@Portland Trail Blazers

Trail Blazers Lose to Golden State Warriors + The Gift Every Portland Fan Needs

Trail Blazers Lose to Golden State Warriors + The Gift Every Portland Fan Needs

In today’s show the Blazers lose to the Warriors heading into their brief Christmas break we talk about Malcolm brogen’s play scoot Henderson’s minutes and a gift you can give yourself this holiday season welcome to locked on Blazers let’s get into it you are locked on Trailblazers your daily Portland Trailblazers podcast part

Of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what up world it’s your past first point guard and Trailblazers reporter Mike Richmond listen to another episode of Locked on Blazers part of the locked on podcast network available wherever you get Podcast and also on YouTube thanks for making the show your first

Listen coming at you each and every weekday Monday through Friday so start your days with it make it your first listen and tell your friends to do the same it’s locked on Blazers your team every day in today’s episode we’re going to talk about the Blazers loss in San

Francisco to the Golden State Warriors d drubbed by the dubs was uh maybe maybe something that was going to go in the rundown but I got rid of the alliteration they a game they were in it until they very very much weren’t we’ll recap that one we’ll talk about Malcolm

Brogen’s play and Scoot Henderson’s minutes and kind of the balance between what the Blazers are doing developing trying to win what are they chasing what sort of where they find themselves in this long middle third of the Season uh and then close the show um offering you

A gift you can give yourself uh full this is Christmas this is the Christmas episode it’s coming out this is the December 25th show for you uh full disclosure it’s like after 11:30 p.m. on Saturday evening December 23rd so maybe a little loopy late record for you but

It’ll be in your feeds Christmas Eve it’s it’s it’ll be um it’ll it’s the it’s going to stand in as the Christmas episode for you and this holiday season or this holiday weekend this Christmas weekend I want to offer you a gift you can give yourself because you know you

Know the best you know the best gifts are the ones that you you picked out for yourself who knows you better than you that’s what we’ll do to close the show but first let’s do what we do fastest recap in the west Blazers lose 126 106 uh hey didn’t start terrible weren’t

Terrible to start the game after you know a 10 turnover first quarter against Phoenix in a game they came back and won and then three turnovers in the first 90 seconds against wizard against the Wizards in a game they Trail wire to wire they’ve been the blaz been the

Worst first quarter Team all all year long the you know the the worst net rating of any team in the league in the first quarter and and I mentioned the last show wouldn’t surprise me if the Blazers came out with their hair on fire in the first quarter and they did they

Executed pretty darn well even the first play of the game The Warriors took them out of the initial action they wanted to run they got into a secondary action and got us got a bucket out of it who are these guys executing through executing through some some challenges to score

And they lead 30 to 23 after one and oh Anthony Simons found found DeAndre at and for a dunk they were getting out and running the warriors were turning the ball over the Blazers might just do it no they didn’t do it the second quarter was brutal Blazers out scored

3814 and go into the half down 4657 and then they were just doing the dance you’re familiar with uh they they if you’ve watched this team all year it’s kind of what they do they’re down eight they’re down 13 they’re down seven they’re down 13 they’re down eight

They’re down 12 they just they’re never quite in it but never quite out of it and they just did that for the next for the remainder of the third quarter they go into the fourth down 7789 a 12-point game and the Blazers broadcast puts up

This um the Taco Bell point of the game this giant graphic it’s a giant graphic on the screen this taken up like a third of the screen and it’s about the number of dunks that DeAndre aen had three seasons ago in the 2020 2021 season it’s

About how many lob dunks he had that long ago and that cursed graphic I have no idea what happened cuz I couldn’t see the screen because of this giant graphic the Blazers gave up a little a little 92 burst and from down from down 12 to down

17 that was basically it call the timeout they come in they come out of the timeout Jeremy Grant misses a jumper the the dub score on the other end they go up 19 and that’s your ball game uh but like that that accursed Taco Bell promo that included um that robbed us of

Seeing like a cool Outlet pass by the by The Warriors because it was just we really needed to see a large form graphic about how many dunks DeAndre Aon had three years ago that’s important to get on the program uh there mid play in the fourth quarter of a game uh and that

Made it a uh 17 that made it 17o deficit and that was that was a ball game it’s like they’re not coming back from that you know that monster the monster second quarter was really what did it but then you know it’s like down 12 on the road

Opening minutes of of of the quarter and you know 92 in the first 90 seconds you’re down 17 and and they don’t overcome it Blazers lose 126 106 uh Blazers actually kind of didn’t even really um make a real push but with four minutes and 38 seconds left Klay

Thompson hits a three to make it and push it back to 19 it been cut to 16 briefly and chony Bops empties his bench finishing game with Skyler Mae scoot Henderson Ryan ruper Chris Murray and Jabari Walker um I was hoping I was hoping to see some shades of rupair uh Brilliance

But U I’m not sure we saw that and then we got a little ish Wayne W about a minute later to close out the game that’s your fastest recap in the west Blazers lose 126 106 to the box score we go 25 for Anthony Simons seven of 13

From three 0 of four from two a weird game for Anthony I I will say I thought he shot it well but his offense seemed a little Hollow I I I think uh the Warriors did a really good job of sending two to the ball they just said

Okay when he’s when he’s on the ball we’re going to trap him and it’s just going to be anybody else and we’re going to make DeAndre Aon be a decision maker in the middle of the court and then we’re going to you know we’ll help there

And you can swing it and we’re just like we will lose if Jeremy Grant and Tani Kamara and matis thel and Malcolm brogen hit threes off of that pick and roll action like we’re going to just we’re going to play Three Guys guarding two in in the pick and roll action because

We’re going to trap and then we’re going to help on on the roll and that took him out of it like that Blaze just couldn’t get couldn’t make him pay um couldn’t make him pay Aon is not like the ideal partner in that position but um he’s

Going to be in that a lot so him getting better at it is going to be crucial 25 uh 252 and two for a diamonds uh 17 12 17 points six boards 12 assists for Malcolm Brogden was good it was good uh more about him in in the second set

Malcolm Brock played well um DeAndre 13 points six boards 17 from Jeremy Grant who was just one of four from three they kind of just need Jeremy Grant to score like 25 that that’s kind of what they need they need him like in that you know

I think he averages 22 a game they need him in that 20 20 they need him to score above his average to like win um that that that’s kind of they need him to have a big night when they’ve won in the in recent game since he’s he’s been hyp

This like the hyper efficient Jeremy Grant Knights if he’s going to go five for 12 for 17 it’s like it’s not even necessarily a bad game but it’s not good enough for what they need uh tomari gar six uh scoot Henderson 12 Off the Bench only three of those came in garbage time

You had nine kind of in the Run of play matis thel five didn’t shoot well one of five from three uh Jabari Walker had five scoreless night for duop reath and then in some garbage time scy ma one Chris Murray two and ish Wayne Wright

Came in and hit a three in the final three and a half minutes on the Warriors side Klay Thompson led the way with 28 and hit 63 Steph Curry 27 uh Brandon Pinsky 15 10 boards seven assists he does everything plays like kind of plays on the ball so Steph can

Play off the ball um he’s he’s good he’s kind of like um he’s just he’s just a he’s what they needed without getting too too deep into it Six Points 11 rebounds seven assists for cavon Looney 11 and and six and five dimes for Jonathan kaminga 13 and five for Trace

Jackson Davis Off the Bench Moses Moody had 11 Off the Bench Dario Char had eight and uh two points 11 assists for a very funny very classic old man Chris Paul game um you know the game ended the game the game ended in the opening

Minutes of I’m I’m I guess I’m mad about the Taco Bell thing I’m really just kidding about it because I was like hey what happened and then they called a timeout I was like they’re down 17 what um I was too distracted by DeAndre and dunks from three years ago to figure out

What was going on and it like blew up a highlight play for the Warriors so I couldn’t I just literally didn’t see what happened um so I’m wiing about it but like you know the the second quarter the Warriors who offense was quiet and

Kind of bad in in the um in that first quarter and some of it was turnovers and I thought the Blazers played well um and then the Blazers offense just kind of wilted they stopped making shots the Warriors are good at home they’re good home team their problems

Have been they can’t win on the road um they’ve been they’ve been totally reasonable as a as a home team and you know they they got going Steph Curry got going and then he kind of he got the crowd into it and they just they they kind of overwhelmed him and then stiff

Armed him from there but you know I don’t think this was a game in which some you know there’s been some games recently where let me be totally clear against the Wizards it was like how are they playing this poorly I don’t I didn’t get that sense from from the

Warriors this was maybe deflating because it was like oh they’re just not as good as Golden State like they can’t they’re like they’re not going to get be able to get back into this one they can’t make a sustained push they can’t really threaten him they’re just kind of

Getting like I said just Heisman Trophy just like stiff armed the whole the whole game but like it wasn’t necessarily um I don’t think this was like this was wasn’t disheartening I didn’t come away thinking like oh this team needs to bring it it’s just like

They kind of got out talented they need to make they need to make a little bit they need to make some more shots um and they just had a stinker second quarter and then and then like a decisive little burst to to open the fourth and couldn’t

Couldn’t couldn’t get back in it but it wasn’t like they were cutting into the lead anyways they were kind of just like that little burst was the difference and then they kind of played him even from there you know they went from it’s like o we’re down 17 and then they were down

17 for the rest of the quarter uh that that that was I I I didn’t come away from this game um thinking like I came away from the Wizards game thinking like uh oh I didn’t come away with no uh oh from this one it’s just like oh yeah hey

The Blazers aren’t very good this is this will happen that wasn’t very fun where are I’m rooting for the fun games but like the number that stands out to me in the box score is that Malcolm Brogden played 37 minutes and Scoot Henderson played 23 minutes and um what’s the

Point when you lose by 20 what’s the point let’s talk about the point and why it’s happening and why it’s probably going to keep happening in the second segment join me there won’t you oh All rights so I don’t think broadly speaking that it is a particularly big deal that Malcolm

Brogden played 37 minutes and Scoot Henderson played 23 minutes this is game 28 of an 82 Game season um you know scoot hasn’t even played 20 games yet in the league he’s he’s he’s pushing up there you know he’s about to hit that Mark so won’t be but won’t be that true

For long and and Malcolm brogon was cooking he was really good and he was um the Blazers need the way they were guarding the ball they needed another shooter on the wing and they need they need that secondary playmaking they need sort of his veteran Savvy on um on how

To make plays you know he shows the ball really big on pump fakes and gets himself into the paint he attacks well and under control he can score from a couple different levels and he can shoot he can shoot like he didn’t shoot particularly well from

From three in this game one of four but he can make little mid-range pull-ups like he has some um he has he has some utility as a guy who can shoot a little bit off the dribble and then that’s super helpful and the playmaking is super helpful 12 assists like he gets

Folks going and gets finds guys in the right spot and in Rhythm and he can he can handle pressure and things like that so like like I said in the in the very broad P like at 30,000 ft no one notices at when you’re on your from

That’s the airplane level when you are rolling along on your um I was going to say Razor scooter but I probably shouldn’t use a scooter metaphor for scoot when you’re when you’re when you’re inline skating along and you’re right up against the concrete it does maybe see seem like the like scoot isn’t

Playing enough but I think at like you know below whatever at like Zeppelin height it’s like I don’t it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter and then that’s and I think like I think that’s true the Malcolm brog playing 37 minutes and a 20-point loss and Scoot only playing 23 he’s like

It doesn’t really matter and it’s probably going to stay this way because this is what coaches do coaches you know I I mentioned um if you’re if you’re a long if you’re an everyday listener I hope you are shout out to my every dayers like in the preseason that that that I thought

Jeremy Grant was going to play like 38 minutes a night in these games because of um just like being a low screw up guy compared to the people who play behind him and coaches are always going to lean on Veterans who don’t screw up because they’re trying to win like coaches are

Trying to win um you know it’s it’s probably not great for johy bulbs said he’s 7- 21 this year like at some point it’s a zero some game if you if you lose enough you do no longer have a job I don’t think chant is specifically going

Be judged by wins and losses and in fact at some point Chanty might be judged by losing effectively into the future when we get to the spring but like um but so so I don’t think it’s like you know chy bus is playing malcol brogen because he’s a better fit as a shooter

Off the ball against the defense golden state is playing he’s playing Malcolm Brogden because he’s a better basketball player than scoot Henderson he’s playing Malcolm Brogden because he he’s just vets give coaches Comfort they have seen more stuff they can make better decisions you don’t have to teach them

Stuff they’re not going to forget plays they’re you know if if they might they might be worse but they’re not going to um they have the institutional knowledge they just have you don’t have to hold their hand as much right there’s just a lot less handholding in general that’s

Good that’s good that that’s good stuff right um it totally makes sense and Malcolm Brogden when he’s on the team is likely going to play a great a big chunk of minutes and he’s probably going to play more than scoot Henderson in perpetuity until he’s no longer on the team whatever that

Means and I don’t think that like I said A zeppelin height I don’t think that’s that big of a deal but it locked on Blazers and probably if you’re listening to this on Christmas you’re not at Zeppelin height you’re on the inline skates and and I want to meet you down

Here and I want to grind some rails with you and I don’t know what else do you do on inline skates cruise down the the boardwalk B what’s Boardwalk it for a second the point of this Blazer season is development the the the the the the most important headline from the player

Season is the development of the young players and I don’t think that scoot Henderson needs to be the one playing 37 minutes and Malcolm Brock needs to play the 22 being the one who plays 23 I don’t I think that’s fine like if they did do that that’s fine with me again

Zeppelin height no one cares but like um uh but like scoot needs to play more than this he needs to play 28 is I think that’s that would be ideal for me is the difference in the long run of scoot’s career playing 28 minutes versus 23 minutes in a December

Game does that is it going to matter no probably not probably not that’s why I said like but but for for the purposes of what this Blazers team is are is doing I think it would be better to have scoot fail a little bit more often than

Have Malcolm Brogden be out there a bunch you know I think like baked into this is anre Sim is just going to play 35 minutes and that’s fine he’s 24 he’s really good he’s it’s it’s like he’s and they kind of got to figure out what it

Is like at some point they have to um one of the reasons you don’t move off anrey Simons is because scoot Henderson doesn’t look like a very good basketball player right now and you have tons of time to wait on that to develop but like you aren’t making decisions about your

Much much more talented 24 yearold he needs to play and play a bunch it’s Malcolm Brogden who’s under you know who they just traded before the season and is likely to be out you know not on this team after the trade deadline or even if

He is with one year more year left on his contract he’s you know he’s significantly older he’s not part of the long-term plans even if he’s part of the next two seasons plans right um significally older than scoot he’s 31 he’s a young man uh but like I

Think it would be nice if you just played Scoot a little bit more if you just played him a little bit more for all the reasons I mentioned like play him off the ball in a trapping defense and things don’t go well and is maybe an

Argument to be made that giving Scoot a bunch of chances to fail is maybe what uh could hurt his confidence or could or could be sort of detrimental because it’s not positive minutes but I don’t really you know it’s on bips obviously much closer than I am just like some

Dude in his basement but uh like if playing five more minutes wouldn’t completely devastate scoots psyche because he would fail a little bit more often um I think it would be be better for the overall health of the franchise if he played more minutes that’s the inline skate level it

Would be better if scoop played more minutes and like he played a minute of of little of little like mini garbage time like he he stayed in from like the 4 and a half minute Mark to the three and a half minute Mark and then and then departed um so like I don’t

Know technically he only played 22 minutes of real basketball of like of the like run of play when they were trying to win basketball that’s not ideal Malcolm BR played a kajillion minutes in a game that they were you know down a bunch to um early in the fourth quarter you know

It’s like and they ended up losing by 20 I think you could flip it a little bit and I think it’ be better I think the the overall health of the franchise will be better if scoot Henderson gets more opportunity to fail not the team will be better they’ll probably lose more

They’ll be probably significantly worse in scoots minutes than they would in Malcolm brogen’s minutes but the point is the developments and at the inline skate level punting the development to lose by a little bit less three times a week seems like a mistake to me seems like a mistake not a

Big one not a big not this isn’t an indictment I think a lot of folks like when the when when teams lose you want to turn on someone it seems like the fan base turn on John BS a little bit I don’t think of the of the many

Criticisms of Bops that are warranted I don’t think like I wish he played scoot four more minutes is like it’s on the list for sure it’s on the list for sure I’ll put it I’ll put it up there for sure but it’s not um it’s wouldn’t be

One of my sort of major complaints that we that I Lodge by any means um I don’t think this changes in the in the near- term I think if Malcolm brogs on the team he’s going to play and he going to play more minutes than Scoot

And he’s going to be more effective and he’s going to earn those minutes in the coach’s eyes because he’s just a better basketball player and he’s going to help his you know and I think the real argument here is that his being on the court helps amre Simons do what he does

And it helps deand rton do what he does and if you think those are core pieces of what’s next and I think probably are um it’s like then helping them get positive minutes matters and having Malcolm Brogden help them get positive minutes because of his skill set

Matching up matters here’s what I would argue if you don’t find out whether Anthony Simons and Scoot Henderson and DeAndre Aiden can play together and you don’t find out to give them chances at like aggressive chances at reps to figure out what it looks like he didn’t use the

Minutes of this season a season where winning doesn’t matter effectively and at some point winning will matter so use the SE use the minutes that don’t matter which is like largely a developmental season use them now use them now again we’re talking about 5 minutes in a basketball

Game this ain’t the end of the world but I would say it is noticeable in the box score some of you many of you um will listen to this in and around the Christmas gift giving season if you are someone who celebrates Christmas in their house and if you’re someone who

Does a gift exchange on Christmas there’s many many different ways to to do it and there’s plenty of people who don’t celebrate it at all but if you give yourself if you receive give and receive gifts this this time of year you know you know who gives the best gifts and

That’s you on payday that’s you on payday when you have the money to buy yourself what you want nobody gives you a better gift than what you want but than you because you know what you want so I get a gift idea that you can give yourself in the third

Segment join me there won’t you still aath first point guard I’m still Mike Richmond you’re still listening to lockon Blazers it’s a season of giving and I have a gift idea for you let me do this with a little bit of preface this is a projoy podcast I one of my big

Beliefs um about life in general and sports um for sure is that you got to hold on to your joy when when when something gives you Joy and something positive happens you got to cling tightly to it because life is challenging and there are going to be mishaps and missteps around other

Corners so when you have a joyful moment cling tightly to it relish and sit in that joy and say oh this feels good I’m enjoying myself I have enjoyment here with either with myself or with the people I love or or whatever it may be my favorite basketball

Team my main man sh whatever it is hold on to your joy and I wanted to I wanted to record this show and um and want to say okay well here’s a reason that you can find Joy this this holiday season and I don’t think the

Team is void of Joy like um andry Simons has been a very very very good offensive player when he’s been on the court excellent offensive player when he’s been on the courts uh shadon sharp has had stretches where he looks like he’s going to be really special scoot

Henderson has had moments where you can see a player breaking through the cracks uh Jeremy Grant’s having the best shooting season of his career tman Kamara has been just an absolute find in the second round like a revelation coming out of of how deep he was drafted

The 52nd pick in the draft it’s like there are there are reasons to be to be thankful do breath is is a very fun bench player matis thel has kind of learned how to shoot while wearing a Blazer’s uniform there’s like there are there are there are undeniable reasons

Uh to be to find Joy with this team so I I don’t think this team is void of Joy but I would be just straight bsing you if I was like here are five reasons that I find Joy with the Trailblazers like this week this time after this game that’s

Just I mean let’s let’s let me let me let me keep it a buck there are times that I BS you on this podcast with positivity because I started taking this podcast pretty seriously in the in um in the summer of 2020 and the Blazers have mostly sucked since then so um I

I’ve I’ve chased I’ve chased positivity when it hasn’t been there right like I’m not I’m not I’m not above that right but right now that feels um silly it’s it’s like I’m I don’t want to BS you this time of year I don’t want to do that

Right now because um I think Honesty is is a gift that you dear listener have earned because you’re listening to this the 7 and 21 Portland trible listen to a podcast about the 7 and 21 Portland trible ages on freaking Christmas weekend so you don’t yeah not going to

Lie to you I love you you’re amazing I want to offer you a gift idea though a gift you can give yourself because you give yourself the best gifts you know it you know it because when you go to the store and buy the thing you want that’s the best gift you didn’t

Want that weird book you got it’s a nice book you’re going to read it probably join a little bit but it’s not like you want to you want you want the thing you want so give yourself a gift wrap it up put it under the tree if you’re not a tree

Person leave it somewhere special for yourself if you’re not a wrapping person put it in a bag you’re not a bag person leave it in his original box just put it out in the kitchen counter who cares the gift you should give yourself is patience it’s probably going to be a rough One Aaron mesh the editor of the wamit week says that the Blazer’s job is to keep you entertained until the weather gets nice their role in our society and our community is to provide a source of entertainment when it’s dark and wet we live in a dark and wet place and during

The basketball season it’s the darkest and the wetest and then the Blazers Entertain You the weather gets nice you can go do other things I’m not 100% sure right now the Blazers are doing that credit to Mr mesh but I’m not I don’t think they’re doing that right now there are moments that

Are that are fun like the Suns game was fun they played they played pretty well to win that game it was a nice nice little win but you know they’ve been they’ve been they’ve been stumbling they’ve been stumbling and I think they’re going to continue to stumble

Because they just they’re a little light on talent and by a little light on talent I just mean they’re light on Talent ENT so what you should give yourself if you’re in the spirit of giving is patience patience to know that this season was this this like this 7 and 21

Season the worst you know a bottom three offense a defense that’s that is dropping towards the bottom 10 in the league like this season was part of the plan there’s a chance that the last two seasons were part of the plan too and it was just like it’s been a a gross ride

To get here but this specifically was part of the plan they wanted it to be different heck they wanted to start shoot scoot at at point guard and like really really go forward with youth didn’t work out St the other young guy Shaden sharp when he’s healthy he’ll

Be back in that starting lineup guarantee at next anony Simons he will have the gam will be more enjoyable with more shade and sharp he’s been the probably the bright spot of the season is the games that he’s played really well Plus all of the energy that tman Kamar plays

With but they’re not going to rip off a bunch of wins and they’re not going to probably drastically change their stripes they might trade Malcolm Brogden and when they do hopefully they get back some players who can contribute immediately and a draft pick out of it and hopefully those players fit a

Little bit better and you can move forward and the roster makes more sense and there’s more more reason to to enjoy this team but you got to give the gift of patience because scoot Henderson’s not quite ready he just not ready to be an NBA player and um whatever they were hoping

DeAndre Aon would become hasn’t totally clicked yet and you haven’t seen enough of what this Shaden Anthony Simon scoot Trio either on the court at the same time or as a three guard rotation could look like to make you know sort of value judgments like strong value judgments about the

Future you can say I maybe don’t I maybe don’t like this but you don’t have enough strong data to say here’s here this here’s why we know this and this and this or here’s what we would need to here’s what would have to be like these

Would have to be the situation for it to work and all those things so you got to be patient because you need they need to collect a little more data they need to grow a little more they need to be seasoned a little more so look under your tree or on your

Kitchen counter or or a place that’s meaningful to you your gift altar at home unwrap patience and give it to yourself because if you’re listening to this podcast at this time of year about this particular team the thing that you could do for yourself is not be impatient with

Progress neither linear nor guaranteed but certainly a slow-going effort progress is going to take time and you got to give them patience and and you don’t oh that doesn’t mean that you need to say like I believe in Joe Cronin or like chony bips can do it or or or whatever

Like you don’t you don’t need you don’t need to to you don’t need to buy in necessarily but you need to know that this is the longest stretch of the season the post Christmas to the all-star break that middle thirdd this is the long third this is the long third

This is the beginning of the season you excited okay all right end of the season you kind of know what you are and you and and it’s downhill and the weather’s getting nice and as mesh says you can move on to other things but this is the

This is the season when you need the Blazers to provide you entertainment and this is the season where the reality of their season sets in and they play every other day for two and a half more months until they get a break and it’s like

Oh I see it’s not two and a half more months it’s a month and a half rather but it’s like 7 weeks post Christmas to the to the all-star break and it’s a long haul so give yourself patience because we’re going to learn some stuff about this team but we’re also going to

Watch them probably get their butt whooped some nights keep that keep your eyes a little deeper on the horizon because um down here at inline skate level we feel the bumps of the boardwalk and that’s what I’m going to do with you here going to feel the bumps of the

Boardwalk you could yall know I grew up in the American South we had we have we had boardwalks on our beaches and inline skates that’s how old I am I’ll be here to feel the bumps with you to walk you through them and hopefully have have a little fun doing

It you know stupid inline skating metaphors an extended thought about gifts all kinds of all kinds of nonsense and hopefully we can figure out some basketball stuff and learn some lessons from the blazes on the way and have it more make make I want this show to be

More fun make it more fun for you to watch a team that’s not good I don’t want to promise that they’re good and I don’t want to yell about them being bad I want to enjoy whatever it happens the bumps with you so come back and do that with me not

Only this week but weeks into the future because you’re going to gift yourself some patience going to gift yourself some patience this is Christmas the show like I said I’m recording it uh it’s now after midnight we made it to we made it to Christmas Eve but it’s going to be in

Your feeds on Christmas Eve it’s going to be on YouTube on Christmas Eve this is the Christmas show this is this December 25th show I’m not going to record a podcast over the next two days unless like I don’t know big news happens I’ll like be I’ll ruin my family’s Christmas to

Record a podcast no I’ll just record a podcast really late at night again um but like barring that there’s not going to be one in your feed on December 26th but that night that’s Tuesday the Blazers play the Kings at home I will have a podcast for you after that when

Then later this week they play the uh SAC the Sacramento Spurs the San Antonio Spurs with with uh Victor wanyama so we’ll get to see wemi in person uh if you’re if you’re lucky enough or WBY on your t ision if you’re if if you’re tuning in uh more shows

This week four of them everywhere get podcasts and also on YouTube do me a favor if you made it this deep into the podcast at least brag to a friend about your basketball addiction and if you could be so kind tell them to check out the show as well I appreciate you

Listening I’ll talk to you Soon

A holiday edition of the podcast where the Trail Blazers lost to the Golden State Warriors and Malcolm Brogdon played a lot. Then we close the show with the perfect gift idea for every Locked On Blazers listener.

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  1. Imagine if the “nonscorers?” didn’t stand around with the ball in the air instead of the “scorers?” using their screen potential, I saw Camara, Thybulle and Reath do that several times. Then there’s Deandre Butterfinger, how can you “dominayton” if you don’t expect every freakin’ pass!?🤡

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