@Houston Rockets

Alperen Sengun and Jabari Smith Jr. ELITE Performance v. Pelicans | Houston Rockets🚀 TWIN TOWERS!

Alperen Sengun and Jabari Smith Jr. ELITE Performance v. Pelicans | Houston Rockets🚀 TWIN TOWERS!

In this video I’m going to talk about the Rockets thrilling win over the New Orleans Pelicans on the road in a tough game where the young front Corp combined for 63 points and 22 rebounds wow we’re going to talk about this and more tap in right now Enjoy the Rockets Chop Shop is your One-Stop shop for all your basketball needs for highlights analysis podcast we do it all here at the Chop Shop make sure you hit the like button on the videos that you watch if you enjoy them hit the Subscribe button to get

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If you want you can support us through our Partnerships with our sponsors the rocket Chop Shop is made by fans for fans and we’re going to keep rocking and keep dropping down He I know know I know so two plays I want to point out um showing the Synergy between alran shenon and Jabari Smith Jr the first play this is at the 11 minute Mark in the first quarter the Pelicans are starting to pick up Fred Van Fleet full court right

So there’s a lot of pressure so what they like to do is have Jabari bring the ball up to court to relieve Fred from being hounded by herb Jones Jabari brings the ball up the court goes into a dribble handoff with Fred Van Fleet and

Then Alp comes from the weak side to set a um a screen here for Fred and they get right into a pick and roll from that um and and you love this because it’s loading up the side of the court that you want um with Jabari and shenon

Because this is what they are trying to get um in case shenon has to go into a post up you always want Jabari as the the guy that’s kind of the release valve and I’ll talk about that in a second and they go into the uh into the pick and

Roll you get Fred with a nice pass back to alp’s trailing slightly here’s the growth from Jabari um seeing that Zion has to come down to tag alran shenon as his assignment in the uh pick and roll defense because Alp could attack a valunas or or you know get a free shot

Zion comes and basically stunts at him a bit um but as soon as Zion commits to that you have Jabari cutting off of that into a nice easy dunk great Synergy great play design that two-man game between uh Alp and Jabari is just cooking up another great play um and this is

Something that I noticed as the game progressed on and this is something I’m noticing as the in the past previous games as Jabari Smith’s uh shooting has become more and more efficient and more consistent and this play here um I just love this play u this play has several

Options that the Rockets wanted to use you get Fred given an entry pass to Dylan Brooks with the intent they’re going to run a off ball screen here for Jabari um to get this and he’s going to curl down and Zion does a great job of

Kind of cutting that off now I I’m going to assume this was a dummy action but if it was there he would have been able to attack a weak Defender uh Zion does does a great job Walling off bii G gives a great stunt you get um shenon sealing

Off Robinson Earl in the post and the reason I wanted to point this play out is just because of I want you guys to see the bind that Zion is in so right here you have right here where you have shenon in the in a postup against a

Mismatch which for I would say about 80% of the NBA his post-ups are mismatches you have Jabari Smith Jr who’s shooting uh in the past few games 40 something per from three and uh his shooting is going to sustain he’s a sniper right um and then you have off Ball action watch

What Fred is telling Jaylen to do right Fred is going to come in in set a down screen um and have Jaylen um shake up uh to the to the wing area now you just have great spacing so the Pelicans really don’t have anything to do here they’re they’re pretty much helpless the

Only thing you can do is either you’re going to commit to uh double teaming shenon and give up a three to Jabari or you’re going to commit to um you know guarding the shooters and let shenon cook in the post so and Zion is just stuck here and just even though Zion is

Slightly hesit the fact that Jabari is such a good shooter um this we just punished him with this and you get that nice swish off of that play and they just went to this over and over and shout out to coach adoka for noticing um this alignment because he’s been using

This alignment because if it was Dylan Brooks or even to a lesser extent Fred vanle being a shorter player flanking Shang goon as he’s in Opp post teams don’t respect it as much cuz they can come out and contest you put a 611 forward out out there that’s shooting

Nor north of 40% it’s a whole different ball game whole different ball game coach you talked about the physicality now you guys out physical Alfred Shinu seems to have embodied that tonight what was he doing to be so so effective against your defense uh he just kicked our butts to

Be honest with you um he got he’s 17 free throws so he his gamesmanship is is off the charts um you throw it to him in the post and he makes solid plays he just makes a simple play hit he’s a great passer um he has that spin move

Where if if if you’re not careful he can spin and he he took over in the fourth quarter they played through him uh we didn’t have a great answer for him but like I said these are moments where we have to feel it we have to be

Honest with each other and we’ll improve and get better what we we like the group that we had on the floor tried to go a bit bigger with um against sh shin do uh with JRE especially with Jonas being in foul trouble so the Rockets got a thrilling victory over the New Orleans

Pelicans in a game that was dominated by our front Court um Jabari Smith Jr and Al shenon really took over the game for the whole game they Carri the team where our guards weren’t really uh having the most efficient night and this is to me a development that I’ve been seeing over

Time I had said this on Twitter um a few weeks back I wanted people to start noticing that two-man game between Jabari and shenon and even a few games ago where I pointed out that what I’m seeing developing from these two is special it is incredibly special and for

Them to come out against a team that we’ve struggled against on the road I think we had lost seven straight in New Orleans to come out and not only carry the team but dominate a and to me they don’t dominate without each other because I think that Jabari really helps

Shanon and shanon really helps Jabari in what they’re doing I’m going to talk about that a little bit later about some of the the stats from there what I’m seeing between the two of them but just going over the game you know briefly you look at some of the stats um nobody

Really had outside of Shango and Jabari most of the guys were pedestrian right you had fa van v with 10 points and three assists how many of those games are the Rockets winning a 10 and three game from from Fred Van vet where he was

A plus one shot 27% from the field 28% from three how many of those games are we winning Jaylen green only played 22 minutes right got benched um 6 minutes into the third quarter never saw the court after that which is you know at this point we just accept it for what it

Is like like I keep telling y’all with Jaylen you know it is what it is bro like if he isn’t ready to be a starter or be a guy that closes out games then the coaches have to adjust and the reason you can do that is because you

Have other players we don’t have to rely on Jaylen Green superstar or or bust for our team to be successful um as we’ve been doing this entire season for most part so I think he is actually in a good situation where we don’t require him to

Be a superstar right so if he is going to be good at some point in the future he has time to be in the lab get in the lab and work on that but as of right now um Jaylen is just jayen he’s just out

There you you you you like what he does when he’s playing aggressively and hopefully he doesn’t have a lot of games where he’s turning the ball over as much as he did against this Pelicans team I actually liked his offensive approach attacking the the basket forcing the issue the turnovers head scratchers so

We got a limit on that but for him 22 minutes 25 over four from three 25% from the field um got to the line six times uh four rebounds been really impressed with jaylen’s rebounding even in the game versus uh Dallas in that game I’m

Not going to talk too much about it you know they basically had their g-league team out there um but you know he got benched got benched and they gave the KN toar een and uh Uncle Jeff and Aaron holiday to kind of rotate through those minutes um Dylan Brooks 27 minutes 207

From the field he shot bad 28 25 from from three um only five points and you look it across Jaylen only had nine points you look across this this is a game by all accounts that we should have lost but if it were not for our um

All-Star Center Alper shenon and uh his co-worker Jabari Smith Jr carrying the team this probably would have been a game that we lost right so you look at let’s go with Jabari first first I want to point out uh Jabari and Shango played 37 and 38 minutes respectively on the

Second night of a back-to-back now I know they got to rest a little bit against the Mavs but still the the endurance that these dudes are playing with at this level playing both ways and Shang gun had great defense um Jabari had great defense um playing both both

Sides of the court to play 38 minutes in a game where the team goes to you in stretches it is truly special and remarkable to see from guys that are 20 jabari’s case and 21 in Shang goon’s case so Jabari Smith 10 of 14 71% from the field 80% from the three-point line

Four or five crazy 66% from the free throw line 26 points 11 boards great 11 boards four offensive rebounds two assists one Ste one block only one turnover um to me Jabari is he has turned the corner I’ve told you guys that for since he got benched I did the

Video looking at his stats from his benching till now shout out to Oka man anybody that’s hating on Coach Oka at this point you are just a hater right you are just a hater yes we could disagree um with some of his his tactics and there’s some nights like against

Atlanta where he’s going to get out coached or there’s going to be a scheme that they didn’t adjust for in real time or they can’t adjust for because it’s too complex to do it without practicing but at the end of the day this dude is the goods right he is delivering and he

Is molding these young men to be the type of players that we want them to be I mean you look at what Jabari Smith is JR is doing this is a guy that was unplayable he was the worst player we had on our team last year and in

Stretches for the first six months of the season dude was the worst player in the league so the leaps that he taken shout out to Jabari shout out to his dad shout out to his work ethic um and this is just him scratching the surface right

Now but 37 minutes um the efficiency I mean the defense he was guarding CJ he had CJ McCullum shook dude did not want to do anything when Jabari Smith Jr is in front of him when you see that 611 frame sprawled out pause and he is just

There in front of you you know what are you going to do what are you gonna do what are you going to do um but great game from Jabari great game from Jabar I’m going to talk about him and Shang a little bit more in a little bit but alpr

Shenon the man of the hour 38 minutes uh on once again on the second night of a back-to-back 38 hardfought grueling grinded out posted up against one of the biggest bullies bruisers in the NBA and yon yonas Val tunus got him out of there in in foul trouble 38 minutes uh being

The focal point of the team right of going through you in the post 38 minutes of punishing players and dominating on the inside 38 minutes of of cleaning up on the glass 38 minutes of being attacked by the opposing team uh uh and trying to take advantage of your

Weaknesses whether it’s with Zion or with bi in the pick roll and 38 minutes of answering the belt 38 minutes of dominating this is what we’re saying bro this dude is like once again if you guys come to this channel to listen to me talk and you feel the type of way about

When I talk good or bad about our players um then you know what I mean that’s just you but I think a lot of you guys watch this channel because of the objectivity that we bring so if I am telling you that a player is special if

I’m telling you there are things that I’m seeing and you’re like oh man you hate this guy or you love this guy I mean then you probably don’t want to watch the channel too much but one thing I’m not going to do is is lie to you

Guys about what my eyes and and what my brain is seeing and I’m going to keep saying Alin shenon is special bro what this dude is doing is is unseen bro I have not seen a player at his age of his style this young dominate in the maners

That he does and he is just scratching the surface once again he is 21 years old just turned 21 in October dude is a few months older than Jabari Smith Jr right I think jabari’s birthday is like in February or something like that they are only a few months apart so Alp is

Damn near the third youngest third or fourth youngest player on our team right now I think he’s third I think it’s uh cam Jabari then maybe Alp I don’t know I might be missing one of the young guys but that is how young this dude is right

How many more off seasons do you get to where his body is built and defined like a uh sabonis is how many more off Seasons where you get to where this dude is has a conditioning to be able to play like he did on a night in Night Out

Basis how many more offseason so you can hit your shots your three-pointers at a 35% clip how many more offseason where you can move your feet better this is what I’m saying every time one of our players has a bad game people react and throw them like throw them out like oh

Trade them oh this is his bro y’all y’all we don’t know what their limitations are I don’t know what jabari’s limitations are I don’t know what jaylen’s limitations or I don’t know what Shang goon’s limitations and what I mean by limitations is what their

Cap is I don’t know right what I do know is the body of work and that’s what I look at if a guy 80% of the time is dominating and then 20% of the time because he’s 21 years old is looking bad I’m going to trust the 80% you know what

I mean I’m going to play the numbers there right that’s a safe bet for me and I think people what a lot of people do is they find things that are wrong and if they see something bad about a player it just they just do their confirmation

Bias and say like oh you know even though he might have had 10 games of dominating two games of them being bad is like oh yeah see this is why I don’t want him on a team this is why we can’t blah blah blah all of that is Cap bro

This dude went out there and had the Pelicans damn near scrambling you heard what their coach said they were lost they didn’t have an answer for it they had nothing they could do they were throwing different players at them they couldn’t work they triy to hide people

Couldn’t hide them because going to go find him uh valunas was gotten out of there cuz he can’t guard him Robinson Earl was being cooked on a consistent basis cuz he’s too small can’t put Zion on him because he’s a bad Defender and he would get in foul trouble can’t put

Anybody else herb Jones is too small uh who do you they don’t have an answer they don’t have a body type on their roster to really bother Alper and jenon and this is to me the markings of a budding superstar in my opinion and you

Can see 38 minutes like I said 52% from the field missed a lot of easy shots he could have been even more efficient one of1 from three a big three at at that that I think it got us to like a tie to one point behind or to tie the game uh

14 of 17 got to the free throw line 17 times that is special that is playoff basketball that is what you want to see from a star player can you get to the line because the other team cannot guard you this is what we see on a nightly

Basis from the uh giannis’s of the world from the James hardens and his prime uh from all these uh the emids of the world the yices of the world this is how they scored their 30o games and if he adds a re reliable three ball D could average

25 right because you’re G to get to the free throw line you can draw those fouls because guys could not guard you and not only did he get to the free throw line 17 times 82% from the free throw line 11 big boards six big assist 37 points 37

Points I mean I don’t know what else to say bro like at this point you know the conversations about you know what the team makeup needs to be like needs to start being had and that’s something that the Rockets are going to have to look at um going forward is what type of

Team maximizes what all of our guys do and not just all of our guys the really good ones like the Jabari Smith Jr and the AL Shang goons we didn’t think this was going to be a frontcourt Le team a lot of people were banking on Kevin

Porter Jr and Jaylen green to be like the back court of the future um I never really saw a back ORD of the future there I saw jayen I saw Jabari Smith and I saw Alin shenon and I saw the triangle and I was like man if we can ever get it

Where we can get shenon in the post Jabari spacing and Jaylen cting and that triangle pressure it would devastate teams because they’re all so talented we got two out of the three if Jaylen green stops trolling we may be cooking with some some hot hot grease right now but

You know the game you know it doesn’t even do matter what the other guys did the bench did what they had to do um Tate and holiday are really starting to piss me off I’m not going to lie uh I really you know I mean if you’re not

Going to hit shots bro don’t get cooked on defense and I uh Aaron holiday I like him you know he hit a big three there but bro let’s stop ball hogging a bit bro like let’s not look off better players just do your job get the entry

Pass like he does a lot of isos and then he gets cooked on defense too like my thing about role players if you’re a role player um just be good at your job right I don’t like role players that do too much on offense and are bad on

Defense then you don’t need to be a role player right we know we see some of those uh guys that are like shooters that are teams hunt them on on on defense and like try to get them in actions like they did with JJ reck where

He’d be trying to like hedge on a screen and run back to his assignment I can live with that if you’re a 40% three-point shooter on high volume right if you’re shooting in the low 30s and you’re getting cooked bro you don’t need to be on the court right so this another

Speaks to what the Rock need to do uh but impressive game impressive game for from our guys across the board gritty game jayen Pre Played good defense um the offense was a bit sus uh but I mean Jabari and shenon really carry the team even on the game where Fred and Dylan

And the other guys weren’t really doing what they were supposed to do but these type of wins especially coming off a backtack the second night of back and we got a couple of back-to-backs coming up but it really does define character and it gives you a preview of what a playoff

Matchup would look like a lot of playoff buckets in this game okay so now we’re going to tap into the Synergy that I’m seeing between uh Jabari Smith Jr and alrin shenon and I’m telling you guys it’s there and the numbers back it up so let’s go so from yesterday um you know

Just to go over like I said earlier 63 points 22 rebounds uh between the two of them which is impressive you look at the efficiency between the Alp shooting 52% Jabari 71% uh 100% from three for only one of one 80% for Jabari 82% from Alp on the

Free throw on 17 attempts 66% from from Jabari I mean just an all-around dominant game um and a lot of the actions that I saw and I spoke about this in the film study session um is the the email DOA was really focused on putting Jabari uh as the spacer for

Shang while he was in the post and this is to me one of the best adjustments that he’s made not saying because usually it’s going to be Fred over there giving him the entry pass and trying to space for him the thing with Fred is that even though he’s a good shooter

He’s a he’s a good catch and shoot shooter the problem is that he’s short right so teams can really bother him with the Closeouts now when you put a 611 forward there that is is a sniper it changes the equation I think this is one of the things that the Rockets can keep

Going to especially in close games because you put a bind on the defense and when it comes to me about offensive players it’s all about binds right to pick your poison uh scenarios the Do or Die scenarios and the this is what the great teams put you in whether it’s

Steph and Draymond running a pick and roll into their short roll action it’s a bind there why because if you’re going to uh not hard hedge or trap Steph he’s going to shoot the three when Draymond greens but if you do that you’re going to give the ball he’s going to give the

Ball to one of the most talented short roll passers the NBA history with Shooters around them so you’re screwed either way that is how they won four championships Steph and Draymond pick and rolls every great team has a two-man game that is just impossible to solve we

Saw a lot of it with Shaq and Kobe with um even uh with LeBron and D Wade in a different way you see it with Tim Duncan and Parker and jobble and they would just get you from different ways but there’s always a pick your poison that

Teams have that that you just can’t you know you can’t solve and for Jabari and shenon uh shenon in the post Jabari spacing it is a pick your poison because you D you trap shanon you double him he’s kicking it out to that shooter that 611 the guy that’s guarding him is

Probably not seven foot tall right so the contest really doesn’t matter at that point it is crazy man I don’t know if you guys understand how special that is for the Rockets to have this level of of talent um in the front court so I did

Want to look at um kind of some of the Synergy uh between the two looking at when they pass to each other now obviously we know Jabari Smith is not like a guy that gets a lot of assists so I’m going to focus on this because really the dynamic they’re sharing right

Now is shenon is going to draw some form of double team and then kick out to a a player and usually that player is Jabari Smith Jr right so you look at this is from the game um versus the Pelicans passes from Shang gun to Jabari just

From this game 28% of um of the passes Jabari received were from shanon which was the highest on the team so more than Fred Van more than any other person on the court in this game uh Jabari was getting his passes from shenon um look at Jabari split split on those passes

From shenon 83% from the field uh um two-point field goal percentage 100% three out of three three-point field goal percentage 66.7% so not only is he getting great passes to Jabari these are passes that Jabari is hitting at a high clip this is really really special and it just shows

You that Jabari really thrives with Al Alp um playing off of Al shanon showing that two-man game that they have now let’s look at this for the entire season if you look at it from the entire season um uh 21% of the passes Jabari has received are from alron shenon this year

That’s the second high on the team behind Fred Van vet uh 110 passes 35 assists you look at some of the numbers from this Jabari so his splits field goal percentage this is on the entire season Alp his pass to Jabari Smith like I said 110 times Jabari shooting

57.6% on those shots that he is given uh by uh by Al Shan on the two-pointer 64% so those are dunks layups uh pull-ups 20 25 of 39 on those and on three-point percentage these are kickouts from Shang gun 48% so this is something that and honestly a

Lot of this has been happening most recently if they had been doing this all season these numbers would be higher but the Rockets have found something that they know works and I think they’re going to lean into a going forward um also wanted to look at their ENC Court

Presence together so this was something think that last year was a big detriment right shenon when you took Jabari off the court the team was just much better uh when they were in on the court together U pretty much anybody with Jabari was was not not really a positive

But this season together as a front Court 1,226 possessions so that’s damn near you know a full like a full half season’s worth of possessions points per possession on offense for the team is 11 16.6 Point per possession on defense 11.4 net differential plus 5.2 the team is shooting

54.6% uh from in their EFG percentage which is you know average that’s pretty good holding opponents to 51.2 uh% EFG which is Elite right so the defense is there and so also wanted to look at right we all know right now uh Jaylen green is struggling and he is

Kind of the the guy that is a negative on the starters right now he is a big negative so I took out Jaylen to see what did they look like when they replace Jaylen with tar Jeff Green Aaron holiday and Aggregate and so let’s look at those possessions this has been

Happening more recently but in those possessions 187 possessions so significant look at the offense 120 points per possession in the in th in those games in those possessions on defense 104.6 that’s a plus 15 net differential so they’re 10 points uh per 100% better with Jaylen green off the court and then

The EFG is not super Elite only 52.6% but they’re scoring in in different ways and then the opponent EFG 47 47% I didn’t even drill this down to Tar e cuz the the sample size is kind of small but with tar it’s stupid it’s like plus 20 something um so you’re looking

At from the past like two drafts of the 2021 class and the 2022 class let’s assume let’s just give J Jaylen a little Grace let’s removing from the equation three out of your four players are playing at an elite level and they are with tar is 22 uh shanga is 21 Jabari is

20 and people are still going to say well you guys got Fred van Le and Dylan Brooks doing all the heavy no they’re not our best players are young our best players are the youngest guys on our team which is crazy right which is crazy there are nights where uh atar is better

Than Dylan Brooks right Fred is still like the floor General he is the guy that really drives what we do but what you want to see over time is the power shift from vets to young guys and this is what you are seeing over these past

Few games as you see Jabari and shenon kind of getting up in their play shanon’s been pretty consistent most of the Season had a rough patch in the month of December but I feel like he’s going to get rolling again remember I told you guys they’re going to hit a

Wall they’re going to hit a wall in the middle of December and like clockwork you know what I mean it happened because the level of play that they had is something that they are not used to on a night in Night Out basis so efficiency was definitely going to tank

The defense was going to tank but they’re going to catch a second breath at some point in time I still think they’re working things out right now um but they’re going to figure it out and after that All-Star break curtains it’s curtains for the league I think they’re

Going to go on a long run of beating teams um but you look at what I always use with the analogy of the of the uh training wheels on the bicycle right right now what you’re seeing is old coach email doas is getting his uh his

Ranch out to unscrew some of those some of those bolts off of that training wheel it’s not completely off yet we still need those training wheels we still need Fred Van vet we still need Dylan Brooks Jeff Green to come in and help us out but as time goes on you’ll

See those Wheels start to come off and where the young guys are going to be driving that bicycle they’re the ones that going to be pushing us to wind as time goes on maybe not fully this season but think about like these dudes are going to have a offseason to work out

And get better right for next year and then another one and then another one this is just the beginning man the Rockets are in a special place and these two players Jabari Smith Jr and alpr shenon are leveling up this is special don’t take it for granted don’t take it

For granted and once again let these kids grow bro they like they could have a bad three- game stretch coming up that doesn’t mean you want to trade them you want to like you know what I mean just let them grow we have to stop being so

Reactionary on a game- to game basis if you’re going to criticize a player criticize them on basketball stuff not about oh we need to like bro just criticize him like the video I made about shenon I criticized his defense because it was trash and but I also

Pointed out the team’s defense was trash and Coach adoka got out coach you know what I mean that’s not anything crazy that is reality let’s talk basketball less narratives less agendas basketball but the kids are doing what they’re supposed to do the Rockets are in the hunt for the playoffs and they’re

Going to keep pushing this thing going forward um really curious to see how they react because they have several back-to-backs coming up against some pretty good teams right um like I already told y’all we’re beating up on bad teams uh the teams that we’re struggling against are Elite which is

Expected how do they react to this cuz they got a bunch of games coming up I hope they do well you know I mean this is something I’m going to be looking out for and you guys need to go vote Al shanon to the all-star game okay if

You’re a Rockets fan and you’re not voting for your Center to make an All-Star team then you’re not a Rockets fan the link for the voting for the All-Star game is going to be in the description of this podcast and video go vote for Alp let’s get him into the

All-Star Game and this is not some cap like bro is really like one of the best centers in the NBA right now you know I mean all these run and dunk centers that people love they’re not doing anything you go look at their percentages yeah they’re shooting 80% because they’re

Being spoonfed the type of buckets that alpie and Jabari and our guys are getting are tough right eay likes to let guys isolate he’s going to let you hit your uh your mismatch and go take advantage of it on your own Merit not on some like oh we’re going to just keep

Lobbing to you so y’all need to go vote for Alin shenon into the allstar game let’s try to get him in this year don’t know if he’s going to make it I think he is an All-Star but we’ll see but what was your favorite part of the game has

Jabari and shanon’s chemistry surpris Ur any of you guys was this something that you guys saw developing I did but is this something that you saw once again if you’re new to the channel make sure you hit the Subscribe button and if you like this video hit the like button to

Show support so other people can be able to see this great content that we produce here on The Chop Shop happy holidays to um all of you guys make sure you spend time with your family keep rocking with The Chop Shop we going to keep dropping that Fire What

In this video I talk about the Rockets vs. Pelicans and the performances from Alperen Sengun and Jabari Smith Jr.! #nba #houstonrockets #alperensengun #jabarismithjr #zionwilliamson #neworleanspelicans

Alperen Sengun Allstar Voting: All Star ➡️

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  1. If Alpi does not perform well on a night, I am sure he is either tired or has some sickness. Otherwise he will definitely dominate.

  2. Alpi got to the free throw line 17 times but had the referees been a bit more careful, he would have gone there at least 20 times.

  3. Team needs another bech Center…Not Landale…Schedule is too Hard to handle 21 years dude…he tired after this efort …that is normal..He carried all team…I agree with you…

  4. Really love your insights and breakdown with stats and what stands out most for me is you explaining them and their impact in an understandable way..much appreciated kudos from a turk living in Germany

  5. These are two strong 6’11 whos doing splits pre game and sadako yoga. Im not worried health wise. 😂

  6. Here's what I don't like. Whenever Houston loses, Alperen is the most talked about in all the videos. He is soft, can't score, can't get rebounds, has low assists. This man is the best of his team in all data for 48 minutes. It is also among the top 15 EFF players in the league. I just wanted to say… After 2 bad game everybody talking very bad.. I am saying look at the 27 games

  7. Alpi is a helper perfect team player. He helped Tari,Bari andJelen….look at Deymond …toksik team player…

  8. We all know that anybody who knows to cut will create added value in the team when şengün is is looking with the ball in his hand. It is extra valuable if it is Jabari inside the arc or a good driver. We don't have that driver i believe. But time to time Dillon, VV , jabari saves the day with their shots. We need a shooter man. Alpi pls work on 3 pointers next off season.

  9. Love seeing Jabari and Goon developing their game right before our eyes. Jalen better figure something out quickly before he’s left behind. I’m rooting for the kid but he’s running out of excuses.

  10. wait, Jabari is playing 30 % of his talent, if he reaches 70-80 % he will be one of the best players, also Tari and Jalen , the time is not far.

  11. I am your witness Frank(voice of reason of the Rockets universe). You said it from day 1 about Alpi. We Turks love you bro. And all the toxic so called fans( and team Silas) who were scapegoating Alpi all these years… eat it slowly

  12. There was a play that im sad you didn’t show.

    At some point of the game we had a broken play that was going nowhere. Jabari has the ball, doesn’t panic, doesn’t force a tough shot, he dribbles back to the perimeter and calls Alpi for a p&r that leaves him wide open from midrange. It was KD-esque. His dribble is so much better and as he gets stronger it’s gonna be tougher and tougher to prevent him getting to his spots.

  13. It's ironic that while Stone cared about KPJ and Jalen and expected them to be the stars of the team, the front court, which he didn't care about, produced 2 real stars and KPJ and Jalen, whom he cared about, turned out to be garbage.

  14. ​Merry Christmas Frank. Love and respect from Turkey. Following you for 2.5 years. Beginning from draft night we were (Turks) so sure what he would bring to the Rockets organization. There was a guy named DEE. He was an Alpy hater troll all over the place. He has vanished. Never mind brainless radicals.

    Your analysis is spot on. Also objective. Keep up the good work man.

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