed sprinting and no like cutting no full speed cutting so um you

Know saw him moving around a little bit today at practice but um I think next week end of next week we’ll have another sort of evaluation I think that’s when they’ll look to start ramping him up again so um still got a little bit more time but yeah I mean who knows what

Happens on the trade market and how that develops but yeah personally and this is not like Source or anything like that I just at this point would not be surprised if we start to see Zach back out there with the bulls wow uh I know how feel it’s nights like

Tonight where you kind of realize you kind of miss that that scoring verse like that you can’t it’s so difficult to play that sort of style for 48 minutes every single game um you know it’s just it’s not sustainable 82 times so um Zach’s gonna have to buy into it he’s

Gonna have to be willing to put some of that individual scoring aside at moments to be able to play that style as much as possible but there’s also going be times where you know dear was pretty tired tonight and he played extra minutes because he was only one that could score

In isolation and it’s kind of nice to have a second guy who can do that and that’s not to take away from Kobe who I thought was awesome obviously like his uh three-point um streak came to an end but he was uh 0 of eight from deep and

That means he was eight of 11 inside the arc I thought he just did a really fantastic job kind of probing uh taking those little Fade Away 8 10 foot shots and then getting all the way to the rim so um obviously still a ton of room for

Growth R Kobe I think he’s going to continue to step into more of that but certainly on nights like tonight where you’re you know shooting 43% from the field 23% from three you kind of miss that scoring burst yeah well thank you for joining us buddy everybody out there in Bulls

Nation make sure you’re reading everything will wres covering the Bulls Forest follow him for all his Bulls updates on Twitter willor goly will uh enjoy the rest of your your holiday weekend get home safe tonight and we will talk to you on Tuesday when the Bulls

Reconvene I will talk to you guys then Merry Christmas happy holidays to all of our listeners and yeah see you guys next time all right buddy take it easy that’s will to go got Le uh let’s take a quick ad break we’ll come back we’ll get to more of y’all’s thoughts on tonight’s

Game some super chats um maybe talk a little bit more about this acting because I think that’s an interesting hypothetical uh while we’re doing that you know what to do hit that thumb do it for Joseph tonight CS Jo BS post game brought you by our friends at Empire we

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Regarding a a potential Zack LaVine return to the lineup um because tonight’s game was kind of blah let’s talk about that because bull fans have a lot of feelings about it um yain Street Sports saying Zach uh is hurt but they’re playing better wait are we keeping Zach many question marks so a

Little context there like obviously we still have a lot of days and weeks between now and that February 8th trade deadline yes but we’ve seen multiple reports from multiple sources both both local and National in recent weeks when Zach’s been sitting with this injury and still not been traded that there is not

Exactly a robust market for Zack LaVine right now I think Jake fer of Yahoo sports uh and the latest he put out this morning said more of the same that there is not the you know gigantic banging down their door wealth of offers that the Bulls were maybe hoping for once

They put a word out there that they and Zach are both open to trading him so if that’s the case and then if this foot injury does heal and then he is sitting for no reason other then well maybe there no if he’s healthy and he is on

The team then yeah he’s gonna play and I think that is what is giving some Bulls fans fear right now Dave because they are showing not tonight but in this stretch of 12 games eight of which have been wins since he went to the sideline that they seem to be playing a

More cohesive style of basketball they seem to be more engaged they seem to have higher levels of effort on both ends of the floor and it’s a fun team to watch and I think Bulls fans don’t want to lose that what do you how do you feel about this I completely understand uh

How they feel I don’t think it’s wrong the field that way you’re just going off of what you’re seeing uh things are running smoothly for the Bulls up until tonight things were running very very smoothly man so I completely get it I completely understand it but guys you’re

Going to need scoring and it every night on some of these nights you’re gonna need a guy who can just get his own bucket and the fact that you have potentially two of those guys is an awesome thing now the main question of it is K Zack being by into the actual

System that is the entire question of it is Zach okay with you know kind of uh spreading the floor and not clogging up certain lanes for Patrick Williams you know to continue to do his thing or for Kobe to continue to do his thing and not just turn guys in the outside Shooters

Uh C okay moving the ball I think Zach can do it I wa again I watched him do this with Team USA I saw him do it I saw him say they got a bunch of scores on the team and he said this himself I’m just gonna play defense that’s all he

Did he said I’m going to lock in defensively and that’s exactly what I’m going to do because that’s what my team needs Zack continually has said he’s a team guy he’ll do whatever the team needs to win he doesn’t care about his numbers he doesn’t care about any of

That stuff I think it’s time to actually show and prove it because I saw it with Team USA and it’s easy to say that when you got Kevin Durant and all these other superstars with you it’s easy to say yeah you guys don’t need my little 20

Points well of course not you have one of the greatest scores of all time on the team I completely get that but now on your own team can you put in that belief in these guys that you have this trust in them because the ball is gonna

Find its way to you no matter what and that’s what Demar de rozan is doing if you watch it they’re they’re just running their offense they’re doing their thing but the ball always finds its way to them when the game gets close or when they can’t score a bucket oh oh

Yeah we got Demar oh here you go like go to work it could be that same way for Zack who is absolutely a lethal scorer who is more lethal on a catch and shoot and God bless I hope he knows that and he’s seeing that he sees it Matt my God y’all

Know how much I screamed catch and shoot for Zack LaVine so yes there could be a place for him on his team but the key word mat is can he Buy in that is the key question are you okay having game of three straight games where you might not

Get double digit points but you win by 15 are you okay with that because you getting your numbers has show has not shown that it means something outside of the Chicago Bulls you know because that because the market is what I’m talking about you got the numbers everything is

Set he’s got all that but these teams are still like N I don’t know so you have to not only show it for the Bulls that you can buy into that but for your trade value as well that you can be a guy that buys into that that you can be

A team guy because wherever you go espec especially if you went to the Lakers you’d be a third score so you got to show that you can be like comfortable with these things and I think he’s comfortable with it Matt when it comes to Superstars around him he can do it

Then it makes sense but I think it’s when in your head like dude I’m way better than you give me the ball and I can go do this you know I think that’s what’s tough for him but if he can do that Matt this team is so much better

With a and Zack LaVine and you know the the interesting part as uh our guy Robin comments said do you really think watching uh the kobed Bulls is going to repair the rift between Zach and Billy and that element of it too and winning does maybe maybe it does um but you know

By by all recent reports the the Zach Billy relationship is not good regardless of what they try to say to the media it’s not good uh and that’s part of the reason I think Zach is ready to be out but speaking of Kobe and then

The like just sort of like the the power dynamics of this team and how it might reshift in a weird confusing and frustrating way uh you know will pointed out uh with in one of his video breakdowns during the game tonight that basically Billy has taken Kobe and this

Recent Ascension and played and just slotted him into a lot of the stuff he runs as Demar Zack Twan game stuff you know he’s running Kobe as a screen Setter like he would do for Zack where then dear gets a favorable uh switch or a favorable you know pass to the basket

Or Zach and now Kobe in that same action leaks out to the weak side for you know for a a pop popup opportunity a catcher shoot opportunity Kobe is now doing the things in the Bulls offense that Zach was doing yes so when Zach comes back

How does everyone handle that I I’m just saying it’s not I don’t think it’s gonna be pretty yeah and it might not be Matt and but you you especially and I have to talk like this because we know the Bulls want to go to the playoffs and I do too

But they want to go to the playoffs and guys you in the playoffs you’re gonna have to have bucket Getters like your system is gonna be cool your system is what it is but when teams start putting you on the white board and taking away what you like to do there’s no taking

Away bucket Getters there’s nothing you can do for demard de Roan he’s just Demar de rozan there’s nothing you can do with Zack LaVine when he’s cooking he’s just Zack LaVine so at some point in time you got to understand that and again the system is going to be what it

Is and it’s working and it looks awesome right now but it but it’s not always going to be the case where the Bulls are going to be shooting 60% from three it’s not always going to be the case where Kobe is shooting such a high percentage or Pat like that because they’re taking

They’re gonna start taking away things that you like to do so when teams start taking away stuff that you like to do one thing they can’t take away is somebody that create their own shot and and drill that in your face and you having two of those guys helps now again

This a lot of this is on Zack and I think you bring up a great Point Matt about him and Billy like there’s been those things floating around about uh uh Zach still being upset about at Billy for benching him still being upset about that from a year ago you know even

Though again I thought he deserved it but he’s still being upset at those kind of things but can winning always cures all that’s all I’ve ever learned and known I’m a bulls fan that grew up watching them in the 90s all I know is winning through chaos you know what I

Mean like I just I that’s what I know I I know chaotic winning and it cured everything all the stuff the Bulls that team were doing oh my God all right like you saw the Last Dance that’s just you know maybe 80 85% of it you know what I

Mean like there’s another 15 of interviews from other players and other things that were going on that they didn’t get into everything wasn’t all roses and sunshine but at the end of the day when the playoffs came everybody was locked in and ready to go so that’s just

You know everybody don’t have to like everybody I don’t care about that do you want to win are we here to win does Z give you a better chance of winning does he increase your chances of being a better team that’s what we’re gonna find

Out Matt and he’s gonna have to find out soon because like I said it’s not just h a detriment and it doesn’t just help the team with him buying into the system it helps his trade value of him buying into a system and showing he can do this kind of thing

Uh shout out to Taco devil in the comments which by the way fantastic name I love the idea of a devilish Taco I would like a devilish Taco please do you have them can you send them to me uh devil Taco devil said I think bringing back bringing back Zach might hurt our

Chemistry I really think keeping him on the bench even when he’s healthy is the best thing until we find a trade Suitor which I I am kind of inclined to agree with you right now but then there is the other part where like if the league

Looks into it and finds out that Zach actually is healthy then they’re going to get a penalty for not playing him yeah uh like you can make uh and I thought maybe they were exaggerating is I guess the correct word to use the severity of this foot

Injury and then it was like he’s out a week and then I was like yeah he’s at three and four weeks and I was like okay I still don’t know how real this foot injury is I don’t but it’s because I’m a skeptical but I mean now the

Recent the most recent reports we’re hearing are he’s starting to feel better and he’s starting to do some things he’s starting to move he’s not like sprinting and cutting yet but like he might be back soon we’ll see uh AKA with a super chat uh chiming into the Zach

Conversation appreciate you AK saying uh Zach being back in the lineup is fine but the 20 or so shots he’ll take need to come from Kobe at point and as decision maker the other players whom have taken a step forward need to not defer to Zach I think that’s well said um

Meanwhile Dan uh Dan Mill in the comments with a super chat shout out Dan saying the Pistons are sinking any line trade ideas I believe didn’t they tonight tie the NBA record for their with their 26th consecutive lost a that is absolutely right and correct M first

Of all shout out to the Pistons like wow that is hard to do 26 straight losses let’s let’s go for the record let’s go for it all baby watch there two wins two wins G against our beloved Bulls very early I mean we we talked I think on an episode sometime after all

Of the Zack trade stuff first broke about uh potentially a Pistons straight involving Jaden Ivy I think a lot of bulls fans are keen on on that idea I am now just not really sure how desperate the Pistons are to make some sort of move to try to a improve their

Basketball team and B assuage their fan base uh did you see Pistons fans also pulled to me at their most recent embarrassing home loss and we chanting a certain something down towards the court in betwix you know raining them with booze I are do you think the Pistons could be

A like desperate enough entity to be like okay what what do you want for Zack LaVine because we gotta we got to do something because that’s the only way I can see the Pistons talking themselves into doing that and giving up one of these young pieces they have that still

Has so much potential whereas he’s he’s a player who’s in his prime you know what you’re getting with with Zach like skills warts and all you know who he is and he’s got the contract attached to his name yeah I I mean it depends on if they want to salvage

Something you know from this season or if they just saying screw it we’re going to the lottery again now keep in mind they’re going to the lottery again anyway but but if they really want to go for it you they really want to go they’re already there they’ve already

Sent their team representative to the NBA draft lottery location this is true he already got his suit picked out and everything he will be there live he might as well get a sleeping bag and just go ahead and chill right there they’ll be there they’re representing

All right so it just again depends on what they feel about this team because it was just so much promise uh from this team thatt just so much promise even when the Bulls played them you saw Jay uh Duran and how he looked and Thompson how he looked and uh K Cunningham and

Just they looked solid like even watching them uh I can’t remember what last game I watched oh Utah watching them when they played Utah and I’m sitting there watching it like man this team has some Talent like you know they have some skill they just can’t execute

And they couldn’t stop anybody and then at some point in time they just were like H screw it you know like we don’t would we don’t really care anymore so does injecting Zack into that make that better I don’t think so I don’t think it

Makes it better um I don’t I don’t know Matt if they want to send me some assets I’m all about the assets if if we’re going to trade Zack LaVine so I’m gonna need some assets not not players but I’m more interested in the actual assets

That I that I can get back because trading him means I’m gonna go younger and might as well fine great I’m cool with that whatever we get back for that great Jay NY you know I’ve always liked coming out of college I enjoy Jay NY very very much sending him here I’m not

Against it but he’s another guy Matt that has to have the basketball for him to be effective he’s got to he’s got to have a ball so is he gonna be comfortable okay coming off the bench you know and being that guy because coming off the bench he can be that give

Him the ball and let’s see him work but will he be ball dominant will he be able to buy into the system you’ll be asking I guess the same questions you’re asking Zack LaVine right now so I don’t know it’s it’s I can go either way it but if

The question is Zack going do I rather would I rather keep Zach or actually make this trade right now oh gotta tell me what I’m getting you know from Detroit because I don’t really see that I would do that unless you’re giving me some awesome assets

Back and then I’m like okay great let’s let’s go on and make that move man so yeah it’s it’s a heck of a dilemma for Detroit and let’s see if they’re desperate enough mat to offer that up uh Dan with a follow-up comment from Super Chat saying Billy Donovan is like

A toxic couple like a windless Shaq and Kobe wow damn interesting comparison yeah like you said Kobe and Cha were never best buds yeah they put a lot of their to the side yeah to win yes um and did it pretty darn successfully you know three peep I’d call that

Successful yeah um all right we got to give one more quick shout out to our friends at Circa then we’ll come back wrap up a few uh I think we have a few super chats we haven’t gotten to yet and then some some holiday cheer uh speaking of holiday cheer you

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Problem call 1800 Gam that’s 1800 426 2537 text GMB to 833 234 or visit are you really are you I think so um all right let’s see uh any super chats we haven’t gotten to yet Joe you can throw them up there uh I’ll scroll through and see if

Uh uh Chris Chris Davis wants to know with a $5 Super Chat and then I’ll come back to that later one Joe anyone else pissed off that Billy took out our bigs which Jed Allen still on the floor so will’ll address that a little bit you

Know when you chat with us as far as Billy like Billy tried everything he tried all of the bigs he tried no bigs none of it worked everything everything everything everything uh Larry Strickland with a 9999 Super Chat thanks Larry saying to my C Joe Bulls crew Merry Christmas to

You all keep your chimney open for a bull’s transformation just not these next years um it’s like oh things are looking up they I don’t believe you all it took was one loss that’s it also as I was reading it I thought it was going to say Bulls

Transformer and I was like oh my God I want a bulls Transformer coming down my chimney this Christmas I don’t know what a bulls Transformer is but I want one yo and and real quick and real quick that like you really saw that back to the EXA conversation we were just Happ you

Really saw it because Cleveland what they did was allow Alex Caruso to be the guy they said Caruso go ahead one-on-one you want to drive you want to shoot it’s on you go ahead buddy and no it’s not gonna work that way so again you you got

To have bucket Getters guys like you can’t Overlook that because your system is working so far you got to have bucket Getters when teams start figuring you out yeah uh AKA with a 999 Super Chat say how concerned should Bulls fans be given with Zach and tor Craig out of the

Lineup and others playing heavy minutes fatigue and tired legs will be the theme moving forward I mean I I think tonight was definitely that’s why I you know said at the beginning of the show it’s a schedule loss fourth and six nights this team has played more games than any team in the

NBA with Zack and Tory being out well a Zack might come back in the not too distant future so there’s that also I it you get yourself a couple days rest and then you get back out there keep playing like you’re an NBA player damn it yeah I

I don’t I don’t want to hear fatigue I don’t I I I was willing to hear it tonight and even use it as a not excuse but reason for the team’s poor performance tonight because chronologically calendar wise it made sense yeah it’s not it I will never be

Okay with it as a long-term excuse yeah agree no he’s absolutely right you’re gonna get two days off here and then when the new year come you’re gonna get two more so yeah what what what did tibs always say we’ve got more than enough to win more to win

We got more than enough especially if more than enough includes a 60-year-old Taj Gibson did you see Taj like just Gass as hell and I loved him talking after the game dog he was like yeah I was tired the young boys were laughing at me because I

Played 13 minutes and I was Gass and Tim’s like whatever you want to play You’re Gonna Play D he’ll play him another 40 minutes you hilarious I love Taj what a wonderful like he said he’s the new Kirk he said I’m the new Kirk Thomas on this team

That’s what he it yeah yes indeed uh okay any other super chats we haven’t gotten to yet Joe or is that all of them the did we read lar what I said yeah okay um I think that’s everything uh shout out to everybody in the comments

Who is wishing us and each other happy holidays um it’s not you know not the the perfect way for both fans to ENT ENT the the little Hol weekend but we P persevere we’ll try again on Tuesday and hopefully everybody out there in Bulls Nation enjoys some nice relaxing time

With their families with their loved ones over the coming days Dave Dave what are you doing you gonna have have yourself some some chill down time hang out with the fam yeah so usually I’m I I get a caterer and you know get the meals for everybody but this year uh my sister

Wants to cook so I’m going to buy all the groceries for her to cook and she’s gonna do that up and we gonna eat on on Christmas so yeah that’s GNA be cool and then the next day I’m g go to the Bulls game uh take my nephew to the to the

Bulls game he’s never been so it he’s always wanted to go and jealous his first yeah it’s going to his first one that’s that that’s a big life event man yeah yeah first Bulls game your first trip to the mad house to see the Bulls that’s awesome yeah happy for you guys

Enjoy that I I tried I campaigned with my sister and my brother-in-law and they’re like well you know it would be perfect if they have like a matina game you know around the holidays and I’m like no they’re both night gamees swall stay up with Uncle

Matt I mean tear up the town so you miss your bedtime by a few hours what’s the big deal because you’re gonna be sleep in the morning you don’t have to deal with that I I get where you at I understand where you’re at Matthew P yeah that is

Unle ladies and G but this Uncle is getting up really early tomorrow morning to go with my nieces to the Shed Aquarium to look at the fishies so I’m very excited about that well then let’s get you some rest yes sir let’s get out of here everybody have a wonderful

Holiday stay safe stay warm enjoy your food enjoy your company we’ll be back on Tuesday Bulls back in Action home stand continues against Atlanta I I believe Atlanta is right yes a very winable game uh until then RAR guy will get the goly on follow him on Twitter willor

Goly big Davis at B bwl Sports _ our pal and producer Joseph spus he’s at Joey spus on Twitter uh shout out to him and his fam hope you guys enjoy the holiday weekend Joe uh hiding there in the background and uh again to all of you

Out there at Bulls Nation we appreciate you every day uh and hope you all have a wonderful holiday with you and yours much love we’ll see yall Tuesday Merry Mary see good yeah love Y’all we all sting like the mayor

The Chicago Bulls had their 3-game winning streak snapped on Saturday night, as they fell to the Cleveland Cavaliers, 109-95.

DeMar DeRozan and Nikola Vucevic each had 20+ and Coby White had 17 for the Bulls. The Cavs came out strong, despite missing Donovan Mitchell, Darius Garland, and Evan Mobley. Max Strus led the way with 26 points and the Cavs came out with a big win.

Join Matt, Big Dave, and Will on the CHGO Bulls Postgame show as they breakdown tonight’s game and look ahead to what’s next for the Bulls.

An ALLCITY Network Production






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  1. We lost 4 out of 8 at this point. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves with needing Zach back and saying this style of play isn’t sustainable.

  2. No Zach cannot buy into the system. Zach need a defense first point guard next to him. And we low key need more defense and maybe size.

  3. Send Zach to the Jazz. We’re he can reunite with Dunn and Lauri. Minnesota was getting rid of all there tanking players. While we have Minnesota all our winning players. Tom and Jimmy and rose. And all of them left Minnesota behind. Time for us to do the same with Zach.

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